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How the media hides obama's gaffes


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
The New York Times transcript has the following quote:

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. Founder of the Republican Party. But in the middle of a civil war, he was also a leader who looked to the future -- a Republican President who mobilized government to build the Transcontinental Railroad -- (applause) -- launch the National Academy of Sciences, set up the first land grant colleges. (Applause.) And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

But how does it appear in the PBS transcript?

"We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. But in the middle of a Civil War, he was also a leader who looked to the future - a Republican president who mobilized government to build the transcontinental railroad; launch the National Academy of Sciences; and set up the first land grant colleges. And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set."

It emerged in 1854 to combat the Kansas Nebraska Act

Alvan E. Bovay, a Ripon politician, suggested to his old friend Horace Greeley, editor of the widely read New York Tribune, that "Republican" would be a good name. It was the name of Jefferson's party, and it emphasized a commitment to republican values as expounded by the Founding Fathers. Greeley agreed, and the name caught on

The party initially had its base in the Northeast and Midwest. The party launched its first national convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in February 1856, with its first national nominating convention held in the summer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

John C. Frémont ran as the first Republican nominee for President in 1856, using the political slogan: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men,

Lincoln's second campaign in 1834 was successful. He won election to the state legislature; though he ran as a Whig, many Democrats favored him over a more powerful Whig opponent. From the early 1830s, Lincoln was a steadfast Whig and professed to friends in 1861 to be, "an old line Whig, a disciple of Henry Clay In late 1854, Lincoln ran as a Whig for the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois. Lincoln wrote, "I think I am a Whig, but others say there are no Whigs,

Drawing on remnants of the old Whig party, and on disenchanted Free Soil, Liberty, and Democratic party members, he was instrumental in forging the shape of the new Republican Party

oh those pesky facts.. technically Lincoln is more like the tea parties Demint.. he stepped into a grassroots movement and made himself instrumental in forging the shape.

I think politician Demint hijacked the tea party.. but that is only my opinion.

I would say Founding father might not be the correct term.. but in reference to history.. it isn't really wrong..
I was watching a clip of President Bush, and President Obama at the Sept 11 memorial.

Bush accompanied by Laura and his daughters stood next to President Obama and first lady Michelle.

Laura bush and Michelle stood next to each other in the middle.. at a point Laura appeared to say something to Michelle.. who turned and walked away to the other side of the group..

after what looked like an uncomfortable moment the Bush family walked away...

is it me or are the Obamas about as cold as a person could get?
Steve said:
I was watching a clip of President Bush, and President Obama at the Sept 11 memorial.

Bush accompanied by Laura and his daughters stood next to President Obama and first lady Michelle.

Laura bush and Michelle stood next to each other in the middle.. at a point Laura appeared to say something to Michelle.. who turned and walked away to the other side of the group..

after what looked like an uncomfortable moment the Bush family walked away...

is it me or are the Obamas about as cold as a person could get?

The Obama's blame George W Bush for everything that has gone wrong with Barak's Presidency. Absolutely none of the Administrations failures were brought on by HIS INCOMPETENCE. His unwillingness to listen to the voters had no effect on his popularity. :roll: His continued campaign speechs that over promised and under delivered had no effect. :roll: Her countless expensive trips around the world had no effect either. :roll: :roll: IT WAS ALL GW BUSH'S FAULT. :wink: :roll:

So ask yourself why would Michelle want to speak to the wife of the man SHE BLAMES for her husband's failures? If the Obama's (BOTH OF THEM) would except His/their failures and stop blaming others for them they could again look a person in the eye and speak without SHAME.

The fact Laura spoke to the wife of the guy that has spent the last 2 1/2 years blaming her husband from everything shows she has more class than Michelle will ever have.
Steve said:
I was watching a clip of President Bush, and President Obama at the Sept 11 memorial.

Bush accompanied by Laura and his daughters stood next to President Obama and first lady Michelle.

Laura bush and Michelle stood next to each other in the middle.. at a point Laura appeared to say something to Michelle.. who turned and walked away to the other side of the group..

after what looked like an uncomfortable moment the Bush family walked away...

is it me or are the Obamas about as cold as a person could get?

The two first ladies bridged a political divide of sorts with their joint appearance, even if that was not their aim, at a time when divisiveness on the political landscape appears more intractable than ever. Even though the two first ladies were invited to speak at the ceremony separately, they warmly shared the stage.

Bush complimented Obama for serving the country “with such grace,” while Obama thanked Bush “not just for her moving words today, but for being such a source of love and support for the families of Flight 93 and for all her work to help our nation heal in the days and months after the attack.”

An hour before the ceremony started, Obama and Bush embraced and met privately for 15 minutes in a tent just off the crash site, aides said. “It was a very warm greeting,” one aide said.

After their meeting, both women met with family members individually and posed for pictures. Obama and Bush also joined the families in viewing the crash site from an overlook, aides said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/42014.html#ixzz1XhKxCUZc

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