Faster horses said:
Tester has voted 5 times to raise the debt limit.
Reagan's record on handling the budget, taxes, and recession.
We have not taken on the underlying structural issues that have put us in this place.
The largest is this idea that investment money creates jobs. It does, but only if there is another part of the recipe--- demand.
If we take demand out of the equation, there is nothing to invest in.
We have quietly broken our economy over the years by focusing on concentrating the wealth into the hands of a few at the top instead of making sure the economy grows wages and increases demand for investment to serve.
Until we change the structural rules that have allowed this to happen, we will continue to beat our head and economy against the wall.
There is no excuse for hedge fund managers to get taxed at 15% and not contribute to SS while other people have to pay an effective tax rate of 35%.
This is the weakness in the republican plan of no new taxes. They still believe in the trickle down theory. I guess they really want the trickle into their campaign coffers these policies give them.
I say make investment income to be taxed at the 15% rate up until $250,000 then incrementally increase it to the 35%.
Stop playing Russian Roulette with SS where the politicians have taken all the bullets out when the gun is handed to the super rich and left the bullets in for the regular person. It is yielding to the principals of the world instead of the principles of the Greatest Commandment.
It is ant-Christian. We are not going to get anywhere if we don't follow the most important commandment given. I am sorry to see such an anti-Christian and selfish streak running through the Republican party. They need to get back to basics but I am afraid they are incompetent or just looking to the next election and how their actions serve themselves.