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Liberals, aka. murderers.

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Jun 7, 2005
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I know this sounds like a very strong and maybe incorrect accusation, but I think my point is well supported. All liberalism deals in death to innocent people.

Abortion, legal drug use, gun control ( letting the illegals have 'em, but not the propers), leaving terrorist alone (to kill).
And then there are things worse than death they deal in:

Forcing kids to grow up with gay parents, (therfore, no family), troop bashing, and forcing ways of life they don't have to dissappear.

Maybe, some liberals unknowingly are dealing in these things, and I would like to forgive them, but otherwise, murderer is not too strong a term for these people.
It seems that by "provoking debate" with harsh words is a liberal staple, yet I await the harsh critisism of you words....
I am curious what some liberals could possibly say to defend themselves. Is stupidity a plea to be accepted? Well, people die everyday from 2 ideas. Liberalism and evolution. They are closely linked and so are the people who follow them.
Sierraman: you're wrong about the association between liberalism and belief in evolution.
I believe in evolution, and am about as far from liberal as you can get. To me, the existence of evolution doesn't preclude the existence of God. In fact, it supports it. Simply because God designed the world over billions of years rather than 7 days doesn't make me think of him as any less powerful or omnipotent. It just shows how miniscule our human concept of time is.
I said closely linked, not completely. I don't want to argue scientific points of evolution and creation with you, mainly cause I could go on for yrs. by computer and weeks in person. But let me just say that I believe evolution is a religion not a science. Too much faith is needed to say that the world came form absolutely nothing. It breaks the 1st law of thermodynamics. It is considered a science and allows it to be forced in schools, but it is a more of a religion than Christianity and its belief in Creationism. With what you say that God made it over billions of yrs, you have to see that the world is running down not up. God created it perfect and its getting worse. So your idea breaks the 2nd law of thermodynamics. There, that is as far as I'll go into it without an invitation. :)

P.s. Your belief in evolution, I cannot agree with, but I don't consider it the way that supports death. You still see life as a sacred gift. Only thing is can you see humans as distinct from animals with that idea?
All that we know in science is "theory," including the laws of thermodynamics. The fact that matter and energy can never be created nor destroyed doesn't disprove the big bang, since these concepts only apply to time. Without time, the theories of thermodynamics are irrelevant. Furthermore, the fact that the world is degenerating (which is arguable, considering the atrocities of the past) could be attributed to the law of entropy, in which all forms of energy seek their most diffuse form.

If the world wasn't created over billions of years, you'd have a hard time explaining the formation of stars, the existence of diamonds, the time of the dinosaurs, continental drift, and literally thousands of other phenomena. Unless of course, you believe God created these things five thousand years ago in order to test our faith (and mess with our heads.)

I realize arguing the universe has existed for billions of years is pointless, since if you are willing to accept that it hasn't in the name of religion, then all rational discussion is already in vain. But what I don't understand is why some otherwise intelligent religious people are so threatened by the fact that God's creation is older than a few thousand years and that it was created through a process, rather than instantly. For me, the thought that humans descended from a primate-like creature only testifies to God's incredible creativity (and sense of humor, to a degree.) The fact that his universe has existed for 15 billion years only points to his unfathomable immortality, as opposed to 5,000 years, which is a number that humans can somewhat relate to.

I didn't answer your question about humans being distinct from animals. Of course we're distinct - that much is obvious every time we hop in a car to go to the movies.

But this question, I think, reveals one of the underlying reasons you disagree with evolution theory: you don't want to accept that your ancestors were apes. Don't take it personally - mine were too.

Perhaps we were made in God's image - who knows. I just think it took a while for us to get there, and I don't mind being the great-great-great-to-the-tenth-power descendant of a primate-like creature. It can only serve to humble us in front of the omniscience of the almighty, who never was an ape and came by his good looks naturally. :lol:
Then what about the "in-betweens"?
The laws of thermodynamics are laws not theories. Theories must follow laws, which evolution does not. Do you relaize that the root of evolution goes back to when people believed maggots were born from dead meat, and such? Same idea now, just a little bit more complex.
If carbon dating inspires you to keep faith in Theistic evolution, let me give you a couple of facts on it. Carbon dating takes 2 assumptions that are IMPOSSIBLE to know. 1st is that there was a certain amount of carbon in a material originally. 2nd is that the rate of decrease has remained the same. Mt. St. Helens proved that rates can change by millions of times. Trees take what? 100,000 yrs. plus to petrify according to evolution. Mt. St. Helens did it in minutes! Rates change.
As for your phenomena that must be explained, God created things in advanced stages. He did not make Adam as a baby.
As for a degnerating world, it IS known. Every new offspring has a loss of information in the DNA, never more, because it gets it from its ancestors. Even mutations are because of loss of info. A three headed turtle (saw one in the news once) still has not gained information. A turtle is supposed to have heads, just one, he got three. Too many, but no new info. If it had wings, or horns then evolution has some evidence.
Mt St Helens did not pertify ANYTHING. Believe me....this IS my field. MSH blasted things to pulp and gushed out tons of ash.....that with millions of years, the exact right conditions in soil and climate surrounding the area, and just plain luck...some of the wood will be pertified.....not all of it.

Fossilization is not a wham-bam thank you ma'am deal!!

Every human who has not had an apendectomy carries the evidence of evolution within them. That part of the anatomy is no loner need in our intestinal systems.....we have evolved a better digestive process through the ages.....thus it is useless.
A whole lakeful of trees were petrified in no time compared to what Evolutionists say at the 1980 Mt. St. Helens explosion. But the whole point is that rates change.
Fossilization occurs by living things being rapidly covered in water. (hark, hark, Noah's flood). It is a wham, bam, whatever.
No one fully understands the human body and the complete reasons for every part. Altohugh we know an appendix takes the junk. Fingernails, pebbles. dust,. Things you shouldn't eat but get down your throat anyway.
Looking though at the evolutionary tree, we see that animals lose and gain the same peices. Especially in the horse area, concerning hooves.
I saw a evolution video awhile back. It weas real funny how it said that on average every 10 million yrs. the earth is destroyed , and later it said every million a new speices evolves. I wonder how anything gets done.
Evolutionists are not paleontologists!! Fossilization is the process where the organic elements of whatever are replace by inorganic elements OVER TIME....and these inorganic elements are mainly silica based minerals. Almost on the time scale of stalagmite formation.

And the appendix is not the trash bin of the system.

Oh so you saw a documentary on TV...must be real then!!! Believe me I work inthe paleo field and have for yrs.

But to be honest, this whole forum thing is starting to bore me with all the wild ideas and ignorance slapped about. And not to mention the ill humor of most.

I'll bid adieu with this last post as I'm off to dig up some of those Allosaurs who were " instantly" fossilized!!
bid what? Excuse me?!?!
Whose not reading words here? I never said anything was insantly fossilized. I said it takes rapid burial in water. Argh, such typical liberal policy. Ignore the words, especially if it makes yourself look good. :!:
I will be unlike a liberal and say "I was wrong" about the appendix. However, there is still more than likely a purpose. Here, take alook at this site about vestigal organs. http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/vestiges/appendix.html
And, as a creationist, I do believe that wolves and dogs are related. Adaptation, (one thing Darwin got right) Life changes to adapt, but (he didn't get this very well) only to a certain extent. A wolf can have descendants that are greyhounds and chihuhuas(sp?) ,but a whale, a moth will never be.
"Mt. St. Helens did it in minutes"....quoting your earlier post.

"farewell".....have a good life...and tah tah
Now let's put my quote in context. "If carbon dating inspires you to keep faith in Theistic evolution, let me give you a couple of facts on it. Carbon dating takes 2 assumptions that are IMPOSSIBLE to know. 1st is that there was a certain amount of carbon in a material originally. 2nd is that the rate of decrease has remained the same. Mt. St. Helens proved that rates can change by millions of times. Trees take what? 100,000 yrs. plus to petrify according to evolution. Mt. St. Helens did it in minutes! Rates change."
I meant to have my question, "what" carry on. I was using rough proportions, and ended up with minutes on the actual end. In real time it would be 4-5 hours.
It's pathetic how you picked out my weakest point and jabbed at it. However, I see now that you have no faith in your own comments.
What do YOU think of a degenerating earth?
Evolution doesn't even follow the rules of science. It is constantly trying to be squeezed in as law. But it breaks two laws in the first place that I can think of( the first two laws of thermodynamics.) . Even creationism is not a law in the eyes of science. However, it does not break any. Not one. Remember a law is tested and found to be true beyond a shadow of a doubt. Even with a soup mixture of eveerything needed to make life (miraculously existing) a 1 in 1x 10to the 80th power of a chance exists that life will begin. Do you realize it is estimated that that number is how many atoms are in the universe? I can't recall the exact number but I believe it is anything that is a 1 in 1 x 10 to the 12th power of a chance it is scientifically considered an imposssiblility. (Don't forget you get the miracle of it existing who knows how.)
With no "Known" use the liberals discard the lowly appendix, as not needed, Probably due to a lack of understanding, I in the mean time will keep mine just in case....

The inner lining of the appendix produces a small amount of mucus that flows through the appendix and into the cecum. The wall of the appendix contains lymphatic tissue that is part of the immune system for making antibodies.

The appendix contains lymphoid tissue and produces antibodies;

New evidence suggests we need the appendix to fight infection

In an interesting twist of science, a part of our body once thought useless is now being looked at as a needed part of not only the digestive tract, but also the immune system,,,all the more reason to teach children that with out proven Facts, assumptions that were once accepted should be constantly challenged, Let the schools offer all thoeries that can not be disproven and let the next generation of open inquiring minds challenge them....
on a side note, by researching Probiotics and the appendix's function in assisting the digestive tract in "producing" or "holding a reserve" of active bacterial cultures to maintain digestive health,

In fact if one looks at the symtoms of those with digestive failure, and the constant failure of modern doctors to treat cronic digestive problems, it would be easy to discount thier lack of understanding of this "organ" and remove it..

but when allowed to function the appendix promotes the active bacterial cultures we need to survive and live functional lives,,,

From a doctor in 1950;
I firmly believe that God did not give us any extra parts and that just because medical science can't figure it out does not mean that a function does not exist...

" if you suffer from every day problems that do not seem to get better… things like digestive issues, bowel problems (constipation or diarrhea), immune dysfunction, skin problems, yeast or fungal issues… don't be afraid to look at the gut as the source and you may just find out what really is bugging you!"

Just a few random Quotes to provoke thought....about a once worthless worm-like, easily discarded lump of "our bodies" ,

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