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ol' bob


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2010
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Was at a fair and rodeo----work had been tense
when i returned home----ol' Bob, was caught in the fence
I grabbed some pliers----raced to the scene
the injury was bad----and looked real mean

a single wired fence----with wires stretched tight
had twisted around his foot----he had give'n up his fight
with no circulation----for a day or more
the hoof looked bad----and was cut to the core

I cut the wires ----and set him free
limped him to the barn----so the doctor could see
anti-biotics,lots of cold water----pain killer and bute
the doctor was puzzled----and soon went mute

we showed him love----and doctor'd him hard
but he lost his hoof----it was his last card
the hoof wouldn't grow back----now a 3 footed horse
he was lose'n ground---- I could do nothing of course

I called the doc----his ideas were few
he recomended this----and said what to do
draw an X----between the eyes and the ears
hit the center----and end his fears

i cried the day----i put him down
i no longer rodeo----or go to town
work on the ranch----is sometimes tense
I'll always remember----OL' Bob,caught in the fence

written by richard
That gave me goosebumps reading it. How very sad.

At one time we had a good gelding that was caught in a
barb wire fence. We were gone and found him when
we returned home. But he was savvy and had held real
still and we got him out of it in fine shape.

So sorry about your horse.
i also had a neighbor,who was on a trail ride,and his horse fell thru a wash out and the foot was caught in the rusted out water culvert.lost his hoof and went thru the same thing.he was a ferrier and experienced rider.
seems if a horse loses a hoof,,they won't grow back.its sad.

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