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loss of rights

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming

This is from the website of the Landowners Association of Wyoming:

The BLM has proposed to change its regulations with regards to oil and gas company operations on split estate lands to supercede Wyoming's new split estate law. The comment period has been extended to October 25. Please take a moment to submit your comments in opposition to this rule change to:

BLM Director 7450 Boston Boulevard, Springfield, VA 22153

or email:

BLM Director ([email protected])

Simply put, the BLM's proposed changes attempt to invalidate the Wyoming State Surface Owner Accommodation Act on 11 million acres of private lands underlain by federal minerals.

This would leave the State Statute, which was passed overwhelmingly by the Wyoming State Legislature, to apply only to 1 million acres of land in Wyoming. Not only is this an attempt by the federal government to supercede state law, but among other things, the proposed changes would be onerous to private landowners in that it would:

1. Eliminate the 30 day notice period by requiring notice to the landowner at the time the BLM official calls to schedule a Notice of Staking.
2. Eliminate the landowner from the Joint Planning procedure which required the operator and landowner to sit down together to establish future plans that recognize the right to drill for oil and gas but also recognize the right of the private landowner to operate those lands in productive and profitable ways. This rule would allow the BLM official to finalize the operator's proposed plan of activity without identifying proposed wells, by only requiring surface "reclamation" rather than "restoration", and without the input of the private landowner.
3. Eliminate the requirement to compensate the landowner for all of the damages that he/she incurs from the drilling activity and instead limit the compensation to "damage to tangible improvement and growing crops." [This provision not only ignores the provisions in the Wyoming statute, but also in the 1981 Montana statute and the 1979 North Dakota statute regarding compensation for lost land value.]

Don't underestimate the power of your comments! Thank you for taking the time, one more time, to protect the private property rights of landowners impacted by underlying federal oil and gas development.

You can view the proposed regulatory changes here, and you and view the comments submitted by LAW here.

If you are interested in the split estate issue, or if you own property but not the mineral estate underlying the surface, you really need to comment on these proposed changes. Clearly, in their rush to increase oil and gas production, BLM is cutting the surface estate owner out of the process and pre-empting the twelve states which have passed legislation to protect the surface owner. My fellow New Mexicans should also remember we had split estate legislation which passed the House during the last session of the legislature and the Governor is on record to put it in his call for the next session. Please take the time to comment and help protect the property rights of the surface owner and the sovereignty of our state governments.

This was aggressively pushed thru by the Bush admn.....ck out the Casper Star Tribune...in the Wyoming section and read the article.

So....you can thank GW for that pump jack or tank that ends up in your yard practically overnite!!!
This is a no-win situation. We are expecting Bush to deplete our dependence on foreign oil but......"Not in my back yard". :???: :???:
Since they opened up a lot of the BLM land around here, the oil companies have been running all over trying to buy up leases on the private land....

I'm waiting for a pump right in my back yard :wink:
There should be some say-so for the property owners...taking 30 days would not stop the flow of oil from anywhere.

As bad as those oil companies screw around and waste time and money ...30 days spent looking at a situation/place would not halt anything.
Thank him all you want for $3/gal gas and higher diesel....now and esp. when he's out of office!! As who do you think will make big bucks off this drilling....him and Cheney!!

DUH!!! But you love'em and support'em all you want.
Ya make it sound as if George W owns all the oil companies...... :?

I dont claim to know all there is about oil drilling, but I grew up in the oil field, my dad and brothers and husband worked the oil fields.
I read this post and from what I gather, landowners bought land that did not include the mineral rights underneath it. Ya can't complain if you knew goin into the deal that you got land without mineral rights. Main reason they are squealin is cuz they might be lookin out their kitchen window at a oil well or gas well and aren't gettin any money from it.

People wanna gripe and complain about high prices for gas at the pump but when the oil companies start lookin at drillin, someone goes to squealin. I know it wasn't the case a few years ago. but drilling companies have really become aware of how they leave a place after drilling has taken place. Most that I've seen in the last ten years or so are very neat and tidy fenced off areas. No they don't look exactly like they did before they came in and drilled. But you can't expect it to. Now on the other hand if they hit a dry hole, they come in and clean it up, replant, do thier best to leave it like it was before. A location (that's what they call it when they come in and build a site for drilling) usually doesn't cover more than an acre or two. Not that big a price to pay if we can become less dependant on foreign oil if you ask me. Land owner ends up with a damn nice cattle guard and a road leadin into the place that will be travelable year round. Some of the ranchers in our area have asked the oil companies to leave the fence up around the locations that were dry holes. They then are goin in and either storing hay or building their working pens in that area.

Bottom line here on this, and it's just my opinion, if we expect to become more self sufficient in our oil reserves and such, gonna hafta take a lil of the bad along with the good.
kolanuraven said:
Thank him all you want for $3/gal gas and higher diesel....now and esp. when he's out of office!! As who do you think will make big bucks off this drilling....him and Cheney!!

DUH!!! But you love'em and support'em all you want.

lucky for you Al Gore invented the internet so you could rant and rave about a good ole boy from Texas.
Surely you know better than to blame George Bush for oil prices?
You're really kidding about that aren't you?

What about not allowing any refineries to be built in this country since the 70's?

What about Anwar? Who kept us out of there?
My dad spent years in Alaska, and he says it won't hurt a thing to drill there. We were in Alaska in 2001 and the natives up there want drilling too. But we all know who threw a fit about that.

All you people are is obstructionists...obstructing what we need in this country and when things cannot progress as they should, the price GOES UP.

As for Cheney, he has given alot to this country. I personally like him maybe a scoosh better than GWB, and that's saying alot. So he invested in something that did good at one time. This is America, right? We can still do that, right?

What about GWB, he just about went broke in the oil business. Or did you know that? That is his right too. Make money or go broke. This is America. Land of envious and whining people who can't stand it if someone does well. Gosh, such a division in this country...

I would say life here is pretty good. And thanks to GWB, we haven't been attacked since 9-11-01.
Now there's a story...good ol' boy from Texas....he's a New Englander moved to Texas. He just bought that ranch before the election so he could say he's FROM Texas.

I don't blame him--"W"-- for the oil prices, I doubt we'll ever see cheaper prices no matter who is in office...no BUT...I bet his ' blind trust" that waiting on him after office...that's not so blind...is loading up on fuel stocks!! I think there a law against that somewhere....

Bush went broke in the oil biz cause his daddy's buddies got tired of him stuffing good money up his nose is cocaine...and in a booze. Now, you can't deny that as your Golden Boy himself admitted to it...and rumors are he's back on the bottle!!! If i were him and realized how I'd screwd up a good economy that was handed to me...I'd be a drunk also.

And we've not been attacked as we're doing pretty good on our own screwing up things....guess the teorrists think why waste time on us right now...
The Bush's have been a part of the Texas Oil Industry for a long long time.


and an article about his ranch in crawford tx


I see absolutely nothin wrong with a man buyin a piece of land and building a home, that he'll most likely retire on in, a state he's called home for a long long time.

He didnt just run right down here to Texas from Connecticut one day n run for governor.
Research the family history! It's easy now that Al Gore invented the internet, according to jigs!
Faster horses said:
Surely you know better than to blame George Bush for oil prices?
You're really kidding about that aren't you?

Of course we can blame Bush for high oil prices. He campaigned as a friend of the oil business who could "jawbone" oil producers and help keep prices down. Duh. Apparently the oil industry has no more respect for him than I do. And why should they? He's been bought and paid for.

What about not allowing any refineries to be built in this country since the 70's?

What do refineries have to do with the price of oil?

What about Anwar? Who kept us out of there?
My dad spent years in Alaska, and he says it won't hurt a thing to drill there. We were in Alaska in 2001 and the natives up there want drilling too. But we all know who threw a fit about that.

ANWAR has enough oil, maybe, for one year of American consumption. Just recently the Republican Senate voted on party lines to allow ANWAR oil to be exported! Now you're telling me that we need oil from Anwar, but the Republicans tell oil companies they don't have to keep it here in the US for our consumption! Where's the sense in that?

ANWAR doesn't belong to the "natives", it belongs to the American public. It will cost billions to drill there and the oil companies won't do it unless the government helps with the expense. Why? Because there's not enough oil there to make it worth their while.

All you people are is obstructionists...obstructing what we need in this country and when things cannot progress as they should, the price GOES UP.

There was almost no change in consumption last year when oil prices (and gasoline prices) started skyrocketing.

As for Cheney, he has given alot to this country. I personally like him maybe a scoosh better than GWB, and that's saying alot. So he invested in something that did good at one time. This is America, right? We can still do that, right?

Cheney hasn't given squat to this country. He got five deferrments during the Vietnam war to keep from going. He went on national TV and said he had "more important" things to do than serve his country in the military! He wasn't even registered to vote in Texas, even though he'd lived there for years. You may like him, but his poll ratings show that Americans don't like or trust the man. It must make people from Wyoming very proud to see this outing of a CIA agent being traced back to his office.

What about GWB, he just about went broke in the oil business. Or did you know that? That is his right too. Make money or go broke. This is America. Land of envious and whining people who can't stand it if someone does well. Gosh, such a division in this country...

George Bush's small oil company was no different than dozens of others in Texas until Daddy got elected VP, then President. Then the company became a gold mine for Georgie. Not because he's a smart oilman, but because he had influence in the oil business.

I would say life here is pretty good. And thanks to GWB, we haven't been attacked since 9-11-01.

Life here used to be very good. But now if you have a family member in Iraq, it's tougher. Or if you're elderly and are watching the Senate try to take away the Medicare drug program they promised you last year, it's tougher. Or if you're a young family trying to buy a house and see the House working to take away mortgage interest as a deduction from your tax return, it's tougher. Or if you were one of the thousands of people who were trapped in the Convention Center in LA and have no house to go back to, it's tougher. Or..... Well, I could go on and on.
Faster horses said:
Surely you know better than to blame George Bush for oil prices?
You're really kidding about that aren't you?

What about not allowing any refineries to be built in this country since the 70's?

What about Anwar? Who kept us out of there?
My dad spent years in Alaska, and he says it won't hurt a thing to drill there. We were in Alaska in 2001 and the natives up there want drilling too. But we all know who threw a fit about that.

All you people are is obstructionists...obstructing what we need in this country and when things cannot progress as they should, the price GOES UP.

As for Cheney, he has given alot to this country. I personally like him maybe a scoosh better than GWB, and that's saying alot. So he invested in something that did good at one time. This is America, right? We can still do that, right?

What about GWB, he just about went broke in the oil business. Or did you know that? That is his right too. Make money or go broke. This is America. Land of envious and whining people who can't stand it if someone does well. Gosh, such a division in this country...

I would say life here is pretty good. And thanks to GWB, we haven't been attacked since 9-11-01.
Come on FH if refineries are the problem why isn't the price of crude 15-30 dollars a barrel? When Canada lacked beef processing the price of live cattle nosedived. Why hasn't this happened to the price of crude?
Both parties have plenty of blame to share on the oil shortrage. Why not drill off the coast of Florida? Oh thats right we can't make Jeb mad. Why not push alternative fuels like ethanol more? Why not mention conservation? I know it is unheard of for a "conservative" to want to conserve fuel. Why isn't oil coming out of Iraq yet?
I can think of two terrorist attacks since 9-11-01. The anthrax letters and the D.C. area snipers. If those both weren't terrorist attacks I don't know what you would call them.
Come on FH if refineries are the problem why isn't the price of crude 15-30 dollars a barrel? When Canada lacked beef processing the price of live cattle nosedived. Why hasn't this happened to the price of crude?
Gees econ 101 supply and demand ... there was still an over supply of beef in Canada.... last summer when crude prices went down gas didn't because of refinery capacity.....
jodywy said:
Come on FH if refineries are the problem why isn't the price of crude 15-30 dollars a barrel? When Canada lacked beef processing the price of live cattle nosedived. Why hasn't this happened to the price of crude?
Gees econ 101 supply and demand ... there was still an over supply of beef in Canada.... last summer when crude prices went down gas didn't because of refinery capacity.....
If you can't refine oil fast enough there is an oversupply of oil too. Just when did crude price go down? Kind of like saying gas is cheap now cuz it only costs 2.35 a gallon. I remember crude prices setting record prices last summer.
Tell me what the price of gas is when it goes from cheap to expensive and also who set this figure that you give me.
Also could you tell this figure on fat cattle, automobiles, tractors, tv's, houses and any other that you happen to know the magic cost of.
If you can't refine oil fast enough there is an oversupply of oil too. Just when did crude price go down? Kind of like saying gas is cheap now cuz it only costs 2.35 a gallon. I remember crude prices setting record prices last summer.
there was a whole world demanding oil not just the US , that help drive oil prices up. When crude prices started to go down supply was exceding demand. But here the refinerys couldn't take advantage of the excess supply because they were running at max production if not damage by fire or shut down because of hurrican and demand for refine product is still high.....Gees and I thought I had a ruff time in econ.....

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