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Obama Sale of First Family Photo Tests Campaign Rules


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
Where are all those people that used to criticize Palin for using her children in the campaigning

The first family has yet to appear together on the 2012 campaign trail, but the faces of the foursome are now officially for sale in President Obama’s campaign store.

As oldtimer likes to say SCOTUS has not ruled it against the law!!!
But he like them have no scruples :D
A portrait of the president, first lady and their daughters taken in the Oval Office by an official White House photographer is prominently featured on Obama-Biden buttons for $5 apiece, and in an online campaign ad

But more remarkable may be the legal and ethical questions raised by use of the photo, which was originally taken and published at taxpayer expense and for which political and commercial use is expressly prohibited.

A disclaimer on the Flickr website underscores Earnest’s point, warning that the photos “may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the president, the first family or the White House.”

“Technically, the photos probably should not be used for such purposes without government approval because the government owns the photos,”

when it is a borderline ethical/legal issue.. a person has two choices.. do what is right.. or do what Obama did and make lame excuses..

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