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Lightening, Camera, Action!

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2006
Reaction score
scenic mountains of western New Mexico
I had 9 pairs of jeans hanging on the clothesline, just about dry, when it just poured buckets out of the sky.........guess we should have washed first, then gone to the bank & got feed this afternoon, huh? We do need the rain, and I'm thankful for it, no matter how ungrateful I sound.

Al's out working on fence, hope he gets down in the bottom of a canyon, the way the lightening's popping, sure don't want him on top of the mountain! :shock:

Hubby's running a Cat today, tomorrow and maybe Friday, hoping to get gas money for our next trip to the hospital in Albuquerque.........hope he's out of harm's way, too.
Ranchy said:
I had 9 pairs of jeans hanging on the clothesline, just about dry, when it just poured buckets out of the sky.........guess we should have washed first, then gone to the bank & got feed this afternoon, huh? We do need the rain, and I'm thankful for it, no matter how ungrateful I sound.

Al's out working on fence, hope he gets down in the bottom of a canyon, the way the lightening's popping, sure don't want him on top of the mountain! :shock:

Hubby's running a Cat today, tomorrow and maybe Friday, hoping to get gas money for our next trip to the hospital in Albuquerque.........hope he's out of harm's way, too.

Why the trip to the hospital? :???:
:oops: I forgot that I told the other board all about what's been going on with this bunch, but not you guys.

Hubby is having some health issues, or maybe I should say, finally taking care of some health issues that he's been having trouble with for years (about 9 of them, to be exact).

He got to having double vision, so he just got to where he'd close one eye, and no problems. Early this year, he started noticing that he couldn't move his right eye, so decided once and for all, to get the problem taken care of. Before, the docs had no idea what was going on, so they just hoped it would go away on its own, like it came on.

When he finally got a doc that sent him for an MRI, they found a tumor which is about 2" in any direction at its largest, growing between his skull and his brain on the right side, between his ear and his eye. As it grew, it pressed on the nerves and muscles that make his eye work, so it quit working.

Last week, we went to the Neurosurgery Department of UNM Hospital for a prelimenary consultation. We're basically just waiting for them to finish looking over his records, the MRI, etc. so they can plan the best strategy for getting rid of this growth.

Hence, the trip to the hospital.

Again, my appologies for letting the cat outta the bag in the manner which I did.
Ranchy said:
I had 9 pairs of jeans hanging on the clothesline, just about dry, when it just poured buckets out of the sky.........guess we should have washed first, then gone to the bank & got feed this afternoon, huh? We do need the rain, and I'm thankful for it, no matter how ungrateful I sound.

Al's out working on fence, hope he gets down in the bottom of a canyon, the way the lightening's popping, sure don't want him on top of the mountain! :shock:

Hubby's running a Cat today, tomorrow and maybe Friday, hoping to get gas money for our next trip to the hospital in Albuquerque.........hope he's out of harm's way, too.
Ranchy- you seem to talk like words to a song, at least it sounded like you have some rhyme going so I've adjusted it some to finish it:

Ohh-My clothesline had 9 jeans hangin', just about dry,
When it poured buckets of rain right out of the sky.

1. I should've washed then got feed, not t'other way round.
We need the rain. I'm thankful for it, no matter how ungrateful I sound.
2. Al's out working on fence, hope he's safe down in the canyon and dry,
The way the lightening's popping, don't want him on the peak up high!
3. Hubby's running a Cat today, tomorrow and maybe Friday,
Hoping to get gas money for our next trip to Albuquer-quay.

Forgot to add I hope this cheers your hubby up a bit. No fun having hospitalization ahead. We'll be praying they'll have great success, Ranchy.
Yep- Nothing to fool around with--Tell him to get er done...
Be thinking of him and adding him to a prayer.....
hello ranchy
glad to hear ya'll got a rain
your hubby must be one tuff hombre for shure
hope all goes well and rember ya'll in our prayers
until later
Jerry H said:
hello ranchy
glad to hear ya'll got a rain
your hubby must be one tuff hombre for shure
hope all goes well and rember ya'll in our prayers
until later

I second Jerry H. It would have put most of us down. Here's to hoping all goes well with him and the rest of you.
Thank you all. You're all such a source of strength and comfort to me.

As of this morning, we still haven't heard anything from the docs in Albuquer-quay (thanks, nr..... :lol: your song surely made me smile).

I've arranged to take the next week off from work, I think being able to stick close to the phone is more important right now than a few days of work is.

Hubby is pretty depressed about the whole deal, thinking of all the "what-ifs" and everything. It doesn't help that his mom's brother and his dad's sister both died from brain cancer. He did admit this morning that when our regular family doc gave him the news on what they found in the MRI, it "scared the **** out of him". He hid it well, I thought he was fine with it until he said that this morning.

There are a lot of changes going on in our lives right now, he wants me to look for another place to live for a while, so while they're branding again today, I'm gonna be on the phone, seeing what I can do. Al will have the choice of going with me, or staying here, or if I can find something around here, he can split his time between us. For what I can afford to pay for a place, there won't be anywhere for his calves, or his pigs, or the horses, so they'll have no choice in the matter.

I don't know what else to say or do right now, just try to do and say what he needs me to the most. :?

Thank you all again. You're the best of the best!


Best of luck to you and your family.

Ranchy,I hate to hear that about your husband,but with modern docs/medicine I am sure he will be workin cattle in a week or two,all of us are on your side..................good luck
PS stick close to him Ranchy,man needs a good woman when he's feeling poorly.
Awwww Ranchy :(

If there were a smiley for hugs, I'd give you one...as it is, I'm giving you one in my thoughts.

You all will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your Hubby....and for you to be strong. Please remember to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally in this challenging time. Your hubby is in good care with the folks at U of New Mexico medical school.

If you need something please don't hesitate to let us know....seriously.

Hang in there kid, and remember with every door that closes, another opens.

TTB :(
Ranchy...I'm with TTB,look after yourself right now,hubbys made his choice on how he needs to deal with it and it looks like its going at it alone for now :? Men deal differently then women,don't beat yourself up about it...Al needs his mom more then ever and that means a healthy mom,mentally and phsically,luv ya girl..Cowgirl up :) Wish I was closer you'd get a BIG hug :!:

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