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Nazi Party & Communist Party Both support OWS


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
Must be the liberty damaging socialist big government that they look forward to.....


Nazi Party & Communist Party Both Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movement

The American Nazi Party likes what it sees.
Today the American Nazi Party released a statement in support of Occupy Wall Street movement.

The foremost authority on National Socialism in America has this to say about “Occupy” [ANP leader Rocky Suhayda -ed.] :

What is really MISSING – is the “MOVEMENT” from these popular protests – its time to pull WN heads out of their collective ass’s, and JOIN IN the attack on Judeo-Capitalism. What do you suggest? That WN Working Class White people DEFEND the Judeo-Capitalists? IF the “movement” wasn’t so PATHETIC it would be OUT THERE – LEADING these protests! The fact that its these “lefties” as you call them, who are picking up the ball and running with it – only shows how much more in tune THEY are with the fed up masses of White Workers, than the fossilized, reactionary “right-wing”. WHO holds the WEALTH and POWER in this country – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO is therefore the #1 ENEMY who makes all this filth happen – the JUDEO-CAPITALISTS. WHO therefore do WN need to FIGHT? My heart is right there with these people, perhaps someday the “movement” will SHOW the same COURAGE and DEDICATION that these people OUT THERE FIGHTING are SHOWING!

More at the link.
Teacher calls local Tea Party president a Nazi|WOAI: San Antonio ...


Sep 29, 2011 – Tempers flared during a town hall meeting on the Dream Act Tuesday night. During the meeting a high school government teacher from John F. ...

Whammer's Blog: The Nazi Tea Party


Feb 28, 2011 – From the beginning I was struck by the many similarities between the formations of the Nazi party and today's Tea party. I did some research, ...

Tea Party upset with teacher's 'Nazi' comment - San Antonio Express ...


Sep 29, 2011 – A video of a heated exchange at a public forum on immigration at which an Edgewood government teacher called the tea party's local president ...

Teacher calls Tea Party President A 'Nazi | Video | TheBlaze.com


Sep 22, 2011 – On Tuesday, the San Antonio Tea Party was part of a panel supported by a local public radio station - 89.1 KSTX. The topic of discussion - the ...

Teacher Calls Tea Party Leader a Nazi - YouTube


Sep 21, 2011 - 2 min - Uploaded by joepagsradio At a gathering to discuss what to do about illegal alien students and the DREAM Act in San Antonio -- a public school ...

Tea Party Nazis - YouTube


Oct 31, 2010 - 3 min - Uploaded by wulfric82 Midterm elections on November 2...Will you vote? THEY WILL. Fight the Fascists! Music: Duetchland uber alles, Nazi Punks ...

More videos for tea party nazi »

Teacher Calls Local Tea Party President a Nazi - Tea Party - Fox ...


Sep 23, 2011 – SAN ANTONIO - Tempers flared during a town hall meeting on the Dream Act Tuesday night. During the meeting a high school government ...

Tea Party Nazi Guy Addresses Media Backlash


3 days ago – Rich Iott, the Nazi re-enacting Tea Party congressional candidate from Ohio, has released a statement saying, "This election needs to be about ...

Tea Party Nazi Reenactor Rick Iott Defends Himself - ABC News

abcnews.go.com › Politics

Oct 10, 2010 – Rich Iott, the Republican candidate for the U.S. House in northwest Ohio, responded to the recently published photos of him wearing a Nazi ...

Tea Party Vindicators: I Am a Traitor, Communist, Nazi, and Racist ...


The Christian Science Monitor ran an article of mine on the Tea Party last Friday. The article opened, "Many 'tea party' activists staunchly oppose big ...

Rand Paul Tea Party Nazi Bullies Should Man Up - Middle-Class ...


Rand Paul Tea Party Nazi Bullies Should Man Up. by BrianDude on October 26, 2010. in Election 2010,Uncategorized. I was utterly disgusted by the actions of ...

Tea Party=The New Nazi Party? - US Message Board - Political ...

www.usmessageboard.com › US Discussion › Conspiracy Theories

Apr 11, 2010 – From Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels' Diary April 13, 1926 "Hitler was there. Tall healthy and vigorous." "I like him. He puts us to shame with his ...

Page 13 - US Message Board ...? - Jul 16, 2011 Page 12 - US Message Board ...? - Jul 15, 2011 Page 11 - US Message Board ...? - Apr 24, 2010 Page 3 - US Message Board ...? - Apr 11, 2010

More results from usmessageboard.com »

Meet the Tea Party Candidate Who Plays Nazi Dress Up on Weekends


Oct 9, 2010 – Ohio GOP nominee for Congress Rich Iott likes to dress up as a Nazi officer and run around with other weirdos in the woods on weekends.

CNN Nazi reporter attacks tea party members ! - YouTube


Apr 16, 2009 - 3 min - Uploaded by cylon85912 Obama commands his CNN brown shirts to attack peaceful tea party protesters to stop their dissent.

Tea Party Nazis - YouTube


Oct 31, 2010 - 3 min - Uploaded by wulfric82 Midterm elections on November 2...Will you vote? THEY WILL. Fight the Fascists! Music: Duetchland uber alles, Nazi Punks ...

More videos for tea party nazi »

San Antonio teacher calls Tea Party Nazis. | Virginia 9th Watchdog


Sep 26, 2011 – First of all the Tea Party is fundamentally opposed to National Socialism. The second thing I have a problem with is the Nazis didn't deport ...

Ohio Tea Partier Spent Weekends Playing Nazi Games (VIDEO ...


Oct 8, 2010 – Marcy Kaptur (D) in Ohio's Ninth District, has an unusual hobby: He likes to pretend he's a Nazi. Iott, a tea party-backed candidate, spent time ...

Ohio Tea Party Candidate is a Nazi Re-Enactor | Crooks and Liars

crooksandliars.com › Blogs › karoli's blog

Oct 9, 2010 – That video is a 2009 recruitment video for the Wiking German Re-enactment Group in Ohio. This is a group that TeaBircher Rich Iott hangs with ...

Tea Party-backed Rich Iott defends wearing Nazi Waffen SS uniform ...


Oct 12, 2010 – A congressional wannabe insists there's nothing wrong with playing a Nazi, as long as it's for educational purposes.Rich Iott, a Tea ...

Kim Simac, Tea Party Candidate For Jim Holperin Recall, Compares ...


Aug 1, 2011 – Wisconsin tea party organizer and children's book author Kim Simac has admitted to comparing American public schools to the Nazi regime. ...












tea party nazi

No one really ever reads any of his posts, except him self,but he does not understand them either :lol: :lol: :lol:
Didn't communism in Russia start with bringing down the rich? And that also brought down everybody. After the rich were gone and the leaders gone, no one was left to run the country except the thieves.
There is no such thing as spreading the wealth, it always turns out as spreading the poverty.
And in Portland, they sing *uck the USA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeuGx8PplAo

and in Los Angeles, a school employee wants the Jews ran out of the Country. http://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2011/10/16/democrats,_the_media_and_the_heart_of_the_occupy_movement/page/2
And these people are supported by the likes of oldtimer and flounder and kolo=jing=lulu=allie as well as a couple of others
Faster horses said:
flounder, has anyone ever showed you how to shorten up a post?
If not, you would do well to learn how. It's not that difficult.

So, tell me in a few words what that post was about, because
I didn't read it.
it would be easy fro him to shorten it..

I'll try to help him out..

Teacher calls local Tea Party president a Nazi

then uses the rest of the post to try to justify his stupid remark, interlaced with you-tube links and blog links that do not work or are long ago removed due to the stupidity of the liberal argument presented..
garn said:
And in Portland, they sing *uck the USA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeuGx8PplAo

and in Los Angeles, a school employee wants the Jews ran out of the Country. http://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2011/10/16/democrats,_the_media_and_the_heart_of_the_occupy_movement/page/2

a few might have had a message but it was drowned out by the many who are just a bunch of parasites.

the OWC Flea party is full of over the hill sixties rejects that will not ever grow up, a bunch of losers who were kicked out of their parents' basement and about every assorted bigot you could come up with..

even some who carried signs saying ---- the troops.. and ones who spit on a Coast Guard service member in uniform..

yet some seem to blindly support their vulgar acts and try to rationalize it..
Video: Communist Party U.S.A. Spokesman Gets Overwhelming Applause from Occupy Chicago

So far these protests really don't bother me- as I think its needed to show the frustration of bank bailouts- and corporate greed that caused much of our problems....By both the left and right....

And it has surprised me that these radical left wing protests didn't come earlier in the Bush Bust... I guess it was because there was a Dem in office (which brought about the radical right Tea Party)- that the left didn't move faster... I think now with the total breakdown of D.C. with the partisanship not allowing anything to get done except stopgap measures that finally created the frustration to bring it about...

Historically these have came about with all depressions-- with the Great Depression having farmer riots, veterans marches on Washington, and riots on Wallstreet and runs on the banks... The Communist party gained a lot of power in the Hoovervilles...At one time one of the strongest communist movements was in north eastern Montana- Sheridan County...

Then back in the late 60's and thru the 70's with a similar atmosphere- tied to civil rights movement- anti war, anti draft movement, corrupt politicians (including a President who was a crook) we saw much worse than we are seeing now...
History will show Nixon to be an altar boy compared to your Messiah, Methuselah.

The Mafia could take lessons from the current administration.

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