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Mike care to comment on this.

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The workers - a German Mercedes-Benz executive and a Japanese employee at Honda -- were released without charges after the governor's office intervened on their behalf.

This was taken from an article about Alabama's new policy on immigration.
Mike said:
Yea, I'll comment.

I don't know why the Guv had to interfere. :???:

That is what I thought illegals come in all different colors. The next one could be an American that did have any I.D. on them.
hurleyjd said:
Mike said:
Yea, I'll comment.

I don't know why the Guv had to interfere. :???:

That is what I thought illegals come in all different colors. The next one could be an American that did have any I.D. on them.

That would be an easy fix. Just punch their name in the computer onboard the patrol car and find out if they have a license or not.

Foreigners ain't in the system. :lol:
On Nov. 16, a German manager with Mercedes-Benz was arrested under the law for not having a driver's license with him while driving a rental car. Tuscaloosa city attorney Tim Nunnally said the charge was dismissed after the man provided the documents in municipal court.

the same would happen to me here in New Jersey.. (but an Illegal would be released with a summons)..

the fact is it is illegal in most state to operate a motor vehicle without your license in your possession..

A Japanese man temporarily working at Honda's car factory in east Alabama became the second foreign auto worker charged under the state's law on illegal immigration, the company said Wednesday.

Yet Republican lawmakers in Alabama cast doubt on whether the citation was actually made under the immigration law, saying it did not seem to match the law's requirements.

Philip Bryan, spokesman for Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh, R-Anniston, said there is "no instance or violation" under the new law that calls for writing someone a ticket.

"Therefore, regardless of human error, it is not legally possible for anyone ever to be written a ticket if they violate the immigration law," Bryan said in an email to The Associated Press. "None."

Foreign Visitors Driving in the U.S.

Quick facts for foreign visitors about driving in the United States

An International Driving Permit (IDP) translates information contained on your driver's license into 10 languages so that officials in foreign countries are able to interpret your license. An IDP supplements a valid government-issued license--it does not serve as a replacement for a license. If you are stopped by law enforcement, you will most likely be asked to produce both your IDP and your official driver's license.

If you are going to reside in the U.S., you can get a U.S. driver's license once you are in the U.S.,

in most states if you have been in the state for more then 90 days your International D/L is no longer accepted..

which is more then likely the basis for the ticket not the immigration law.

should we just ignore our driving laws for visitors?
hurleyjd said:
Mike said:
Yea, I'll comment.

I don't know why the Guv had to interfere. :???:

That is what I thought illegals come in all different colors. The next one could be an American that did have any I.D. on them.

can I file a civil rights violation claim?

when I was retiring from the military I went to work for a local company, and was driving a work van.. I was pulled over for expired registration on the van... (the sticker fell off)..
since my out of state license didn't match the registration.. I was arrested,.. ok detained by the local police until the registered owner showed up with the legal registration and a new sticker from the DMV..

I was issued a summons and when I appeared in court the charges were dropped.. after I proved I was still in the military and could still legally have an out of state license.

I though it was funny and went ahead and changed my license registration and insurance over just to be safe.. but now I realize they were violating my civil rights cause they didn't like US out of staters from South Dakota ..

the law says you have to have the "proper documents" when you operate a vehicle .. or you can get arrested or ticketed.. is that so hard for Holder to understand..
If I was arrested and had forgot to put my ID in my pocket that morning, and was looking a little like a "latino" that morning, I would just phone someone to "bring down my passport".....that should solve the problem.


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