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Mr.n Mrs Cranky pants

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if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen.I say good for the govenor
Obama complained that Brewer hadn't "treated him cordially" and then stalked off while she was responding mid-sentence.

At least two other Republican governors — Rick Perry of Texas and Bobby Jindal of Louisiana — have recounted similar presidential snit fits on the tarmac. He sulked over a letter Jindal wrote to the administration about food stamps for Gulf oil spill victims; he bolted after a half-minute meeting with Perry at an Austin airport over border security issues.

As longtime observers of the royal Obamas have long observed: Mr. and Mrs. Cranky Pants' problem has never been the color of their skin. It's the thinness.

in conservative states.. he spars on the tarmac..

in swing states he bows,..

in liberal states he is left,... .... yep,... just left.. ..


I don't care how busy you are, get someone to the airport to pick me up..
What comes to mind here is Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Obama is the most disrespectful President in modern history and if it wasn't for the office he occupys I doubt many of the azz kisser would give him a second look. If you don't believe he is disrespectful take a look at what he did to the Supreme Court during his first State of the Union Address and then the Republicans during just about any speech he gives. Obama got what he deserved and it was about time. GO JAN GO :clap: .

I heard Jan Brewer's interview the other night after the picture was taken and she said she was there to talk about ARIZONA's problems and he turn the issue into her book and what it said about him. The funny part about this whole issue is her book was selling but after he publicly went after her on the tarmac, book sales shot up as everyone wanted to know what she wrote that set the thin skinned idiot off.

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