I understand how you feel Tex, but I still don't think the numbers will add up when you do the math.
The money in this country was never, and is not still, in the pockets of uber-rich....it's in the pockets of the vast middle class because they far outweigh all others percentage-wise.
Also, you make this comment:
Tex said:
The majority of people in the middle class have not had the wage increases while the "uber rich" have increased theirs and received tax breaks.
My belief is that from John F. Kennedy on down everyone has received a break in one form or another via lower tax rates....just look at where all rates were at one time versus where they are today.
Also, when almost 1 out of every 2 American households today pay ZERO federal income tax, it's hard for me to wrap my brain around how much the middle class suffers because the uber-rich are getting a tax break.
My personal opinion is that with the globalization of economies, jobs moving rapidly, and in force, from one region or one country to another, many formerly well-paying jobs in manufacturing are no longer based in America. America has transitioned to much more of a service economy over the years. I'm saying it's wrong, or right, I'm saying it's what I believe has happened.
So, in summary, to me the problem has little to do with the uber-rich getting tax breaks. With or without tax breaks the uber-rich always have the means by which they can protect their assets.....and they will use those means....it's logical and as long as it's legal, no one should complain that they don't pay their fair share.
America once protected its borders, both physical and economic. It no longer does either. The benefit of not protecting its borders economically is that Americans can by all the cheap gizmos they want that are manufactured in third world countries around the globe. The downside is that manufacturing jobs that once employed Americans to build those same gizmos are no longer based in America.
The benefit to certain employers and to many politicians for not protecting America's physical borders today is a steady stream of low-cost labor and predictable, growing blocks of peoples that can be exploited for votes.
To me, this seems simple. I see America experiencing loss of jobs and manufacturing base at the same time government entitlements and government employment are balloning. Take every dime out of the pocket of every uber-rich American this year and I still bet that within a few years the system will collapse nonetheless because it cannot be sustained any longer.
It's a house of cards and it's coming down unless someone grows the balls to stop it.