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Listen to this and see if you still think Obama is wonderful

Never in the history of the US have they had a worse President :mad:
Larrry said:

This pro-life Catholic Republican who is seeing my faith and religious freedom under attack by Obama would agree with you.

The single biggest threat to American freedom & liberty isn't Al Qaeda or the Taliban, it resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, DC.
garn said:
Larrry said:

This pro-life Catholic Republican who is seeing my faith and religious freedom under attack by Obama would agree with you.

The single biggest threat to American freedom & liberty isn't Al Qaeda or the Taliban, it resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, DC.
The only reason any rational person can see is that this regime wants to completely transform this country into something that it was NEVER INTENDED to be.
Larrry said:
The only reason any rational person can see is that this regime wants to completely transform this country into something that it was NEVER INTENDED to be.

You mean a Oppressive Corrupt Dictatorship like those the US Military has been fighting in other countries for years.

Just look who Obama has been chummy with and look at his actions of sidestepping the Congress and appointing radicals to his Administration and Sueing States for standing up and wanting US laws enforced. You have to know he is wanting to TRANSFORM the US into a TRUE Dictatorship under His rule. He is getting away with it as his blind supporters like Oldtimer will not open their eyes and see what he is doing. All they see is him blaming the Republicans for the mess and cheering him on as he is NOT BIG BAD BUSH. I just hope the koolaid wears off before everyone in the US is on their hands and knees kissing the ground Obama walks on and the Secret Service is replaced by the billyclub wheeling New Black Panthers . :mad:
Tam said:
Larrry said:
The only reason any rational person can see is that this regime wants to completely transform this country into something that it was NEVER INTENDED to be.

You mean a Oppressive Corrupt Dictatorship like those the US Military has been fighting in other countries for years.

Just look who Obama has been chummy with and look at his actions of sidestepping the Congress and appointing radicals to his Administration and Sueing States for standing up and wanting US laws enforced. You have to know he is wanting to TRANSFORM the US into a TRUE Dictatorship under His rule. He is getting away with it as his blind supporters like Oldtimer will not open their eyes and see what he is doing. All they see is him blaming the Republicans for the mess and cheering him on as he is NOT BIG BAD BUSH. I just hope the koolaid wears off before everyone in the US is on their hands and knees kissing the ground Obama walks on and the Secret Service is replaced by the billyclub wheeling New Black Panthers . :mad:

What in the world will it take for people like Oldtimer to wake the heck up to what is going on? I was traveling last evening, trying to find a good radio station that was talking about anything else but the Super Bowl. Finally I tuned in the Mark Levin talk show. One of his callers admitted that he had been a far left Liberal for over thirty years, but had now awakened to see the light. How can someone like Oldtimer, who at one time was somewhat conservative, buy in to the way Obama is ruining this country? It is friggin' flaberdisgasting to say the least. :(
Soapweed said:
Tam said:
Larrry said:
The only reason any rational person can see is that this regime wants to completely transform this country into something that it was NEVER INTENDED to be.

You mean a Oppressive Corrupt Dictatorship like those the US Military has been fighting in other countries for years.

Just look who Obama has been chummy with and look at his actions of sidestepping the Congress and appointing radicals to his Administration and Sueing States for standing up and wanting US laws enforced. You have to know he is wanting to TRANSFORM the US into a TRUE Dictatorship under His rule. He is getting away with it as his blind supporters like Oldtimer will not open their eyes and see what he is doing. All they see is him blaming the Republicans for the mess and cheering him on as he is NOT BIG BAD BUSH. I just hope the koolaid wears off before everyone in the US is on their hands and knees kissing the ground Obama walks on and the Secret Service is replaced by the billyclub wheeling New Black Panthers . :mad:

What in the world will it take for people like Oldtimer to wake the heck up to what is going on? I was traveling last evening, trying to find a good radio station that was talking about anything else but the Super Bowl. Finally I tuned in the Mark Levin talk show. One of his callers admitted that he had been a far left Liberal for over thirty years, but had now awakened to see the light. How can someone like Oldtimer, who at one time was somewhat conservative, buy in to the way Obama is ruining this country? It is friggin' flaberdisgasting to say the least. :(

So Soap- will you remind me of how much GW did to block illegals? This issue steamrolled under that administration- especially when he ordered the banking industry to no longer check for citizenship when making loans for real estate..

Remember when he used a "signing statement" to allow his transportation Dept to go around 2 Congressional laws to allow Mexican truckers access to drive thruout the country? When US truckers were going bankrupt....His claim was the law violated NAFTA...

Right now according to Immigration and Border Patrol- they have more agents on the border than they ever have had- have more interventions and are deporting more people...They need 1,000's more on the border and many more immigration judges and courts - but that will cost a lot of money- which means more taxes...

As far as the enforcement of the Immigration issue- I agree with both Bush and Obama that immigration- and deportation is a federal authority/law- by the Constitution- and not enforceable by the individual states- mainly because it is an international issue which the federal government has authority over...

Its not something new that just came up under Bush or Obama...In all the years I spent in L.E.- local authorities had no real authority over illegal immigrants...If you had probable cause to believe someone was an illegal you notified Border Patrol/Immigration...If you had one in custody- and another charge to hold them on you did- otherwise often the Border Patrol would just tell you to release them- and they would follow up when they got a chance...Then often when Border Patrol did verify they were illegals they would just write them a Notice to Appear in Court 3 months from now...This happened- usually after about 6 months into their budget- because they were out of transportation money to deport them... :roll:

One part I believe states should be allowed to do- is make strict laws and penalties against anyone caught employeeing an illegal alien...Heavy fines and Jail time- doubling and tripling with each repeat offense......That part I do believe the state has authority over- and if strongly enforced would stop much of the problem...

But then you are no longer talking about picking up some poor broke wetback and jailing them- but are talking about arresting CEO's, business owners, farmers , ranchers,-- and everyone seems to want to shy from that....To me these are the ones that continue to create the problem...

Even the US Chamber of Commerce has crawled in bed with the ACLU opposing the E-Verify law... The Chamber and several other business and corporate groups were the ones testifying in the last immigration hearings that they need MORE immigrant labor.....
So in all that ramble about everything other than obama, are you proud of what obama did? A yes or no would be quite adequate
Larrry said:
So in all that ramble about everything other than obama, are you proud of what obama did? A yes or no would be quite adequate

I'm not happy with the illegal situation- but do think both Obama and Holder are following the Constitution which gives all international issues to the Federal Jurisdiction- and does not allow states to set up individual laws or treaties affecting other nations.....
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
So in all that ramble about everything other than obama, are you proud of what obama did? A yes or no would be quite adequate

I'm not happy with the illegal situation- but do think both Obama and Holder are following the Constitution which gives all international issues to the Federal Jurisdiction- and does not allow states to set up individual laws or treaties affecting other nations.....

Siding with a foreign country and disobeying his oath of office is disgusting and treasonous. He should be outed faster than you can kiss his azz.(again)
Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
So in all that ramble about everything other than obama, are you proud of what obama did? A yes or no would be quite adequate

I'm not happy with the illegal situation- but do think both Obama and Holder are following the Constitution which gives all international issues to the Federal Jurisdiction- and does not allow states to set up individual laws or treaties affecting other nations.....

Siding with a foreign country and disobeying his oath of office is disgusting and treasonous. He should be outed faster than you can kiss his azz.(again)

Did you say the same when GW went against the US truckers- and overrode the Congress twice with "signing statements" (claiming an is instead of an as made it legal) and sided with the Mexican truckers to run all over the southern part of the country on cheap Mexican fuel and bankrupt half the trucking industry of the southwest :???:
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
I'm not happy with the illegal situation- but do think both Obama and Holder are following the Constitution which gives all international issues to the Federal Jurisdiction- and does not allow states to set up individual laws or treaties affecting other nations.....

Siding with a foreign country and disobeying his oath of office is disgusting and treasonous. He should be outed faster than you can kiss his azz.(again)

Did you say the same when GW went against the US truckers- and overrode the Congress twice with "signing statements" (claiming an is instead of an as made it legal) and sided with the Mexican truckers to run all over the southern part of the country on cheap Mexican fuel and bankrupt half the trucking industry of the southwest :???:

No you don't, this topic was on obamas treasonous acts of siding with foreign countries against US citizens. This isn't about Bush or never was in this thread. Of course I can see you wanting to change the direction of the debate because anyone with any common sense at all would call obama and his treason out. Are you willing to admit he committed treason siding against US citizens.?
Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
Siding with a foreign country and disobeying his oath of office is disgusting and treasonous. He should be outed faster than you can kiss his azz.(again)

Did you say the same when GW went against the US truckers- and overrode the Congress twice with "signing statements" (claiming an is instead of an as made it legal) and sided with the Mexican truckers to run all over the southern part of the country on cheap Mexican fuel and bankrupt half the trucking industry of the southwest :???:

No you don't, this topic was on obamas treasonous acts of siding with foreign countries against US citizens. This isn't about Bush or never was in this thread. Of course I can see you wanting to change the direction of the debate because anyone with any common sense at all would call obama and his treason out. Are you willing to admit he committed treason siding against US citizens.?

Yeah- it is about Bush, Clinton, Bush 1, Reagan (who signed the last amnesty- which included making it a crime to hire an illegal- which has never been enforced), Carter, Ford, Nixon, etc- back to Dwight D Eisenhower who was the last President to really enforce immigration laws and deportation of illegals....All have bent over backwards for the corporates to get them cheap labor....The reason we have the problem we now have.....

No difference if they were D's or R's...

And NO I don't believe Obama is committing treason- because he is enforcing the Constitution the way it was written... International issues and immigration issues are FEDERAL issues- and not up to the states...
No it is about obama and siding against US citizens and siding with a foreign country. TREASON Go read his oath of office. Surely you aren't so stupid to ignore his siding against US citizens
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
I'm not happy with the illegal situation- but do think both Obama and Holder are following the Constitution which gives all international issues to the Federal Jurisdiction- and does not allow states to set up individual laws or treaties affecting other nations.....

Siding with a foreign country and disobeying his oath of office is disgusting and treasonous. He should be outed faster than you can kiss his azz.(again)

Did you say the same when GW went against the US truckers- and overrode the Congress twice with "signing statements" (claiming an is instead of an as made it legal) and sided with the Mexican truckers to run all over the southern part of the country on cheap Mexican fuel and bankrupt half the trucking industry of the southwest :???:

FGS Oldtimer Obama is supporting the ILLEGALS of Mexico coming to the US and taking american jobs, living on US social welfare rolls and KILLING US CITIZENS. When are you going to Stop the stupid distracting of the topic and admit your guy is a incompetent twit that should be put up on Treason charges for no enforcing US IMMIGRATION LAWS. :mad:

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