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JD 7410 question

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
N.E. Oregon
Has anyone had trouble with the reverser on the 7410? Ours will sometimes not work when you start it, have to turn it off and restart it.
Nicky said:
Has anyone had trouble with the reverser on the 7410? Ours will sometimes not work when you start it, have to turn it off and restart it.

Left hand or right hand? I have a right handed on my 74 and once in a great whole a hose underneath where the linkage is binds it up and it won't stay or go in reverse.
I had a deal like that on a case IH , on it it was circuit breakers for the forward reverser that were weak , there in the fuse box on mine
I have a 6000 series tractor and there are two wires that hang down underneath the tractor that plug into each other. Sometimes weeds or brush will pull them apart and unplug them. When that happens the tractor won't move until you plug them back in again. Then the reverser works fine.

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