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U.S. Department of Agriculture data show 11.8 million Canadian cattle entered the United States between 1994 and 2003. Over 9.3 million were imported for immediate slaughter, never entering the U.S. cattle herd. Another 1.9 million were feeder cattle, all of which likely were slaughtered before 2004. This leaves only 526,000 breeding cattle. But 456,000 of these are dairy cattle, each with a productive life of about four years. Dairy cattle imported prior to 1999 likely have been culled from the herd, eliminating another 150,000 cattle. Therefore, a reasonable estimate of Canadian cattle that may still be in the U.S. cattle herd today is only 306,000 head, less than four-tenths of 1 percent of the United States' 94.1 million-head herd.