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News From Oregon???? Standoff????

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I knew Lavoy. He was a good man. If he was hell bent on getting shot he would of had his gun in hand, ready when he exited the vehicle. Not his hands in the air. I would bet he was shot first then reached for a firearm. Also why keep shooting the vehicle? You can see clearly bullets hitting the vehicle. I bet you'll never see a video of a dash or vest camera.
Just sickening and such a needless killing. I'm in agreement with your assessment of the situation, Ho55. It appears that they wanted him dead, in spite of their talk of trying to end it peacefully. If the FBI would have wanted to take him alive, they could have. There were NO shots returned at them when they started shooting.

It wouldn't be the first time that cops deliberately targeted someone. In the case linked below, not only did the corrupt cops damage their chances of getting conviction on a real criminal, they have jeopardized convictions they got in other cases as well.


It's pretty tough going against a corrupt government system when they are the ones hiring and paying the cops with our money.
Federal employees bragging about taking land worth $40 Million from two little men for $2.5 Million.

Larrry said:
loomixguy said:
My guess is that a dime was dropped and the Feds are all over this forum.

Govern yourselves accordingly.

Maybe he used all his dimes on bourbon, brown folders and stamp

Or watermelons for the grandkids....................
Mike said:
Federal employees bragging about taking land worth $40 Million from two little men for $2.5 Million.

Looks like the link quit working, no surprise.
It works for me.

A network of patriot groups from across the Northwest issued a call Thursday morning for supporters to flood into Burns.

The request for help came on the heels of the Wednesday night arrest of Jason Patrick, a Georgia roofer who had emerged as a leader among the remaining occupiers of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge after the takeover's key planners, including Ammon Bundy and Ryan Payne, were taken into law-enforcement custody.

Bundy, Payne and several others were arrested Tuesday during a traffic stop in which occupation spokesman Robert "LaVoy" Finicum was killed. The deadly confrontation happened as Bundy and the others were on their way to John Day, about 70 miles from Burns, for a community meeting.

Several other people linked to the occupation have since been taken into custody at other locations.

Only a handful of occupiers remained at the bird sanctuary Thursday morning when the Pacific Patriot Network issued its call for support.

The group's members had helped persuade Patrick to leave the refuge, said Joseph Rice, a founding member from Grants Pass.

The FBI had assured them that Patrick would be given safe passage out of the area, Rice said Wednesday night.

He described the FBI taking Patrick into custody at a nearby checkpoint as a betrayal.

On Thursday morning, BJ Soper, a founding member of the group from Redmond, echoed the sentiment on Facebook and called for a dramatic response.

"The events of the last few days in burns have culminated into a lot of massive frustration and anger," Soper wrote.

"The lies and mistrust used to arrest Jason Patrick last night were dirty and caused any trust left in the tank with the fbi to be lost," he said.

Soper called for thousands of people to converge on Burns peacefully to tell the FBI to leave.

"We need not hundreds, but thousands to come here," he wrote. "I am asking for any and all to come."

Soper told The Oregonian/OregonLive that his group is planning a Saturday protest.

He said they will try to maintain public safety. But if the group numbers in the thousands, Soper said, "we can't guarantee anything."

The Pacific Patriots Network opposed the occupation, but has since set up a "buffer zone" around the refuge intended to prevent violence. Its members are largely from Oregon, Washington and Idaho.

The Northwest network's call for help came on top of an earlier invitation from Gary Hunt, a board member of Operation Mutual Defense who is from California.

The other board members of that group, a nationwide network of militias and patriot sympathizers, include Payne and Jon Ritzheimer, an occupation leader who surrendered to law enforcement Tuesday in Arizona.

Hunt's request came shortly after the fatal traffic stop, but he retracted it Thursday morning.
Looks to me like they shot a man needlessly! Sure he didn't follow their directions. But how was he a threat, running around with his hands up in deep snow? I feel he reaches for his side after they shot him, which we all would do! Ranchers lives matter. Atleast they should! The frustration about the way the federal government treats western people is at the boiling point. This is a tragedy at best and pretty dang close to murder at worst. But just like with the EPA waste water spill, out of control BLM royalty going after the Hammonds for terrorism and hundreds of other examples, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THE GESTOPO MAKING UP THE RULES AS THEY GO ALONG! Elections have consequences and what we witness today starts in Washington D.C.!!! I blame this administration and this congress for this loss of life. And the American voter who cares more about the kardashians than the character of the politicians they elect! If these folks in Oregon didn't feel like they had no other choice, they would not be pushing the limit and breaking the law. And now there is blood in the snow. Tragic!!!! Thoughts and Prayers to his family and friends.
It has happened
This is a sad and pivotal day for America. We, as usual, sit over our devices with coffee spewing our half researched conclusions at the screen that brought the news. We think we're with them, or maybe not. We don't want to loose what we do or don't have. Surely the(our) Gov will do the right thing, right?
I know I'm old. I know that after thirty plus years of fighting this tyranny and constantly being squashed by a faction of my own Gov, I'm impatient and disillusioned, no, much more than disillusioned, disgusted.
The Government's ( low life public trough leech) employees have lied to my face. They've lied on paper. They've lied to you. They've lied to the press. They've lied to the nation.
Now a patriot has given all to get the truth out. That same truth the casually interested jumped on with their unearned opinions,hindering forward motion of a segment of Americans being heard. That's what this is all about, BEING HEARD.
"Yea, but taking over a Gov installation is no way to get people behind you."
Well, over a thirty year battle Wayne Hage waged against tyrannies of his Gov, maybe three percent of the press told his story, the rest came right out of the Govs press release rooms.
The Dan sisters decades battle couldn't find ears.
Raymond Yowell's ordeals carries on after decades. He can't get heard and the Gov lawyers (on our tax dollars) stall and wait out abused citizens bank accounts.
Or, when overwhelming proof from private sector range managers, professors of land management, ranchers, natives, representatives and politicians all came away with complete opposite of what the one low level bureaucrat who is a scum puppet blatantly stealing but one more ranch. We've tried to get you to listen but you wouldn't.
Two years ago an attorney, expert and local leader on Federal abuses on "public lands" ( who lost his life for his effort )organized a cross country' Gandi salt march like, pony express like, horseback ride from the Pacific to the Atlantic baring petitions from ranchers, sportsmen, native Americans environmentalist and others tired of trying to make known our plight of an ever increasingly over baring and oppressive Gov agency. Seventeen days later the tired but determined ( no doubt a record for the fastest horseback cross country trip) group passed off their( all's) concerns to a bunch of politicians aides. No one listened.
Year after year we've tried to get America to listen to our concerns but a tax backed press agency feeds and
America swallows.
What Ammon and LaVoy ( and the other patriots) have done is against the Govs rules. Not law. (They make the rules without any process and change them at will) Even if it was a law, so is jay walking and murder. One a little more severe than the other. I hope you agree. To what degree of breaking a rule justifies a Gov thug to murder an American peacefully protesting Gov over reach? Don't you see the irony? They aren't rioting, looting, setting fires or steaming hate. They have done their best to let everyone know that they were there to peacefully protest against their Gov's double jeopardy sending of two ranchers back to prison after having paid their fines and doing the time ordered by the court on the charge of arson. Two low level, interest conflicted tax sucking duck watchers decided to have them sent back to prison as domestic terrorists! (Read about the judge)
You see, the ranchers had set a back fire to protect their buildings and equipment. This is and has been used as a fire fighting and management tool by the BLM for many years. The fire jumped the road and burned under 150 acres of Fed land. The Feds on the other hand have burned hundreds of thousands of acres of Fed lands, thousands of private acres, homes, equipment and ruined lives. Not one toad terd licking, mutent, tax tick Fed was held accountable and no restitution has been paid.(burned them out!)
The protesters picked a little used or visited Gov ( tax payer) building. They threatened no one. They're doing their best to assure those locals who feel uneasy they will not be the threat. The community has gotten behind them.
It has been the powerful Gov thugs that have caused what fear the community has experienced.
"But they are armed!"
Armed yes, legally. Why would America have doubt if that is legal or not? No matter where one stands on that issue, it is legal. So is, like it or not, abortion, civil rights, women's rights, child protection laws, etc etc.
"If they didn't want trouble, why bring weapons?"
Kent State, Waco, Ruby Ridge ...
Would you want to go up against Gov murderers without any chance, like so many have? They kill ya armed or not.
A man has given his life in hopes this Gov tyranny will be exposed. Please look into it for yourself, past the Gov press releases. We must be able to hold these buzzard scat, bile spewing, murdering Gov thugs accountable.
We must demand to see the videos of the murder. We all know that is standard operating proceedure, we also know they will want to hide them.
If you do the research and you agree the Gov agency has over reached its intended and given powers, please put pressure on your so called reps in Washington to get off there no account politician asses and do what is right for the country, the citizens and the West.
Call em, text em, Twitter em and whatever else folks do now days. Question your sheriff and your Governor as to where they stand. Get hold of your news papers and TV news depts and ask that they not be so biased, dig a little, at least attempt to bring the whole story.
If you've never gotten involved with an issue, this is the one you should. Let's be on the right side of history on this one.
This is written with heavy heart and a stronger resolution.
PLEASE, don't let this great patriot's ultimate sacrifice be for naught.
Thank You by Waddie Mitchell

Mr Mitchell speaks well! We need to listen Well.
please put pressure on your so called reps in Washington to get off there no account politician asses and do what is right for the country,

I was at a few VERY peaceful rallies in DC.. thousands attended... politicians claimed to care... then went on doing what they were doing the day before...

I am not sure who can bring our nation back to it's founding principles,... but I could give a fairly long list of those who will not.

so I ask.. if thousands standing at their doorsteps didn't bother them, What will it take to put pressure on the no account politicians?
Steve said:
please put pressure on your so called reps in Washington to get off there no account politician asses and do what is right for the country,

I was at a few VERY peaceful rallies in DC.. thousands attended... politicians claimed to care... then went on doing what they were doing the day before...

I am not sure who can bring our nation back to it's founding principles,... but I could give a fairly long list of those who will not.

so I ask.. if thousands standing at their doorsteps didn't bother them, What will it take to put pressure on the no account politicians?

It's going to take the American people getting so upset with the state of their nation they actually start caring! I can only imagine how bad its going to have to get for them, before they do it!!! Because they are superficial and shallow and disconnected from reality. Just like the politicians who lead us!
Here is a excellent example of the BLM and there excellent management skill's.http://horsesincrisis.com/

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