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Montana's House endorses country-of-origin labeling bill

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Feb 10, 2005
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The House endorsed a measure Wednesday that would require country-of-origin labeling for meat and other foods in Montana despite fears the proposed penalties would put some small grocery stores out of business.

The bill, which won initial approval 63-37, would mirror a national requirement for such labels that was to take effect this fall but is now postponed until at least September 2006. The Bush administration has expressed a desire to repeal the law.

Opponents questioned the need for Havre Democratic Rep. Bob Bergren's bill given the national program, and criticized the proposed fines for noncompliance as too harsh. The fines range between $100 and $1,000, with a jail sentence of up to six months possible for the removal of labels.

"This is a death knell for our little grocery stores," said Rep. Joan Andersen, R-Fromberg.

Bergren said supermarkets have two years to find reliable food sources from Montana and other parts of the United States before the law goes into effect. After that, placards stating the country or origin or "origin unknown" will be required.

Bergren and other supporters said the bill is needed to protect Montana consumers and promote the state's beef industry, citing the recent instability over reopening the northern border to Canadian cattle because of concerns about mad-cow disease.

"We need to uphold our heritage and stick up for Montana," said Rep. Veronica Small-Eastman, D-Lodge Grass.

Bergren's bill, if approved, would also serve as a backup plan if the national law is repealed, he said.

Supporters of the country-of-origin labels say they would allow consumers to know more about the meat they buy and would be a boon to ranchers with small operations. Opponents argue they would cost too much to be practical.
I cannot see how this bill can be enforced. If we had slaughter capacity in this state, maybe it would, but as the bill is written, all of our meat is going to end up being labeled "Origin unknown". I don't see how that is going to help any one of us, it will probably hurt most. At the hearing in the house, it was brought up that other states around us have tried to do this same thing and it did not work. The manager of one of the Albertsons store said that there is no way he could comply and that everything will end up being origin unknown. :(
The State of Mississippi passed a COOL law a few years ago. The Feds shot it down as unlawful.

The manager of one of the Albertsons store said that there is no way he could comply and that everything will end up being origin unknown.
He just doesn't know about www.scoringsystem.info/agri/ .
What could be more entertaining than watching the look on a "don't burden me with traceback" R-CALFers face when the buyers are only willing to take source verified cattle. LOL!

With the national ID system expected to be up and running in 6 to 12 months, it is time for the states to force the feds to start COOL. The time is now.
~SH~ said:
What could be more entertaining than watching the look on a "don't burden me with traceback" R-CALFers face when the buyers are only willing to take source verified cattle. LOL!


Are you ever going to prove where R-CALF said "don't burden me with traceback" or are you just going to keep flapping your lips and spewing nonsense? WHEN DID THEY SAY IT, SH? You know how to cut and paste, lets see it.
Sandhusker: "Are you ever going to prove where R-CALF said "don't burden me with traceback" or are you just going to keep flapping your lips and spewing nonsense? WHEN DID THEY SAY IT, SH? You know how to cut and paste, lets see it."

R-CALF members stated repeatedly during "M"COOL listening sessions that they did not want to be burdened with traceback.

R-CALF took action on this issue at the request of their members by prohibiting "M"ID from "M"COOL.

R-CALF calls "M"COOL a "good law" as written.

Nonsense? Hahaha!

Yeh Sandhusker, let's just ignore the fact that "M"ID was prohibited from "M"COOL and pretend that R-CULT actually wanted "M"ID.

Keeping drinking that R-CULT Kool Aid!

Anything to defend your lying organization.

Why would I need to provide a quote?

One day "USDA doesn't care about food safety" and the next day Bullard is citing how many cattle USDA has tested compared to Canada.

Why would I quote a hypocrite that contradicts himself daily?

The action that was taken was "M"ID prohibited. No further proof is needed.

~SH~ said:
Sandhusker: "Are you ever going to prove where R-CALF said "don't burden me with traceback" or are you just going to keep flapping your lips and spewing nonsense? WHEN DID THEY SAY IT, SH? You know how to cut and paste, lets see it."

Why would I need to provide a quote?


You need to provide a quote because you say you are quoting R-CALF. What do you think it means when you use " "? Do I need to borrow a page from your debating manual and call you a liar? LET'S SEE IT!
There is no need for me to keep repeating the same thing over and over.

"M"ID was prohibited from "M"COOL.

There is nothing more that needs to be said.

I'm not going to play your little games by wading through tons and tons of "M"COOL listening session testimonials to find an often repeated quote about "not wanting to be burdened with traceback".

That statement was made repeatedly by R-CALF representatives during "M"COOL listening sessions.

I'll just let you assume it didn't happen and ignore the fact that "M"ID was prohibited from "M"COOL. You live in a fantasy world anyway.

Instead of providing the facts that support your position, all you can do is question what you don't want to believe. Some debater you are! LOL!

Put up or shut up, SH! If you're going to quote somebody, you better be able to back it up.

Is that the precident you want to set on this board? We can quote somebody and not have to back it up?


Sandhusker: "YOU CAN'T POST IT BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Want to bet $100 that they didn't say it????

Until you do, I have no incentive to prove you wrong!

~SH~ said:
Sandhusker: "YOU CAN'T POST IT BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Want to bet $100 that they didn't say it????

Until you do, I have no incentive to prove you wrong!


Maintaining a scant of credibility is no incentive? Being called out as full of malarkey and not being able to refute it is no incentive?

Sandhusker: "Maintaining a scant of credibility is no incentive? Being called out as full of malarkey and not being able to refute it is no incentive?"

What's wrong Sandhusker????

You said "It didn't happen" and now you dont have enough self confidence to back that claim by taking the bet???

If I'm going to play your childish little "question everything" game by having to prove every statement you decide to call into question, it's going to be worth my time otherwise you can KMA!

Blueprint for Maximizing the Benefits of Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling While Minimizing Costs to Producers and Unnecessary Government and Industry Regulation

Prepared by

R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America

August 29, 2003


Directive 5: USDA shall make it unlawful for any person subject to this Act to require or request, as a condition of purchase or for any other reason, any person who produces or raises cattle, hogs, or sheep to: (a) indemnify such person from liability arising under, or related to, this Act; or (b) produce records or other documentation to verify the country of origin of any covered commodity or the country of origin of live cattle, hogs or sheep. This directive is not intended to supercede any obligations to maintain the integrity of origin markings under existing federal law.

If USDA will not voluntarily exercise this authority, Congress should amend 7 USC § 1638 to require USDA to establish a limitation on verification and liability to prevent any mischief or abuses.


You can read the entire document here:

~SH~ said:
Sandhusker: "Maintaining a scant of credibility is no incentive? Being called out as full of malarkey and not being able to refute it is no incentive?"

What's wrong Sandhusker????

You said "It didn't happen" and now you dont have enough self confidence to back that claim by taking the bet???

If I'm going to play your childish little "question everything" game by having to prove every statement you decide to call into question, it's going to be worth my time otherwise you can KMA!


Fine, I'll put up my $100. How do you want to do this? I suggest Soapweed holds the money and makes the judgement. We both know him personally and we both know him to be as straight a shooter as there is. One thing I ask is your address because I'm sending your $100 to R-CALF so I can buy you a membership. That way you can read what they actually say.
Hell, Sandhusker, I'll pay you $500 for an accurate mailing list. That's more than you're ever going to make off R-calf, in the liong run! and dollars talk right!
Bull Burger,

Isn't that so typical of R-CULT?

First they DEMANDED proof of where cattle were "BORN, RAISED, and SLAUGHTERED" to be eligible for the U.S. origination designated label under Country of Origin Labeling.

Then they didn't want to be burdened with traceback so they were fighting for signed affidavits and "presumption of U.S. origin" by only marking imported animals which was clearly against both the "M"COOL law and our trade laws. That position directly contradicts their position that the large packers were hiding foreign beef behind the USDA inspections stamp. Yesterday the large packers couldn't be trusted to label beef correctly, today they are trustworthy enough to correctly label an estimated 300 packages of beef from a single carcass BASED SOLELY ON A SIGNED AFFIDAVIT??? Hahaha!


"M"COOL passes with "M"ID prohibited. Leo says it is a good law as written and admits to helping to write the law.

Then R-CULT suggests that USDA trace the Canadian cattle within our system to have them tested. HELLO?????? With what????


Now I think Leo is finally realizing that this law is going to require traceback to prove origination and that Canadian cattle cannot be tracked without a traceback placing R-CULT in a position of finally having to take a position on traceback.

That's when we got the "for", "against", "for", "against" something for everyone speach from Leo on traceback.

Watching these guys flounder around is sad because they don't have a clue.

Sandhusker, if I don't get the hundred, there's no bet. I'll be damned if I am going to contribute one dime to R-CULT.


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