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NATO agrees to trials for Koran burners


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
3. NATO officials promised to meet Afghan nation’s demand of bringing to justice, through an open trial, those responsible for the incident and it was agreed that the perpetrators of the crime be brought to justice as soon as possible.

Will NATO be putting the Detainee that defaced the Korans that set the whole incident rolling on trial too?

Will NATO put the Afghan soldier that killed the American Soldiers on trial or will they be like Obama and look after the Afghan's feelings and forget the US soldiers families have feelings too?

This is a bunch of crap. the burning could have been an accident but the defacing sure wasn't and neither were the murders. :mad:
Tam said:
Will NATO be putting the Detainee that defaced the Korans that set the whole incident rolling on trial too?

Will NATO put the Afghan soldier that killed the American Soldiers on trial or will they be like Obama and look after the Afghan's feelings and forget the US soldiers families have feelings too?

This is a bunch of crap. the burning could have been an accident but the defacing sure wasn't and neither were the murders. :mad:
Any one who puts these men on trial for burning paper and ink are the lowest form of scum on planet earth.They would be my enemy forever.No American in thier right mind can agree to a trial of any sort.
The unrest started Tuesday when Afghan workers at the main American military base, Bagram Air Field, saw soldiers dumping books in a pit where garbage is burned and noticed Qurans and other religious material among the trash.

Four copies of the Quran were burned before the incineration was halted, according to initial Afghan government reports.

"It wasn't intended in any way to be an act of malice toward a particular religion or its practices," Dempsey said at a Navy base in Florida. Asked whether NATO troops were in greater danger as a result of Afghan outrage over the Quran burning, he said: "This event raises my concern, sure."

U.S. officials said the materials had been taken from the shelves of a detention center library because they contained extremist messages or inscriptions.

A rising number of Afghan security forces, or militants wearing their uniforms, have shot and killed U.S. and NATO service members. On Monday, gunmen in Afghan police uniforms opened fire on NATO troops in southern Afghanistan, killing an Albanian soldier. Last month, France suspended its training program and threatened to withdraw its forces a year ahead of schedule after an Afghan soldier shot and killed four French soldiers on a base in the east.

this was a WAR against an islamic radical government ,.. and now has turned in to a US apologizing tour to another islamic government that gets more radical with every apology.. ..

can anyone say.. drill baby drill,.. and leave this region to Russia/China to deal with?
Sandhusker said:
Time to leave. There are some animals that you just can't domesticate.

We should have done that long ago- back when GW decided it was no longer his priority war- and went nation building instead....
Those folks have lived 1000's of years with tribal law and tribal warfare- and they aren't going to change....
Oldtimer said:
Sandhusker said:
Time to leave. There are some animals that you just can't domesticate.

We should have done that long ago- back when GW decided it was no longer his priority war- and went nation building instead....
Those folks have lived 1000's of years with tribal law and tribal warfare- and they aren't going to change....

yep, we should just round um up and put them on reservations..

and we could operate a really lucrative liquor store store to fund the operation..
Oldtimer said:
Sandhusker said:
Time to leave. There are some animals that you just can't domesticate.

We should have done that long ago- back when GW decided it was no longer his priority war- and went nation building instead....
Those folks have lived 1000's of years with tribal law and tribal warfare- and they aren't going to change....

Well, it didn't happen. Bush tried. Obama isn't trying.
Sandhusker said:
Oldtimer said:
Sandhusker said:
Time to leave. There are some animals that you just can't domesticate.

We should have done that long ago- back when GW decided it was no longer his priority war- and went nation building instead....
Those folks have lived 1000's of years with tribal law and tribal warfare- and they aren't going to change....

Well, it didn't happen. Bush tried. Obama isn't trying.

You must be reading the new Repub history book that claims GW got Osama Bin Laden -eh... :wink: :P :lol:

I don't agree with allowing any NATO troops or contracted labor being put on trial by the Afghanis---BUT I do believe this should be investigated by NATO/Military authorities- and if a NATO officer authorized it- he would be in violation of military rules and law which have been around for some time that requires troops not to do anything offensive to the beliefs (especially religious beliefs) of the country they are in....And he probably shouldn't be an officer leading troops anymore if he is that stupid...

I think the thing we have to remember is that we are the "guests/invaders" of their homeland..... I wonder what a bunch of Americans would feel like if a bunch of foreigners invaded Nebraska and then publicly burned the Bible.... :???:
Would that not p*ss you off a little Sandhusker?

Best we can do is get out of there- and let them go back to killing each other in their tribal and drug wars...
The Taliban invited the US military, to Afghanistan when they declared war against the US by attacking on Sept. 11

If the qurans that were destroyed had terrorist passages written in them by detainees, then they are fair game in the 'war on terror" IMO

I don't remember obama apologizing for the bibles that were destroyed in Afghanistan
Figures !!!!! oldtimer found a way to blame Bush for this too :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: he would blame Bush for the wet Depends that he wears and the stain in his drawers too!!!!
Shows just how objective he is!!

Comments oldtimer or are you just going to blame this post on BUSH too
:roll: :roll: :roll: Must be hell being the joke of ranchers and of MT

10 yrs is long enough.

Leave out and leave'em the keys.

Set and watch and if they start acting and/or getting chummy with the likes that attacked us on 9-11.....make that place known as the Gulf of Mosul !!
jingo2 said:
10 yrs is long enough.

Leave out and leave'em the keys.

Set and watch and if they start acting and/or getting chummy with the likes that attacked us on 9-11.....make that place known as the Gulf of Mosul !!

"start getting chummy" :roll:

The Taliban claimed responsibility for an attack Saturday inside the Afghan interior ministry that killed at least two American officers.

The Taliban is using the whole episode to rile up the citizens. There are 1000s of qurans dumped into the rivers in those countries annually.

Just another excuse to riot and kill infidels

so you are suggesting the bombing start then?

with the current rules of engagement, I think the military has the right to shoot at those that are attacking them, don't they?

they are doing pretty well so far, to not retaliate in my opinion
jingo2 said:
10 yrs is long enough.

Leave out and leave'em the keys.

Set and watch and if they start acting and/or getting chummy with the likes that attacked us on 9-11.....make that place known as the Gulf of Mosul !!

AMEN- Jingo 2--- and quit playing into the hands of the industrial community that makes a fortune off our nation building and the old grey haired politicians that profiticize on the deaths of our young folks on missions that won't change the world situation in the long run...... :( :mad:

We entered into a good and just issue- but it all changed when GW decided nation building in countries that didn't even allow an Al Quaeda influence, just because his old neocon advisors (1/2 of what he inherited from his Dad) had decided they needed to finish the war they thought his Daddy had abandoned.. And knew their lobbyist money would disappear if they didn't spend Billions $.....
Instead they invested Trillions $ of taxpayer dollars- while telling the public it would cost nothing-- and led us headlong toward the Bush Bust ... :( :mad:

This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

President of the United States (and former General of the Army) Dwight D. Eisenhower in his Farewell Address to the Nation on January 17, 1961

These folks are not going to change--and whatever "elected" government we back is going to be what they/the locals will accept-- and all that happens is that we spend Trillions $ more- and many good young men and women die trying to tell them what/how "US" thinks they should live...

Who/ or how arrogant are we to tell them that we live a better life :???:

I know most good R cult followers would love to believe that Reagan was the cause of the fall of the Soviet Union -- but in reality much of it was Afghanistan-- and I often wonder how much the Russian leaders chuckle at the stupidity of us giving up being the Worlds mightiest nation and bankrupting our country too over a desert rockpile of Opium plants inhabited mainly by drug dealers and controlled by Muslim Druglords......

The biggest sad comedy is that most of these old fart rightwingernuts (like some on this board) now screaming we all need a 100 guns of all sizes, patriotism, and redneckism the loudest have never seen (nor smelled) blown up, burned, decapitated, weeks/months long decaying mutilated bodies-- nor had been in positions of facing directly having combat or bullets/people trying to kill them---- but will still promote having their grey haired old elected representatives sending our sons and daughters off to war/nation building/genocide killing --- and describe any negotiations/talks to try and work together--- as NONPATROTIC....... :roll:

May be the reason Ron Paul has had such a huge military following...

Ron Paul and/or Gary Johnson for President.......
OT, you're an idiot. Here's why we're still in Afghanistan:

Mike said:
OT, you're an idiot. Here's why we're still in Afghanistan:


Not to mention this:

Liberals want to drill, baby, drill, but only if it is not in the US or North America. obama's "just war" is for oil

Ever notice that oldtimer never has an argument just a BLAME BUSH statement!!!!

Must be hell being someone so fraking clueless...EH oldtimer??? The boys down at the water hole told you that you were a loser again??? When you quit buying drinks?? You need to quit trying to buy friends<<<< they laugh at you when you stagger to the door..
Breaking the law by driving DRUNK
Mike said:
OT, you're an idiot. Here's why we're still in Afghanistan:


I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.
~Smedley Darlington Butler (July 30, 1881 – June 21, 1940) was a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps, an outspoken critic of U.S. military adventurism, and at the time of his death the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

During his 34-year career as a Marine, he participated in military actions in the Philippines, China, in Central America and the Caribbean during the Banana Wars, and France in World War I. By the end of his career, he had received 16 medals, five for heroism. He is one of 19 men to twice receive the Medal of Honor, one of three to be awarded both the Marine Corps Brevet Medal and the Medal of Honor, and the only man to be awarded the Brevet Medal and two Medals of Honor, all for separate actions.

You could be quite right- as we have long been warned of the reasons the industrial complex, military industrial complex, and wealthy of the world have sent our young folks into wars they shouldn't even have been involved in...... :(

Too me- if the JP Morgans and Billionaires of the country want to take over a foreign country's wealth/potential wealth - they should do it without the taxpayers backing- and making the US military into playing the role of Mafia gunmen ..... :( :mad:

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