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Media blackout on O's Georgis Eligibility Case

Faster horses

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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
January 30, 2012
Media Blackout in Obama Georgia Ballot Eligibility Case
By Cindy Simpson

Last week, I noted that Obama turned his back not just on Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer, but also on the laws of the State of Georgia. I closed my column, "Georgia Ballot Challenge: Obama Walks on By," with the observation: "And most of the media has followed along right behind him."

At the time, I had just witnessed an historic hearing that actually discussed the eligibility of the sitting president of the United States to run for a second term. The president had been subpoenaed to appear, and instead of his attorney respectfully following protocol to have that subpoena recalled, both Obama and his attorney, Michael Jablonski, simply failed to show up at all or offer any defense whatsoever.

Isn't there a headline in there somewhere?

The hearing proceeded as planned, even though the table for the defense was empty. Attorneys Van Irion and J. Mark Hatfield presented their cases first and offered compelling arguments -- not regarding Obama's birthplace, but rather that the non-U.S. citizenship of Obama's father precluded Obama's "natural born" eligibility under the Constitution and existing Supreme Court precedent. Attorney Orly Taitz, however, did present interesting evidence that questioned the validity of Obama's birth certificate and questions surrounding his Social Security number.

When the hearing ended, the media in attendance almost literally pounced on Taitz. Irion and Hatfield and their clients had left the premises earlier, while Taitz was still presenting her case; however, Irion asserted to me that not one member of the press stopped them on their way out. Doubtless the media did not want to discuss the law -- they'd rather write their usual stories on the birth certificate and interview the one they've dubbed the "birther queen."

Attorney Taitz handled herself well, even though the press taunted her with rudeness and leading questions she has doubtless experienced many times. After the reporters finished letting Taitz feel the full extent of their contempt for both her and the entire morning's event, they packed up to leave.

I walked up to one particular reporter from one of the prominent mainstream entities, noting that he seemed frustrated that he didn't get a clear answer from Taitz to one of his questions, and I informed him that I did know the exact answer, if he'd like to hear more about it. He said no, he didn't. I asked then, wasn't he a reporter, and why did he ask the question if he didn't want the answer? And as I was speaking, he turned and walked away from me.

The same thing happened with another reporter from another major network. He had asked Taitz why no one cared that there were past presidents who had fathers not born in the country. I explained to him that it was not the place of birth of the presidents' fathers that was the issue, but rather the status of their citizenship at the time of their sons' births. The reporter scoffed and told me that that was just my opinion, but when I attempted to inform him that it was also the opinion of the Supreme Court, he turned and walked away from me while I was in mid-sentence.

Does this behavior seem familiar?

Even though I saw reporters from every major network on the scene, the actual reporting of the event was scant -- primarily only in blogs or local news. Google "Georgia Ballot Challenge" and note the non-mainstream coverage of the event.

Rachel Maddow must not have gotten the memo, though, because she dedicated a full 8 minutes of her January 26 show to telling her viewers why they should "feel almost duty-bound as a patriot to ignore" the hearing and not to "dignify this nonsense or elevate it by paying it any attention." Not only were none of the legal points addressed in the hearings brought up by Maddow, but Maddow excused the extraordinary fact that Obama and his counsel, instead of respecting the law, had simply snubbed it, calling the case "ridiculous."

As Sunny of Sunny TV points out in this hilarious but uncomfortably true video, "Tyranny is as Tyranny Does"; "[l]et's just hope the next President is just as benevolent as Obama because they could really use that power for bad." At the end of the clip, as Sunny pretends she is Obama, issuing orders right and left, she points to her crown and says: "This makes me in charge." As Teri O'Brien noted in her interview discussing Obama's penchant for walking away from those with whom he disagrees, "[g]ods don't debate. They issue decrees."

Attorney Irion, in this follow-up letter from his Liberty Legal Foundation, pointed out: "Yesterday President Obama completely ignored a court subpoena, and the world shrugged."

Yes, Obama shrugged, and the media has shrugged along. Irion further noted:

Obama's behavior yesterday is even more disturbing than Nixon's. Nixon at least respected the judicial branch enough to have his attorneys show up in court and follow procedure[.] ... Nixon acknowledged the authority of the judicial branch even while he fought it. Obama, on the other hand, essentially said yesterday that the judicial branch has no power over him. He ordered his attorneys to stay away from the hearing. He didn't petition a higher court in a legitimate attempt to stay the hearing[.] ... Rather than respecting the legal process, Obama went around the courts and tried to put political pressure directly on the Georgia Secretary of State. When that failed, he simply ignored the judicial branch completely.

It is disconcerting to see that the president, whose primary duty is to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, has turned his back on the rule of law of one of those states. Especially, as Sunny uncomfortably reminded us, since this is the same president who routinely sidesteps the law or places himself above it.

Even more troubling is the fact that the mainstream media not only seems to approve -- but they fail to report it at all.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/01/media_blackout_in_obama_georgia_ballot_eligibility_case.html#ixzz1l48ZLfv6
You mean not even Hannity or Michelle Bachmann are mentioning this?? :shock:
I had to throw in her name since she is interviewed so often on FOX and I think I heard her say, besides being a T Party spokesperson, her number one goal was the defeat of Pres. Obama.
TSR said:
I had to throw in her name since she is interviewed so often on FOX and I think I heard her say, besides being a T Party spokesperson, her number one goal was the defeat of Pres. Obama.

Tough for Michelle to bring it up too much (altho she has) - as it would make her a hypocrit and mean criticizing herself since the entire Congress of the US (without one objection) voted to accept the electoral college confirmation of Obama as the POTUS...
It would mean that her own parties President, VP, Attorney General, SCOTUS Chief Justice, along with every R in Congress were either involved in a huge conspiracy with every D- or else were incompetent and did not do their job to uphold the Constitution...

Thats the reason to me this whole birther conspiracy is nothing more than horsepuckey... You can't tell me that old GW and Cheney- along with the R leadership- with the worldwide network of resources they had available to them - haven't already checked this out thoroughly- and if there was any truth to it would have been doing everything in their power to keep Obama from taking office...
Even McCain who would have more legal standing than anyone has said it is a bunch of BS- and that Obama is an American citizen and is rightfully POTUS..

It would have long ago been dead- except for a couple of attorneys getting rich off the radical rights donations- and a couple of politicians that really have no platform or idea using it to beat their drum to stir up the natives...
Oldtimer said:
TSR said:
I had to throw in her name since she is interviewed so often on FOX and I think I heard her say, besides being a T Party spokesperson, her number one goal was the defeat of Pres. Obama.

Tough for Michelle to bring it up too much (altho she has) - as it would make her a hypocrit and mean criticizing herself since the entire Congress of the US (without one objection) voted to accept the electoral college confirmation of Obama as the POTUS...
It would mean that her own parties President, VP, Attorney General, SCOTUS Chief Justice, along with every R in Congress were either involved in a huge conspiracy with every D- or else were incompetent and did not do their job to uphold the Constitution...

Thats the reason to me this whole birther conspiracy is nothing more than horsepuckey... You can't tell me that old GW and Cheney- along with the R leadership- with the worldwide network of resources they had available to them - haven't already checked this out thoroughly- and if there was any truth to it would have been doing everything in their power to keep Obama from taking office...

It would have long ago been dead- except for a couple of attorneys getting rich off the radical rights donations- and a couple of politicians that really have no platform or idea using it to beat their drum to stir up the natives...

That's what happens when Government bureaucracy gets too big, everybody else relies on somebody else to make sure things are done correctly. And so, things are missed and not done correctly
TSR said:
I had to throw in her name since she is interviewed so often on FOX and I think I heard her say, besides being a T Party spokesperson, her number one goal was the defeat of Pres. Obama.

You mean to say you just throw **** and hope it sticks? :roll: :roll:
TSR said:
I had to throw in her name since she is interviewed so often on FOX and I think I heard her say, besides being a T Party spokesperson, her number one goal was the defeat of Pres. Obama.

Can you tell me something TSR why is it so hard for liberals to realize that when there is a Democrat President it is the number one goal of all Republican to get him back out of office as fast as possible and replaced with their guy? :roll: Do you actually think that the Democraps number one goal will not be to get out the Republican out of office in 2016? :wink:
"Citation for Contempt"


"The Defendant‟s contumacious conduct denied the Plaintiff the opportunity to obtain testimony from the Defendant further supporting the Plaintiff‟s factual assertions."
The Sec of State did say if Obama didn't show he did so at his peril. I hope they though the book at him. A VERY LARGE HEAVY LEGAL BOOK.

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