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When is the proper time to release a potentially damaging interview with one of Newt Gingrich's ex-wives?
FROM CNN's Jack Cafferty:
What's that phrase of which Republicans are so fond? "Family values"?
Just two days before the South Carolina primary, Newt Gingrich's second ex-wife is out with some tawdry details about him that suggest he has the morals of an alley cat.
In fact, Marianne Gingrich tells ABC News that Newt lacks the moral character to be president. Married to Gingrich for 18 years, says she's coming forward now so voters can know what she knows about him.
And here's what she knows:
She says Newt asked for an "open marriage" so he could have a wife and a mistress. That mistress has since become his third and current wife, Callista.
Gingrich reportedly asked Marianne if she would "share him" when he admitted to a six-year affair with Callista, who is a former congressional aide.
Keep in mind this was around the same time that Gingrich was going after President Bill Clinton for his lack of moral leadership during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Marianne says Newt asked for a divorce just months after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Gingrich divorced his first wife while she was being treated for cancer. Family values.
Meanwhile, ABC News will air the full interview tonight on "Nightline." Apparently there was disagreement at the network over the timing of the interview, given its potential effect on Saturday's primary in South Carolina.
The Drudge Report first leaked word of the interview last night –14 years and a day after Matt Drudge broke the Monica Lewinsky story.
hypocritexposer said:So you watched the video, eh?
http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/post/2012-south-carolina-gop-debate-liveblog/2012/01/19/gIQA4kl3BQ_blog.html8:33 p.m. | A defiant Gingrich responds to 'open marriage' statement by ex-wife
John King cuts right to the chase and directs his first question to Newt Gingrich, asking the former House speaker about his former wife's statement to The Washington Post and in a forthcoming ABC News interview that Gingrich had wanted "an open marriage."
"Would you like to take some time to respond to that?" King asks.
"No. But I will," says a defiant Gingrich, to a burst of applause from the crowd.
"I think the destructive, vicious negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that," Gingrich says, to an extended round of cheers.
Gingrich continues, taking his time as he responds: "Every person in here knows personal pain. Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything that I can imagine."
"And I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate," he adds.
King responds by pointing out that the network that is airing the interview with Marianne Gingrich is ABC, not CNN, but also notes that "it is a subject of conversation in the campaign." The crowd begins to boo.
"John, John, it was repeated by your network, you chose to start the debate with it," Gingrich says. "Don't try to blame anybody else. You and your staff chose to start this debate with it."
Gingrich's response represents something of a gamble – but it's also in keeping with his strategy in nearly every primary debate thus far of taking aim at the mainstream media.
Will it pay off?
Mitt Romney, for his part, declines to press the issue when given the chance by King.
"John, let's get on to the real issues, that's all I've got to say," he says.
Steve said:http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/post/2012-south-carolina-gop-debate-liveblog/2012/01/19/gIQA4kl3BQ_blog.html8:33 p.m. | A defiant Gingrich responds to 'open marriage' statement by ex-wife
John King cuts right to the chase and directs his first question to Newt Gingrich, asking the former House speaker about his former wife's statement to The Washington Post and in a forthcoming ABC News interview that Gingrich had wanted "an open marriage."
"Would you like to take some time to respond to that?" King asks.
"No. But I will," says a defiant Gingrich, to a burst of applause from the crowd.
"I think the destructive, vicious negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that," Gingrich says, to an extended round of cheers.
Gingrich continues, taking his time as he responds: "Every person in here knows personal pain. Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything that I can imagine."
"And I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate," he adds.
King responds by pointing out that the network that is airing the interview with Marianne Gingrich is ABC, not CNN, but also notes that "it is a subject of conversation in the campaign." The crowd begins to boo.
"John, John, it was repeated by your network, you chose to start the debate with it," Gingrich says. "Don't try to blame anybody else. You and your staff chose to start this debate with it."
Gingrich's response represents something of a gamble – but it's also in keeping with his strategy in nearly every primary debate thus far of taking aim at the mainstream media.
Will it pay off?
Mitt Romney, for his part, declines to press the issue when given the chance by King.
"John, let's get on to the real issues, that's all I've got to say," he says.
Oldtimer said:Steve said:http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/post/2012-south-carolina-gop-debate-liveblog/2012/01/19/gIQA4kl3BQ_blog.html8:33 p.m. | A defiant Gingrich responds to 'open marriage' statement by ex-wife
John King cuts right to the chase and directs his first question to Newt Gingrich, asking the former House speaker about his former wife's statement to The Washington Post and in a forthcoming ABC News interview that Gingrich had wanted "an open marriage."
"Would you like to take some time to respond to that?" King asks.
"No. But I will," says a defiant Gingrich, to a burst of applause from the crowd.
"I think the destructive, vicious negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that," Gingrich says, to an extended round of cheers.
Gingrich continues, taking his time as he responds: "Every person in here knows personal pain. Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything that I can imagine."
"And I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate," he adds.
King responds by pointing out that the network that is airing the interview with Marianne Gingrich is ABC, not CNN, but also notes that "it is a subject of conversation in the campaign." The crowd begins to boo.
"John, John, it was repeated by your network, you chose to start the debate with it," Gingrich says. "Don't try to blame anybody else. You and your staff chose to start this debate with it."
Gingrich's response represents something of a gamble – but it's also in keeping with his strategy in nearly every primary debate thus far of taking aim at the mainstream media.
Will it pay off?
Mitt Romney, for his part, declines to press the issue when given the chance by King.
"John, let's get on to the real issues, that's all I've got to say," he says.
Yep- when you are in deep doo doo and have no other defense- go around the answer and attack the messenger (in this case the media)...
Old attorney trick....
Oldtimer said:Steve said:http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/election-2012/post/2012-south-carolina-gop-debate-liveblog/2012/01/19/gIQA4kl3BQ_blog.html8:33 p.m. | A defiant Gingrich responds to 'open marriage' statement by ex-wife
John King cuts right to the chase and directs his first question to Newt Gingrich, asking the former House speaker about his former wife's statement to The Washington Post and in a forthcoming ABC News interview that Gingrich had wanted "an open marriage."
"Would you like to take some time to respond to that?" King asks.
"No. But I will," says a defiant Gingrich, to a burst of applause from the crowd.
"I think the destructive, vicious negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office, and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that," Gingrich says, to an extended round of cheers.
Gingrich continues, taking his time as he responds: "Every person in here knows personal pain. Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything that I can imagine."
"And I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate," he adds.
King responds by pointing out that the network that is airing the interview with Marianne Gingrich is ABC, not CNN, but also notes that "it is a subject of conversation in the campaign." The crowd begins to boo.
"John, John, it was repeated by your network, you chose to start the debate with it," Gingrich says. "Don't try to blame anybody else. You and your staff chose to start this debate with it."
Gingrich's response represents something of a gamble – but it's also in keeping with his strategy in nearly every primary debate thus far of taking aim at the mainstream media.
Will it pay off?
Mitt Romney, for his part, declines to press the issue when given the chance by King.
"John, let's get on to the real issues, that's all I've got to say," he says.
Yep- when you are in deep doo doo and have no other defense- go around the answer and attack the messenger (in this case the media)...
Old attorney trick....
hypocritexposer said:"They are issues of character for people to consider."
A couple interviews with "EXs" I'd like to see ABC air:
an interview with obama's EX drug dealer
an interview with obama's EX gay lover, that he cheated on Michelle with
Wouldn't you Dems. like to hear the truth from those 2, so you could judge obama on his character?
beethoven said:http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71698.html
Newt's adultery: Forgive and forget?
By ROGER SIMON | 1/19/12 10:54 PM EST
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. - - Nobody does self-righteousness like Newt Gingrich. Nobody.
On stage here Thursday night at the 17th Republican debate, Gingrich was asked about the accusations his second wife had just made about him on ABC News and to the Washington Post.
Gingrich's face took on the appearance of a cartoon character whose face blows up like a beach ball until steam comes out of his ears.
"I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that!" Gingrich said to uproarious applause by the audience.
"Let me finish," Gingrich continued. "Every person in here knows personal pain. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question for a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine!"
Really? That is as close to despicable as anything Newt can imagine?
Here is something that I consider closer to despicable: "Gingrich divorced his first wife, Jackie, as she was being treated for cancer," ABC News reported, and he moved to divorce his second wife, Marianne, "just months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis."
But that is not despicable to Newt Gingrich. To him it is despicable that ABC put Marianne on the air saying that Gingrich had requested an "open marriage" so he could more easily pursue his multi-year affair with a congressional aide.
"I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate," Newt roared on.
Amid the wild applause for Gingrich, CNN moderator John King pointed that CNN had not reported the story, but ABC.
"John, John," Gingrich said amid hoots and yells and applause for him, "it was repeated by your network! You chose to start the debate with it!"
Gingrich pointed his finger toward King and stabbed the air with it. "Don't try to blame somebody else!" Gingrich said. "You and your staff chose to start this debate with it!"
Gingrich said the story was "false" but by that he meant the accusation that he had requested an open marriage. Gingrich does not - - because he cannot - - deny his history of tawdry affairs.
Newt had an affair with his second wife while still married to his first wife and an affair with his third while still married to his second. It is true that he has married at least two of the women he has had affairs with, but that didn't make his behavior any less painful to the wronged parties.
That is not what Newt Gingrich wanted to talk about on the debate stage,
"I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans!" Gingrich thundered, beaming toward the crowd.
Huh? How did we get from Gingrich's adultery to the elite media protecting Barack Obama? Easy. On Planet Gingrich, everything is caused by the elite media protecting Barack Obama.
Gingrich has a stock reply to questions about his affairs. "I have made mistakes in my life," he says with equal parts humility and defiance. "I have had to seek forgiveness and reconciliation with God."
Fair enough. But does that mean voters have to give Gingrich a pass because he has sought God's forgiveness?
Ramesh Ponnuru, a senior editor of the conservative magazine National Review, wrote an article on Dec. 22 last year titled: "The Redemption of Newt Gingrich: Spiritual reconciliation does not mean political exoneration."
Ponnuru argued that Gingrich's repentance - - let us assume it is sincere - - removes obstacles to Gingrich's entrance to heaven, not to the White House.
"A candidate's conversion and repentance of past sins," Ponnuru wrote, "cannot erase voter concerns that arise from those sins."
But what about the three other candidates on stage with Gingrich Thursday night? John King asked each of them whether they thought Gingrich's past behavior was an "issue."
Mitt Romney gave Gingrich a pass. "John, let's get on to the real issues is all I've got to say," Romney said.
Rick Santorum was a little less forgiving. "I am a Christian, too," he said. "And I thank God for forgiveness. But, you know, these are issues of our lives and what we did in our lives. They are issues of character for people to consider."
But it was left to Ron Paul to make the best response. "I think too often all of us are on the receiving ends of attacks from the media," Paul said. "And I'm very proud that my wife of 54 years is with me tonight."
There was a pause - - and then the hall rocked with laughter.
(comments follow)
beethoven said:http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/71698.html
Newt's adultery: Forgive and forget?
By ROGER SIMON | 1/19/12 10:54 PM EST
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. - - Nobody does self-righteousness like Newt Gingrich. Nobody.
On stage here Thursday night at the 17th Republican debate, Gingrich was asked about the accusations his second wife had just made about him on ABC News and to the Washington Post.
Gingrich's face took on the appearance of a cartoon character whose face blows up like a beach ball until steam comes out of his ears.
"I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that!" Gingrich said to uproarious applause by the audience.
"Let me finish," Gingrich continued. "Every person in here knows personal pain. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question for a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine!"
Really? That is as close to despicable as anything Newt can imagine?
Here is something that I consider closer to despicable: "Gingrich divorced his first wife, Jackie, as she was being treated for cancer," ABC News reported, and he moved to divorce his second wife, Marianne, "just months after she had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis."
But that is not despicable to Newt Gingrich. To him it is despicable that ABC put Marianne on the air saying that Gingrich had requested an "open marriage" so he could more easily pursue his multi-year affair with a congressional aide.
"I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate," Newt roared on.
Amid the wild applause for Gingrich, CNN moderator John King pointed that CNN had not reported the story, but ABC.
"John, John," Gingrich said amid hoots and yells and applause for him, "it was repeated by your network! You chose to start the debate with it!"
Gingrich pointed his finger toward King and stabbed the air with it. "Don't try to blame somebody else!" Gingrich said. "You and your staff chose to start this debate with it!"
Gingrich said the story was "false" but by that he meant the accusation that he had requested an open marriage. Gingrich does not - - because he cannot - - deny his history of tawdry affairs.
Newt had an affair with his second wife while still married to his first wife and an affair with his third while still married to his second. It is true that he has married at least two of the women he has had affairs with, but that didn't make his behavior any less painful to the wronged parties.
That is not what Newt Gingrich wanted to talk about on the debate stage,
"I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans!" Gingrich thundered, beaming toward the crowd.
Huh? How did we get from Gingrich's adultery to the elite media protecting Barack Obama? Easy. On Planet Gingrich, everything is caused by the elite media protecting Barack Obama.
Gingrich has a stock reply to questions about his affairs. "I have made mistakes in my life," he says with equal parts humility and defiance. "I have had to seek forgiveness and reconciliation with God."
Fair enough. But does that mean voters have to give Gingrich a pass because he has sought God's forgiveness?
Ramesh Ponnuru, a senior editor of the conservative magazine National Review, wrote an article on Dec. 22 last year titled: "The Redemption of Newt Gingrich: Spiritual reconciliation does not mean political exoneration."
Ponnuru argued that Gingrich's repentance - - let us assume it is sincere - - removes obstacles to Gingrich's entrance to heaven, not to the White House.
"A candidate's conversion and repentance of past sins," Ponnuru wrote, "cannot erase voter concerns that arise from those sins."
But what about the three other candidates on stage with Gingrich Thursday night? John King asked each of them whether they thought Gingrich's past behavior was an "issue."
Mitt Romney gave Gingrich a pass. "John, let's get on to the real issues is all I've got to say," Romney said.
Rick Santorum was a little less forgiving. "I am a Christian, too," he said. "And I thank God for forgiveness. But, you know, these are issues of our lives and what we did in our lives. They are issues of character for people to consider."
But it was left to Ron Paul to make the best response. "I think too often all of us are on the receiving ends of attacks from the media," Paul said. "And I'm very proud that my wife of 54 years is with me tonight."
There was a pause - - and then the hall rocked with laughter.
(comments follow)
loomixguy said:hypocritexposer said:"They are issues of character for people to consider."
A couple interviews with "EXs" I'd like to see ABC air:
an interview with obama's EX drug dealer
an interview with obama's EX gay lover, that he cheated on Michelle with
Wouldn't you Dems. like to hear the truth from those 2, so you could judge obama on his character?
EX Drug dealers and EX Gay lovers. Both right up Methusleah's alley when it comes to "family values". :roll: