Perry certainly has benefited from the nation's proclivity toward farm payouts; his 40-acre farm — which he finally sold in 1998 — brought him $72,687 in farm payments between 1987 and 1989 and even made him an additional $9,624 for leaving his land lying fallow. Perry's father has also received $6,443 from cotton and wheat subsidies in 2002 and 2003.
When Perry was Texas Ag Commissioner he was the biggest proponent of keeping farm/cotton subsidies- which many now can see are just a big federal ripoff for nonresident landowners- especially the cotton subsidy ripoff...
While he rants against government spending- and federal aid payments-- it seems he didn't mind federal programs/aid then when he was pocketing the cash...
Yep- he'll make the perfect Tea Party candidate!!! :roll: :wink: :lol: