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Panoramic, mirage, and cow photos

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2006
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anyplace you find me
Looking around the neighborhood from a ridge.




Something to tide them over. lol.



Not the best mirage I have seen, but here is how it looked today. It is the extension of a hill range.


Every time you post pictures I think of how much it looks like our Missouri breaks country...I had a place picked out to buy about 30+ years ago in country just like that- but my bride couldn't bring herself to live 60 miles of dirt road from civilization...Now I'm getting to old to even want to...
I was kind of thinking the same thing Old Timer. My family is from Geraldine towards the breaks (Actually my grandfathers place was where the Eye of the Needle was, east of Fort Benton). A little different than your country, but some things are close to the same.
Oldtimer said:
Every time you post pictures I think of how much it looks like our Missouri breaks country...I had a place picked out to buy about 30+ years ago in country just like that- but my bride couldn't bring herself to live 60 miles of dirt road from civilization...Now I'm getting to old to even want to...

We have plenty of this kind of country too Oldtimer. How is this for a contrast? :wink: In topography and color.

Yep Tap- looks nice...Some of the Missouri breaks has some beautiful grass country-- especially on the south side of the river...And it seems like that river brings them every Chinook and rainstorm that comes thru some years......
Great picture, that looks like such neat country! We're going to have to try to get over there someday. Do you only get the mirages in the winter?
CF Cattle said:
Wow! Those are some gorgeous pictures, I'm green with envy of anyone who lives in such a beautiful place.

Thank you. As I said earlier, we have plenty of rolly country around this area too, but it all is good in it's own way.

And Nicky, we mainly get the mirages in the winter. I have seen them in the fall, but it is usually Oct. on.

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