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Islamic Sharia law in Libya


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Many of us said that at the time.

As bad as some of these tyrants are, they do keep things in check in those types of Countries.

Look at what is going on in Egypt. Seems the people are worse off there now too.
woranch said:

The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified.

I'm not sure that Libya is going to be better than before .

Should we have expected anything less??
woranch said:

The transitional government leader Mustafa Abdul-Jalil set out a vision for the post-Gadhafi future with an Islamist tint, saying that Islamic Sharia law would be the "basic source" of legislation in the country and that existing laws that contradict the teachings of Islam would be nullified.

I'm not sure that Libya is going to be better than before .


Instead of enjoying the fruits of Democracy and the advantages of Western influence, Hadji chooses to go back to the Stone Age of 700 AD, where women are put on pedestals and treated like godesses, penalties for crimes are dealt with humanely, and sexual freedom is encouraged!
So which country will obama bring Democracy to next?

Syria, or maybe one of the big 2 ......Iran or N. Korea

I''m sure a few more drone strikes in Pakistan might even convince them to come over from the "dark side"
Other than oil, what is one good reason why the US should give a flyin' fornication what goes on over there? Or anywhere in the middle east? We have have the capabilities to blow them off of the globe if they get to bothersome or pesky. So really, why bother? Let'em fight their own battles.
tumbleweed_texn said:
Other than oil, what is one good reason why the US should give a flyin' fornication what goes on over there? Or anywhere in the middle east? We have have the capabilities to blow them off of the globe if they get to bothersome or pesky. So really, why bother? Let'em fight their own battles.

obama went for oil, in the name of his socialist European pals.......he's a warmonger and an assassin......

.....he should be awarded another Nobel Peace Prize for his "poop disturbing"

the worst part is that the Republicans are going to have to clean up this mess and will be blamed for it. Just as Bush was blamed for Clinton's financial and foreign policy mess when Bush took over.

these things don't manifest themselves until a few years after.
hypocritexposer said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Other than oil, what is one good reason why the US should give a flyin' fornication what goes on over there? Or anywhere in the middle east? We have have the capabilities to blow them off of the globe if they get to bothersome or pesky. So really, why bother? Let'em fight their own battles.

obama went for oil, in the name of his socialist European pals.......he's a warmonger and an assassin......

.....he should be awarded another Nobel Peace Prize for his "poop disturbing"

You wouldnt venture so far as to say his handlers orchestrated his going for oil, would you?

As for another award for anything other than idiocy, I have an idea on the best place for him to stick it.
tumbleweed_texn said:
hypocritexposer said:
tumbleweed_texn said:
Other than oil, what is one good reason why the US should give a flyin' fornication what goes on over there? Or anywhere in the middle east? We have have the capabilities to blow them off of the globe if they get to bothersome or pesky. So really, why bother? Let'em fight their own battles.

obama went for oil, in the name of his socialist European pals.......he's a warmonger and an assassin......

.....he should be awarded another Nobel Peace Prize for his "poop disturbing"

You wouldnt venture so far as to say his handlers orchestrated his going for oil, would you?

As for another award for anything other than idiocy, I have an idea on the best place for him to stick it.

I wouldn't say it's taken a nose ring to lead him, that's for sure. He was groomed for such a position by his handlers and he comes about it quite naturally.

Leftism is evil, always has been, and always will be. It always progresses to something even more sinister. When they realize it, they either attempt to re-write history (Hitler), or try to deny it. (Stalin/Mao)

the people like OT that have been lead to believe it will give them something more than they had previously are punch drunk. They are the type of people that would have followed the likes of Jim Jones and drank the "leftism Kool-Aid"

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