I wonder if the Tea Party didnt make a mistake by allowing the republicans to align themselves with them. Yes they have some big names attached to their movement, but those same names are also sporting a capitol r by their names. It seems now that their is more distance between the Tea Party and the mainstream GOP than there is between the Republicans and Democrats. Am I way off base here?
the Tea Party was for the most part conservatives, wanting more fiscal conservatism, and more efforts to follow the Constitution.. and favored states rights..
then along came the new leaders.. for some reason they looked about the same as the old leaders.. and now many who supported the ideals of the tea party are asking the same questions you are asking...
who put those guys back in charge?
If the tea party expects to change anything they must find viable candidates to challenge incumbents in the primaries.. but few politicians with any brains have the guts to buck the party leadership..
I still believe in the ideals of the Tea Party, but as with most am disillusioned with the politics.. I am glad the new freshmen are at least trying to shake up the old guard.. not that change ever comes to DC, but with constant challenges to the status quo, some progress might be seen..