David Stockman:
America will need the Almighty's favor if Donald Trump becomes our 45th President. Still, blessed be The Donald for running a demolition derby in the Republican primaries. There is no hope for the future of capitalist prosperity and a free society unless the Republican Party is destroyed, and by golly Trump may well accomplish the deed.
We need to be clear. There is no longer a Republican Party rooted in the main street highways and byways of America. What's left of it is not even the xenophobic, nativist, crypto-racist flotsam and jetsam of the populist right that The Donald is successfully calling to arms.
The fact is, the GOP has mutated into the War Party. Nestled comfortably in the Imperial City, it operates special interest rackets to underwrite its incumbency. It idles its time conjuring and embellishing scary stories about terrorist threats alleged to be stalking the planet and creeping onto these exceptional shores.
Once upon a time, by contrast, the GOP actually stood for free markets, fiscal rectitude, hard money and minimalist government. Calvin Coolidge did a pretty good job of it. And even the unfairly besmirched Warren G. Harding got us out of the foreign intervention business