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Just the FACTS! Response from SD BIC

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This was starting to creep down the page again. I would still like to see the other SD beef association's response to SODAK's posts.
Radar, I too would like to see a response; but 1. maybe the national hasn't had enough time yet, 2. maybe she is rewriting the policy manual or 3. they are all finally reading the Act and Order. Or maybe the 4th scenario is I am a bully and not worthy of an answer however, being fairly thick hided I've been kown to be somewhat persistent when I feel an issue is not right. In this case all of us in the SDBIC are derelict of our duties. Sodak
sodak said:
Radar, I too would like to see a response; but 1. maybe the national hasn't had enough time yet, 2. maybe she is rewriting the policy manual or 3. they are all finally reading the Act and Order. Or maybe the 4th scenario is I am a bully and not worthy of an answer however, being fairly thick hided I've been kown to be somewhat persistent when I feel an issue is not right. In this case all of us in the SDBIC are derelict of our duties. Sodak

I think we must have moved to scenario #3 or #4-- either way Maxine has definitely gone AWOL...But I'm having a hard time seeing her as fitting into either situation-- reading anything not hand fed to her by her handlers at NCBA and seeing the light, or being bullied.... :wink: :lol: :lol:
I hope you guys are correct in one of your several assumptions, and that something worse hasn't happened to MRJ...like a serious illness or death in the family.

Hope you are ok, MRJ...irregardless of the arguments at hand.


TTB :wink:
Glad to see you're back MRJ and that all is well!

Also good to see you have DSL...makes going online that much easier.

I was curious if you have any new responses to add here.


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