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Obama Recruits Qaradawi


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
What a great President you voted for OT......the country's best interests at heart for sure......maybe next time you'll ask for a birth certificate and some credentials,, other than whether he was divorced......

The administration is working with a Muslim Brotherhood jurist.

The surrender is complete now. The Hindu reports that the Obama administration has turned to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading jurist, to mediate secret negotiations between the United States and the Taliban.


Qaradawi urges that Islam must dominate the world, under a global caliphate governed by sharia. He maintains that Islam “will conquer Europe [and] will conquer America.” He sometimes qualifies that the conquering will be done “not through the sword but through da’wa,” but the qualification is a feint.

I am so tired of the media putting this fraud up as a great American. he is the f-ing antiChrist. Obama is nothing but a welfare nigger on steroids. rather than take money from govt programs, he takes from the wealthy powerbrokers who are the very enemy of this nation.
i firmly believe the greatest threat to the USA is the Muslims. I think Obama is a Muslim. I think he is engauged in covert operations to gut America and turn it into a 3rd world country. I respect the office of the President, but feel Obama is a piece of trash who does not deserve the title and privilage that comes with it.

2012 is supposed to be a year of turmoil. In this turmoil, I hope to see an America that stands up, and takes the White House away from the illegal African national who occupies it. I hope America declares ENGLISH the ONLY language, that Congress gets term limits, that they get no health care, no pension, no perks. make them live in govt housing, and lock them away from the lobbiests.... I also want the military to be given the freedom to do what ever it takes to end the war in Afganistan. congress and politicians have no right to run a war from thousands of miles away.
I want America to be a melting pot where all are welcome, just move in, and learn OUR customs. we respect your heritage, but if you like i so much that you need your own holidays, or ours hurt your feelings, move home. Assimilate or get the hell OUT.
Muslims are bad. there is no other way to describe it. they practice a religion that says, KILL all non believers.....DUH, if you ain't a Muslim, you are in thier cross hairs.
and lastly, it is CHRISTMAS, not the holidays. if you walk up to me and say anything other than Merry Christmas, I will beat your dumb ass into a bloody pulp. also, if you wear a towel on your head, and mistreat a woman, I will beat your ass too.....because woman are people , and I think you need the ass beating anyway.
probably too much wiskey last night..... but phuck it. I am so sick of how this nation bends over to make every one else feel good, then rape the backbone of the USA, the very people who bust thier asses each day to squeak out a living so the sorry bastards who milk the system can just live off the federal tit is too much to take anymore. and then this a-hole who is illegally elected sits up in the people White House, is a flat out enemy of America. HE HATES AMERICA! thinks we are too wealthy, yet lives better than 90% of those of us who ACTUALLY work and were born here. Obama is a prime example of todays liberal mentality. his head is so far up his butt that he make OldTimer look some what smart......I just hope the next President forces open Obamas records, and PROVES that he is in there justly, or unjustly....because he could prove with out a doubt that he is legal, but yet spends millions to hide his records....that just smells to me like a cover up. I am sick of waking every day to see the great nation I love being gutted, and demolished at the hands of a few multi millionaire assholes who live like kings, but feel we the people have it too good. if the feds come arrest me for speaking my mind, piss on it! the world ends in December anyway....right?
jigs said:
probably too much wiskey last night..... but phuck it. I am so sick of how this nation bends over to make every one else feel good, then rape the backbone of the USA, the very people who bust thier asses each day to squeak out a living so the sorry bastards who milk the system can just live off the federal tit is too much to take anymore. and then this a-hole who is illegally elected sits up in the people White House, is a flat out enemy of America. HE HATES AMERICA! thinks we are too wealthy, yet lives better than 90% of those of us who ACTUALLY work and were born here. Obama is a prime example of todays liberal mentality. his head is so far up his butt that he make OldTimer look some what smart......I just hope the next President forces open Obamas records, and PROVES that he is in there justly, or unjustly....because he could prove with out a doubt that he is legal, but yet spends millions to hide his records....that just smells to me like a cover up. I am sick of waking every day to see the great nation I love being gutted, and demolished at the hands of a few multi millionaire assholes who live like kings, but feel we the people have it too good. if the feds come arrest me for speaking my mind, p*** on it! the world ends in December anyway....right?

Happy Kwanzaa, Jiggsy!!! 8) :wink: :lol:

I had the misfortune of watching Mary D's son "play" basketball Friday night. Linda Lovelace never sucked as much as he did. Mistake after mistake. After throwing the ball away for no earthy reason, all the coach could scream was "Why?"

Stay out of the wind, drank a 40 or 2 this morning, pull your pants down way too low, and think about all the folks who will be getting they "paycheck" on the 3rd! Why worry? :lol:
you forget that he never errors, the other guys are just not up to his level, and can not keep up with him....perhaps a ball will fly out in the stands and hit Mrs. D in the mouth!

put down some Colt 45 last night, had my jerry curl poppin, and the bitches was fly, dog..... then the mo-fo white pigs come by and bust r groove.

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