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"OPEN LETTER" regarding 'disagreeable'

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ft. Collins, CO
This "OPEN LETTER" is directed to those of you who have been perusing these posts for the past few weeks, and observing or participating in the rhetorical exchanges with an individual who is referred to as "disagreeable".

I have posted my last effort to ameliorate conversation and rhetorical exchange with :twisted: disagreeable :twisted: - - as you will be able to ascertain on my last post dated July 22 "05 at 11:22 A.M.

DISCUSSING political subjects can be beneficial if BOTH parties are amenable to logic and reason - -even a little "gouge" occasionally. However, IN MY OPINION, disagreeable receives her/his information from organized left-wing Liberal Democrat propaganda machines and left-wing Liberal News Media sources, and her PURPOSE in communicating on this Board is subversive to our government and the Leadership of our Nation. Her comments certainly have NOTHING directly to do with Ranchers - or - Agriculture! Think about that! Most of the "replies" are asinine and childish and are designed to "RICOCHET" - or Change the Subject to avoid answering a direct question or discussing difficult subject material!

Consequently, as of this date - July 22, 2005, I refuse to contribute to her (his?) dastardly schemes in the future. I am informing all of you who might be interested exactly why you will not be seeing any more posts from me - regarding or relating to - :twisted:
DISAGREEABLE :twisted: .

Agreed. Howver there are ways around and disagreeable if you can those ways, use them to come back as a civilized, person. There are 6 ( i'm sure) forums on this Bull session. Use some others to be friendly with us. However, a name change would be ---- agreeable. Goodbye --- we miss you as we once knew (didn't know) you.
it seems most have given up on old Disagreeable?

sad in a way, I enjoy argueing a point and doing the research to back it up,, unfortunatly no matter how many times you show "evidence" and reports to prove a point Disagreeable goes and finds some "allegded" point to show her misguided views,

Rove is a good example, either someone leaked the name, or reporters found it out and used the information, so far nothing has been proven, even the articles that are used as examples can't find the "real" truth, yet ole, disagreeable relies on them as facts,

then in an effort to furter prove her point, she says Bush lied when he said the offender should be fired, ( if the offence is not proven should they still be employed?)

looking at labor law it would actually be illigal to fire a person based on an unproven allegation,

but for ole dis, her point is that she hates bush, and the whole administration, so facts are not needed to fire a loyal aid to the President...
Dis should not leave without a gift. We should get him his honorary TINFOIL HAT. I know they will wear it proudly.
Doc, you're pitiful. This is the "Politics" page of Ranchers.net. It's meant for political discussion.

You have not offered anything for discussion. You have stood on the sidelines in yor short, pleated skirt, hairy legs sticking out, and cheered on everyone arguing with me. But you haven't offered anything but insults, capital letters, and cute emoticons.

What do you want to discuss: Bush's claim that his private accounts will "save Social Security"? His "Medicare Reform Act" from last year? The reason he won't release more photos from the prisons in Iraq?

If you've got the guts to take me on about any of these, bring it on. Otherwise, just get your behind off the board. That's laughter you hear as you walk out the door.
Steve said:
it seems most have given up on old Disagreeable?

sad in a way, I enjoy argueing a point and doing the research to back it up,, unfortunatly no matter how many times you show "evidence" and reports to prove a point Disagreeable goes and finds some "allegded" point to show her misguided views,

First, you haven't shown any "evidence" of anything. Second, you don't have to give up, Steve.

Rove is a good example, either someone leaked the name, or reporters found it out and used the information, so far nothing has been proven, even the articles that are used as examples can't find the "real" truth, yet ole, disagreeable relies on them as facts,

Rove's lawyer has been leaking his side of the story for days. Matthew Cooper held a press conferece, wrote an article in Time magazine, saying Rove told him Wilson's wife worked for the CIA. Reporters found out because Rove and Libby told them. You can't blame that on anyone but them. Rove ignored national security for his political purposes. Spin all you want, but the facts are out. Rove hasn't denied them.

then in an effort to furter prove her point, she says Bush lied when he said the offender should be fired, ( if the offence is not proven should they still be employed?)

Bush is on record as saying he would fire anyone involved with leaking Mrs. Wilson's identity. It has been shown on the news more than once. After it came out that it was Rove, he changed to anyone charged with a crime. When/if Rove is charged, he'll change it to convicted. The man is twisting in the wind and I'm loving it.

looking at labor law it would actually be illigal to fire a person based on an unproven allegation,


but for ole dis, her point is that she hates bush, and the whole administration, so facts are not needed to fire a loyal aid to the President...

Not sure that I hate the whole administration. I for sure hate what they've done to my country. Rove could resign, he could apologize, many options open to resolve this. But I don't expect Bush will fire Rove; truthfully, I don't want him to fire Rove. Every day Rove is in the headlines is another day people will see that Bush mislead them to get us into Iraq. That makes me happy.
passin thru said:
Dis should not leave without a gift. We should get him his honorary TINFOIL HAT. I know they will wear it proudly.

What makes you think that I'm leaving?
katrina said:
I think we all should boycott iT's posting and just ignore the comments posted by it.

Good ideal, Katrina, since you can't show any of them are wrong. That's exactly what Bush is doing: Iraq has gone to hell, so he'll just pretend everything is well there. The problem is that the rest of the country is noticing that he seems to be out in another world as far as Iraq is concerned. Egypt has been attacked by terrorist; Britian has been attacked by terrorist; Spain has been attacked by terrorist. Bush's invasion of Iraq is increasing terrorism around the world.
The fact is I have no use for Jane Fonda, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry types like you... You are antiamerican... Sure it's okay to question our leaders, but we are in Iraq and we have to back our troops and our country. You are not!!!! The country spoke over-whelming at the polls last November and you lost... You have a vendetta aginst our leaders. And you are on nothing but a smear campaine. Shame on you.... You disgust me.....
katrina said:
The fact is I have no use for Jane Fonda, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry types like you... You are antiamerican... Sure it's okay to question our leaders, but we are in Iraq and we have to back our troops and our country. You are not!!!! The country spoke over-whelming at the polls last November and you lost... You have a vendetta aginst our leaders. And you are on nothing but a smear campaine. Shame on you.... You disgust me.....

See how empty your comments are? Jane Fonda? Who in the H.... cares about Jane Fonda? I care about soldiers dying today in Iraq (and the Iraqi civilians). The soldiers that the Bush Bunch didn't even request adequate medical support for! I do back our troops. They deserve better leadership than Bush has given them.

There's a long list of things the Bush Bunch as been wrong about in Iraq: that the Iraqi people would welcome us with open arms, that their oil revenues would pay for their reconstruction, that it would be "over" in six weeks or so, that "mission accomplished" banner Bush stood under aboard the Lincoln. They've all been wrong and not one person has been held accountable. In fact, many of them have been promoted. When anyone points out the truth, they are personally attacked. Their wives are outed as CIA agents. Now we find out Bush tried to influence the election, the "free and democratic" election you were so proud of. You're the one with blood on your hands, Katrina, not me.

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