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Michelle Obama Exclusive: Honoring Our Military Families

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Michelle Obama Exclusive: The Moment I Knew We Could Do More To Honor and Serve Our Military Families (VIDEO)

Posted: 04/11/2012 8:35 am Updated: 04/11/2012 10:03 am

First Lady Michelle Obama, in an exclusive video for The Huffington Post, shares her personal story of the moment she knew she wanted to help military families. Together with Dr. Jill Biden, the two co-founders have undertaken an initiative to create and secure private-sector jobs for veterans (returning from Iraq and Afghanistan) and their spouses. The initiative, called "Joining Forces," celebrates its one year anniversary on Wednesday, April 11th, 2012. Watch her message above -- and go to joiningforces.gov to find out what you can do to help military families.

Hope she has better luck securing jobs than her old man had getting the unemployed engineer a job. I wouldn't go to MO for a blow job.
This must be the first time in history that a first lady has done something to help her Country.

You guys best vote for her husband in 2012.


Let us know when she rides 62 miles on her bike with injured vets and doesn't use it as a photo-op.
She spouts her garbage while her old man turns his back on them!!!!
Must be for political reasons, taking the heat off barry boy :mad:
I wish I could believe it. When you take her history into consideration it would have to be a full 180. History says it is all a ploy.
I can remeber be proud of my country at a Veterans day program when I was in grade school.
Only thing Michelle is going to honor is staying in the white house, living large on the taxpayer dime, air force one to travel to and fro, taking every person she can buy on her travels, and having some one else furnish her with all the clothes she doesn't have to buy and never have to be seen in again. She will put up with any amount of stuff just to be in the Washington elite, a place where I would bet she is as despised by them as she is by the rest of the country.
flounder said:
Michelle Obama Exclusive: The Moment I Knew We Could Do More To Honor and Serve Our Military Families (VIDEO)
Posted: 04/11/2012 8:35 am Updated: 04/11/2012 10:03 am
First Lady Michelle Obama, in an exclusive video for The Huffington Post, shares her personal story of the moment she knew she wanted to help military families. Together with Dr. Jill Biden, the two co-founders have undertaken an initiative to create and secure private-sector jobs for veterans (returning from Iraq and Afghanistan) and their spouses. The initiative, called "Joining Forces," celebrates its one year anniversary on Wednesday, April 11th, 2012. Watch her message above -- and go to joiningforces.gov to find out what you can do to help military families.

Veterans and troops set to lose health benefits under Obama's budget
Retirees in the military health care program will face increases in their annual costs of up to 345 per cent
By Meghan Keneally
UPDATED: 07:56 GMT, 28 February 2012

Concern is sinking in over the long-term effects of President Barack Obama's proposed budget cuts to military health care spending.
Critics say that by taking aim at the military health care program by adding additional fees and increasing required payments, the President is dishonoring troops and hurting the military's recruiting power.
The budget put forth by Mr Obama- which still needs to be approved by Congress before being enacted- would create $487billion in cuts over the next 10 years.
Strategic cuts: As part of his proposed budget, President Obama will aim to have veterans opt out of their health care plan by raising the prices significantly
One of the biggest areas of contention is the increases of health care fees that specifically target military retirees by boosting their co-pay charges and deductibles.
Some reports cite unidentified administration officials as saying that they hope that the increases would put pressure on the retirees to opt out of their veterans benefits and sign up for the program put in place by President Obama's controversial Affordable Care Act which was approved in 2010.

I guess if the ladies get the retirees jobs then they don't have to feel guilty that their husbands are cutting their veterans benefits. If they can just push the vets off on the Private Sector, they can make them provide for their health care. Yes be proud of the First Lady Flounder she is doing a wonder job screwing over those that protect your Rights and Freedoms. :roll:

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