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Just Heard From UNM Hospital About Hubby

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2006
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scenic mountains of western New Mexico
He's got to be at the hospital at noon next Monday, for a consultation.

Tuesday, he'll be admitted and they'll do a biopsy of the tumor sometime that day, probably in the morning.

When they discover what they're dealing with, additional plans will be made.

Sounds like we'll be in Albuquerque most of next week, at least the nurse said to plan on 3 days, maybe more.

For those of you who are offering prayers, Hubby has asked that you pray that Heavenly Father's will be done.

For now, I'm sticking as close to him as I can, I told him that I took him on for better or worse, sickness or health, and I'm gonna see that through. If anyone leaves, it's got to be him. He seemed a little relieved about that. Maybe he was just testing me, I don't know, but the rest of our troubles seem to have become pretty trivial, next to what we're facing, and facing together.

When I find out more, I'll let y'all know. I'm going to try to beg, borrow or steal a laptop to take to Albuquerque with us, so I can keep you apprised of the situation.

Thanks again for all your support through this. I can't imagine how I'd be dealing with everything right now, without it. ((((((((( hugs to all )))))))))))
He's got my prayers.

As to the laptop, I'll bet if you ask at the hospital, they will direct you to one that you can use, if you have the time.

And remember, You'll never hurt a good cowboy messin' with his head. :)
I was diagnosed with cancer last October, and the verses that got me through a dark time were Isaiah 40: 26-31

Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.
Why do you say, O Jacob, and complain, O Israel, "My way is hidden from the Lord: my cause is didregarded by my God"? Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

My prayers are with you and your family, for strength, comfort, and peace. His Will be done.
He will be fine Ranchy,and realize what a good woman he has............good luck
PS I knew you would be at his side :wink:

We'll be keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers for a positive diagnosis, and speedy recovery thereafter.

I am glad you're hanging tough with your Hubby...and that he's seen the light.

Again, please remember to take care of yourself, as you take care of him.

How's Al doing with all of this? Watch for his hidden emotions too.

Wishing and praying for the best,

TTB :wink:

PS: Miss N---hopefully you're in remission, and have your cancer beat. Thanks for sharing the scripture that kept you going...I hope it keeps Ranchy going too!
My uncle was a cattleman from the old school. His smoking habit finally caught him, and he went through a rough ordeal for 3 years before lung cancer took him. During those three years, he copied and carried in his shirt pocket Isaiah 41:10. Since then, I have often found real comfort in those words myself.

"Fear not for I am with you.
Be not dismayed for I am your God.
I will strengthenyou,
Yes I will help you.
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

My dad when he endured years of frustation after a stroke told me once that "He said he'ld hold it (motioning with his hands clasp together because his speech was impaired) and He will too!" I would add that He did as promised with these two men whom I so admired. I like verses 13 & 14 too. I just added a prayer with this post. ((((((((()))))))))
Ranchy I'll pray for you and your husband as well. Times like these are heavy and hard to endure but they are the very essence of life. No one has a life with out hard times and trials. I wish the both of you the very best. God bless you.
Ranchy, I'll be praying also. Especially for strength and peace of mind during all the seemingly endless waiting.

Interesting what a favorite that Isaiah passage is. Our oldest son said he mailed it to his grandfather a few weeks ago as one that is special for him.

Thank you for the update. I'm sure we've all been wondering how things were going with you. I hope you get to use the computer while you're there.
He will be fine Ranchy,and realize what a good woman he has............good luck
PS I knew you would be at his side :wink:
HAYMAKER hit it right on the head. A positive attitude and sense of humor in times of trouble are among some of the best treatment available. Stay strong!
Thanks everyone!

Hubby's folks came by today, and he told them what's going on. His mom wanted to go to Albuquerque with us, but he told her no, that we'd handle whatever we need to handle ourselves. I know that must have been hard for her to hear, but she's fixing to undergo some major surgery and stuff herself, to put everything back together after her bout with colon cancer this spring. She starts the testing on the 17th, she said.

Al is hanging in there, as far as I can tell. He does what needs to be done, and watches out for his dad when they're out together. He's such a good kid, I thank our Heavenly Father for him so many times every day. He's promised that if he gets down, he'll talk to someone, either one or both of us, or one of his friends, our Bishop, or some other family member. So I think he's got everything on his end, under control.

Hubby did get off having to report for jury duty on Monday, because of this deal in Albuquerque, though, so he's happy about that...... :lol:

When we know more, I'll be reporting back, I promise!
We have been spending a lot of time at the hospital with my father in law - - -a few inches at a time they removed most of his left leg (why they didn't do it all at once instead of three operations about 4 days apart is beyond all of us) and now they are going to start on the right leg on Monday - - - they say they are going to take two toes and most of the sole and see if they can save the rest but feel they will need to take the leg to just below the knee.

He and all of us have told them to make it a one operation job - - - not to keep going back!

But back to your problem - - - in each of the three hospitals he has been in the waiting room have several computers set up with internet connections for your use and I would be surprised if yours doesn't as well

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