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Is Pelosi happy now.


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Feb 10, 2005
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Occupy Oakland Protestors Break Into City Hall & Burn Flags, Police Fire Tear Gas To Disperse Crowd
by Josh Feldman | 10:59 am, January 29th, 2012

Occupy Wall Street continues to make its mark in demonstrations across the country, but one of their latest attempts to demonstrate in public got nasty quickly when riots broke out between the protestors and police officers. Over 300 protestors were arrested yesterday, after police witnessed many of them tearing down fences and construction equipment.

The Christian Science Monitor estimated the Occupy crowd to be between 1000 and 2000 people, and many of the arrests took place “after police took scores of protesters into custody as they marched through the city’s downtown.”

[Oakland Mayor Jean] Quan said that at one point, many protesters forced their way into City Hall, where they burned flags, broke an electrical box and damaged several art structures, including a recycled art exhibit created by children.

She blamed the destruction on a small “very radical, violent” splinter group within Occupy Oakland.

“This is not a situation where we had 1,000 peaceful people and a few violent people. If you look at what’s happening today in terms of destructing property, throwing at and charging the police, it’s almost like they are begging for attention and hoping that the police will make an error.”

Protestors threw rocks and bottles at police, and the police responded by firing tear gas and smoke in order to break up the crowd.

These upstanding citizens that Pelosi encouraged destroyed a children's art display. They must be so proud of themselves to make a group of children cry. :x SICK JUST PLAIN SICK AND THE DEMOCRAPS SUPPORT THEIR ACTIONS. :roll:
smalltime said:
What do you suppose Mummar Quadafi would have done to those protesters Tam?

when he was a so-called leader of his people, they had no value, other then to be used to promote his twisted agenda...

in his final moments he was treated by the same law he ministered..

I wouldn't personally compare Pelsosi to the cruel oppressive terrorists supporting dictator.. but I can see your point.. both are cold heartless so-called leaders who care little of those who they claim to lead..

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