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Gate lever in use

Gate lever that my neighbor made

Showing the length of chain to grab hold of. This is more user friendly than just hanging on to barbed wire.

Good stout snap on a gate lever

My neighbor piling hay to be hauled.

Holding the bales together so they can be loaded on the truck

Gathering up some wayward twine. This man makes the best gate levers available on the market.

Peach's niece is an exceptional runner, and has competed and won on a national level.

Bald eagle on the fly

Birds of a feather flocking together

Birds of a feather flocking apart

Quite a few bales yet to pick up

Fall pair

Showing no respect and walking all over this gentle old cow

Up high but a long way from no place

Birds are helping push yearling heifers home

Traipsing by a pond

A giggle of girls

It's a downright cold day.

Heading down the pass

Hopefully most of these heifers are bred.