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Milk Creek Reds Cow Sale

Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
Bruce and Tena Ketchum and family are holding a
Cow Sale, Oct. 31, 2011 at the Fallon County Expo
Center in Baker, Mt. They are selling some registered cows,
some commercial cows and also some bred heifers.
I think this might be a first for them selling bred females.

The printer is late getting the catalogs out, but you can find
information and the catalog at:


These are cattle that survive in the real world and Bruce and
Tena are fine people to work with.

The video of the sale cattle will be available to view at www.
milkcreekreds.com or www.billpelton.com by October 10, 2011.
If you don’t have high speed internet or are unable to view the
video over the internet contact Ketchums for a DVD on the sale cattle.
Whitewing said:
Take pictures. :mad:

My apologies....I didn't take any.....and I had my camera....
the cattle were at the ranch and people were walking around
in them and they were so quiet~that's the pictures I should
have taken, even the calves were nice and quiet. It was
amazing really.

So here is how the sale averaged:

Mature cows (these were 9-12 years old): $3000 plus a bit:
Bred heifers-$2900 + a bit
Heifer calves-$1800 + a bit

They announced the exact averages but I didn't have a pen.

There were buyers from everywhere......even Canada......I met
a nice young couple who were starting their own registered herd
and I thought it was so great that they could go in and buy
cows of this quality to get a start. Many cows sold over the internet;
it was on DV Auction. I think the Ketchums were pleased with
the day. Everything ran well, lunch was superb--bbq brisket-- :D

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