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OT, who was Hugo Black?

Father James Coyle was a brave Catholic priest murdered by the KKK. The heathen Klansman who murdered him ended up being declared innocent by a jury, which was made up of mostly KKK members.

The lawyer who defended the murderous Klansman, Hugo Black, was also a Klansmen. It was Black who engineered the jury to include KKK members. Throughout the trial, Black and the KKK members used a variety of hand signals and codes to secretly communicate. Black attempted to discredit witnesses to the shooting, by going into their face and asking "Your Catholic, aren't you?"

This is the same Hugo Black who later went on to become the Chief justice of the US Supreme Court. It was during this time that the court outlawed school prayer in the Engel vs. Vitale case. Steven Engel (backed by atheistic and liberal Jewish groups) was a wimp who couldn't handle the fact that there was voluntary prayer in schools and thus went crying to the USSC. Black himself was the strongest supporter of outlawing school prayer. Many scholars, such as Daniel L. Dreisbach of American University, believe that Black supported outlawing school prayer based on his rampant anti-Catholicism, as shown by his defense of Coyles murderers. In the end the court outlawed school prayer.

I think it is appalling that a heathen and klansman like Hugo Black was put in the Supreme Court. The Engel vs. Vitale case was a travesty, the result being influenced by a blatantly white supremacist and anti-Catholic wretch like Black.

I think for Father Coyle's sake we should fight to bring back prayer to schools. It would be a fitting honor to this martyr and a just punishment (in addition to the divine one he is likely recieving) to the evil Hugo Black.
It is quite interesting all this talk of "separation of church and state" began in 1947, if it was truly the founders intention, the topic would have come up before some Catholic hating KKK member brought it up, don't you think?
Martin Jr. said:
So, what it all comes down to is that Hugo Black was a crooked Lawyer who was nominated for the Supreme Court by a somewhat unscruplous president.

who would have nominated a member of the KKK to the supreme court?
You have to remember that Franklin D. Roosevelt was racist. During World War II he had American citizens of Japanese descent put in camps.

And knowing what was happening to the Jews in Germany, he did nothing.

This was also a time when anti-Catholicism was strong, (he defeated Al Smith, a Catholic) in the Presidential race, and thought of Jews and Catholics as second class citizens.

So FDR fit right in with the KKK.
Steve said:
Martin Jr. said:
So, what it all comes down to is that Hugo Black was a crooked Lawyer who was nominated for the Supreme Court by a somewhat unscruplous president.

who would have nominated a member of the KKK to the supreme court?

ALL Democrats were KKK members.........they successfully moved the plantation slave quarters to the inner cities in the 50's & 60's.

Hugo was a huge embarrassment to Alabama & the nation. He was as crazy as a sprayed roach and decided his cases on the political winds.
Near the end of his life, Black would admit that joining the Klan was a mistake, but he went on to say "I would have joined any group if it helped get me votes."

sounds a bit like some of the modern democrats today.. and OT has claimed they have changed..

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