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Pinnichiobama's speech tonight

Are you going to listen to the speech so that we get a count? His very voice just makes my blood boil. I don't think I can take more than 10 minutes or I'll be beating my wife and kids and kicking the cats and dog.
Sandhusker said:
Are you going to listen to the speech so that we get a count? His very voice just makes my blood boil. I don't think I can take more than 10 minutes or I'll be beating my wife and kids and kicking the cats and dog.

I'll skip it and just listen to the comments about it
Wow what a different speech, he sounds half way normal. Goes to show he is trying to be reelected! The first time I have heard god bless in one of his speeches. I just don't trust this guy!
ranch hand said:
Wow what a different speech, he sounds half way normal. Goes to show he is trying to be reelected! The first time I have heard god bless in one of his speeches. I just don't trust this guy!

Campaign mode
I couldn't help myself, I listened to him. I'm so damn mad right now. So many of the issues that he says need to be fixed were caused by him and his party! The man talk (lies) about less regulations - and then in the next breath proposes more! He gets a standing ovation on having an "all options" energy policy - and that is the same thing that Democrats crucified Palin on when she proposed it 2 years ago! I could go on....
Just wondering who did he attack or belittle tonight? Did he go after the Supreme Court or the Republicans in the House?
Tam said:
Just wondering who did he attack or belittle tonight? Did he go after the Supreme Court or the Republicans in the House?

He made some comment to the effect that the belittleing and bickering had to stop - "forgetting" his own comments about Republicans being the enemy and having to sit in the back of the bus. Never have I seen a bigger hypocrite in my life.
same speech as last year, a short comparison of the 2 (1:27 min)

Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record

What a lieing piece of dogcrap.

He preaches there will be no more bailouts right after he brags that he bailed out the automakers and saved millions of jobs. There is no bloody way you can tell me he will not bailout the next company that is going under if he thinks he can make political hay by trying to save it. Can we say SOLYNDRA

He talks about regulating banks so another mortgage crisis can't happen. Maybe it would not have happened if mister community organizer hadn't sued Citibank and FORCED THEM TO MAKE RISKY LOANS IN THE FIRST PLACE. :roll:

He talks about cutting regulations on small businesses to save them money but he forgets he put in place more than he will ever cut. :roll:

He talks about all options are on the table when it comes to energy, but gee didn't he take more oil for Canada off the table when he canceled the XL Pipeline. :roll:

He proudly talks about further solar investment after he gave hundreds of millions of tax payer money to his supporters through bankrupt SOLYNDRA :roll:

I love how he says he is going to do something and then says just put a bill on my desk and I will sign it right away. He has no intention of doing anything but play golf and sign what ever happens to make it passed the Reid lead Senate and to his desk. Which will be nothing as the Republican lead House has passed bill after bill and they are all sitting on Reids desk waiting to be presented to the Senate and he won't do it. :roll:

I wanted to throw something at the TV when he was talking about the payroll tax break and how the drama needs to stop and it needed to be extended for at least a year. Gee if the DEMOCRAP lead Senate would have done their freaking job before Christmas and passed the year extention like the Republican Lead House wanted Obama would not be back preaching the same damn crap now. Did Obama call the Democraps back to finish their job then, NO he used it as a POLITICAL opportunity to make Boehner look bad. I hope the voters remember it was Boehner and the Republicans that wanted to sign a Year extention and Reid was the one that wanted to go to battle yet again over the same bill two months later. I also hope the voters remember it has been over 1000 days since the US has had a BUDGET PASS. Extention after EXTENTION but no new budget. Is that how a government should be run? Some leader Obama is when he preaches he wants something and when his own party falls WAY SHORT of his proclaimed goal he blames the other party for holding up government. :roll:

Tam said:
Just wondering who did he attack or belittle tonight? Did he go after the Supreme Court or the Republicans in the House?


We are good friends with ours and he called and was furious with his
remarks. He said he never forclosed on one person and never took any
bailout money. He thinks the banking institution should do something
about Obama talking against bankers all the time. He said he listened
to the scumbag and then..........he puked.......... :x
Faster horses said:
Tam said:
Just wondering who did he attack or belittle tonight? Did he go after the Supreme Court or the Republicans in the House?


We are good friends with ours and he called and was furious with his
remarks. He said he never forclosed on one person and never took any
bailout money. He thinks the banking institution should do something
about Obama talking against bankers all the time. He said he listened
to the scumbag and then..........he puked.......... :x

I would love to see everyone that Obama has SLANDERED to appease his liberal loony base would start a new pac in the name of ANYONE BUT OBAMA PAC and run ads continuesly on his broken 2008 campaign promises, the amount of funds that he took in from Wall Street Bankers only to turn around and call them nasty names, how many tax dollars were used to prop up Obama donors green energy companies that have ended up in bankruptcy and what Obamacare is going to REALLY cost the US healthcare system and why Obama supporters recieved waivers to his signature Bill. . Oh and don't forget a few ads on his racist comments towards anyone that dared to object with his agenda. :x

BTW Tell your friend he wasn't the only one puking . :wink:
Anyone but Obama PAC...... where do I donate?

I'm like Mark Levin. He says that he is going to vote for the Republican nominee. If the GOP nominates a can of creamed corn, he is voting for a can of creamed corn.

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