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Is now a good time for OT to bring up....

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Remind me did Bush show up for a couple photo ops after Katrina and then fly off to a campaign rally? :?
Were there thousands of people without homes and facing a winter storm and freezing temps, while Bush was out campaigning to stay living in the nice warm White House? :?

But I do have to say at least Obama took more time away from the campaign trail over Sandy than he did over STEVENS BEING KILLED IN A TERRORIST ATTACK. :x
OT could bring it up,.. but most in the northeast couldn't see it anyways.. without power..

when they do get power back and they see what is said on the news they tend to be a bit upset..

Anger Over Hurricane Sandy Relief Grows:

Hurricane Sandy victims overflowing with anger about the alleged lack of help from FEMA and the Red Cross could mean a decrease in support for President Barack Obama on Election Day. The Huffington Post reports that although Obama initially received praise for his handling of the massive disaster, many storm victims are boiling over with fury because they are still without adequate food, clothing, and heat.

There's been no assistance. Everything we have the public has given to us, they bought it at Home Depot. None of it came from the city or government. Every day the smell gets worse."

Hurricane Sandy victim Jodi Hannula had this to say to CBS New York about the boots on the ground aid:

"Red Cross is here with hot chocolate and cookies. We need blankets, we need pillows, we need clothing. We can get hot chocolate and cookies, we need help!"

where is M to tell them to just eat your cookies and be happy.. (wait.. is that granola cookies,.. nope.. sugar free cocoa,.. nope)

Well at least some folk had free fuel.. (just not those in need)

Elaine Kelley at the FEMA headquarters in Washington was unable to clear up the mystery about where all the fuel has gone.

don't worry, the check is in the mail.. :?

Victim Lauren Parks stated the aid has come from neighbors helping each other, that there is no one there from relief agencies to help. Cathy Murphy stated that she did make contact with FEMA, and was told that they would be mailing her a check. Murphy is worried about receiving the check since the post office would have to maneuver along storm damaged roads to make it to her home.

want some good news..

Alpharetta group making 450K meals a day for Sandy victims

That's the most meals the group has had to make in more than 50 years of disaster relief. Mike Ebert with the North American Mission Board

Ebert says all of their mobile kitchens east of the Mississippi River are standing by, ready to move into the 13-state storm battered area.

who is the North American Mission Board ?..
Southern Baptist cooks were turned away because the Red Cross & FEMA would not furnish bulk food to cook for hot meals.

They shipped in meals ready to eat instead.

Red Cross needs to be run out of existence................... FEMA too.
Mike said:
Southern Baptist cooks were turned away because the Red Cross & FEMA would not furnish bulk food to cook for hot meals.

They shipped in meals ready to eat instead.

Red Cross needs to be run out of existence................... FEMA too.

Leave the Federal tax revenue with the states, as Romney has suggested.
so what they are saying is a "private" christian group can gear up and provide 450,000 meals a day.. and volunteers to cook them..

yet FEMA and the red cross can't provide enough logistics to accommodate the resources..

maybe that is the "private organizations" that can do it better faster and cheaper... . Romney speaks of ,.. or in liberal terms..NGOs

maybe if Romney had said NGO's the liberals wouldn't have had such a fit?
FEMA wants liberal meals..

Ineptitude in FEMA food purchasing continues

FEMA is requiring the commercial meals (MRE) to be "self hating".

The request went out at 4:30 pm today, with a response time no later than three hours later. Yesterday, PPRN reported that two million meals were needed to be delivered by tomorrow for distribution in the same locations.

The Agency is looking for 333,000 to be delivered to each location over a two day period 7-8 Nov 2012, and a delivery of 334,000 on 9 Nov 2012.

Recently stories have FEMA ordering more water as they have run out. However, FEMA has also had to order:

300 – 9/12 kw120 volt single phase generators

vendor should report if they can provide one 5 gallon fuel can with each generator.

To be delivered by noon tomorrow to New Jersey.

83,625 cases of baby formula for distribution to food banks.

200, 000 gallons of fuel for multiple locations in New Jersey and New York – Fuel type not disclosed.

The Department of Homeland Security – the masters of FEMA, have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on ammunition for training, and it appears to have been caught with their shorts around the ankles when it comes to disaster preparedness.

seems everyone is still a critic of poor ol FEMA..
Steve said:
FEMA wants liberal meals..

Ineptitude in FEMA food purchasing continues

FEMA is requiring the commercial meals (MRE) to be "self hating".

The request went out at 4:30 pm today, with a response time no later than three hours later. Yesterday, PPRN reported that two million meals were needed to be delivered by tomorrow for distribution in the same locations.

The Agency is looking for 333,000 to be delivered to each location over a two day period 7-8 Nov 2012, and a delivery of 334,000 on 9 Nov 2012.

Recently stories have FEMA ordering more water as they have run out. However, FEMA has also had to order:

300 – 9/12 kw120 volt single phase generators

vendor should report if they can provide one 5 gallon fuel can with each generator.

To be delivered by noon tomorrow to New Jersey.

83,625 cases of baby formula for distribution to food banks.

200, 000 gallons of fuel for multiple locations in New Jersey and New York – Fuel type not disclosed.

The Department of Homeland Security – the masters of FEMA, have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on ammunition for training, and it appears to have been caught with their shorts around the ankles when it comes to disaster preparedness.

seems everyone is still a critic of poor ol FEMA..

I thought the advantage of having FEMA, was to have some sort of "central planning" and preparation. :roll:
'There's No Food, No Heat, No Water, No Toilets, No FEMA, No Red Cross, No Help at All For Almost a Week'

Stranded New Yorker: "People Are Defecating in the Hallways"

"We have nothing in our refrigerator….We're just sitting there in an empty house waiting for people to do something…You go to the FEMA website and you can't get through"

the agency appears to have been completely unprepared to distribute bottled water to Hurricane Sandy victims when the storm hit this Monday. In contrast to its stated policy, FEMA failed to have any meaningful supplies of bottled water -- or any other supplies, for that matter -- stored in nearby facilities as it had proclaimed it would on its website. This was the case despite several days advance warning of the impending storm.

so basically the plan was to have strategic stores of disaster supplies staged and ready to be deployed.. yet an urgent order for emergency meals.. (4 million per day) went out..

and they ran out of water and gas days ago... (well they are not sure if they are out of gas,.. they just can't find it )..

as the north east struggles... FEMA struggles as well..

and expect a MEGA voting mess... and the call to just count them as blue states, give the electors to Obama and move on...
I thought the advantage of having FEMA, was to have some sort of "central planning" and preparation

yes,.. but they can't move the liberals into the "camps" until after the vote..

and the conservatives for the most part are self sufficient.. and have guns.. so they can't move them to the central planned staged locations,.... (camps) without it looking really bad before the election.. :?
The thing about the obama regime is they found Bush's mistakes he made and then they went to work compunding them. And compund them they did.

This is the hottest picture circulating around FB today-- with some Conservatives/Repubs satirically thanking GW-- and with others and Dems commenting that most voters aren't as dumb as GW thought - or Romney/Repubs hoped- and haven't forgotten....
Still blaming BUsh eh oldtimer????????
Who spent 16 trillion bucks and still didnt fix anything??????

Guess you get your kicks from FB somethuibg you CLAIMED not to use :roll: :roll:
liberals are like union workers who just saw the factory close... they still blame the owner and love the union bosses..

they don't have a job.. no one is going to give them one.. but they won... :?
The thing is they got him back in but, wheres the plan to make things better. he can't come out daily with a speech about Romney, that is gone. It is on his shoulders now. I guess he can blame it on the prez we had the last four years. He doesn't even have any successes the last four years to build off of. He is like a duck out of water.

No plans and no experience in accomplishements to build on. It is gonna be hard to build on Solyndra and gm. This is going to get interesting. The left is going to get tired of the "We told you so". It's coming.
Get that off FB larry????seems that is where oldtimer gets his info lately :D
Any one sides me find it comical((oldtimers term)) that he used to post every late night comedian joke he could find abpout bush,,but now they are about obama he wont touch them, instead searches FB something he condemed for having too many viruses :wink: :wink: just another lie on his part but what were we to expect :D :D :D

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