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Portland Occupiers Block Trucks Bringing Holiday Food To Nee


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
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The good ole USA
Portland Occupiers Block Trucks Bringing Holiday Food To Needy Families…

Those do-gooder conservatives were using child-labour disguised as "volunteer's" to load those trucks! What are they teaching these children. :D
ANGUS327 said:
Those do-gooder conservatives were using child-labour disguised as "volunteer's" to load those trucks! What are they teaching these children. :D

So, what do you conservatives say to Angus327'post?? Let's see some rebuttal. A327 don't you know the corporations have to make a profit?? Just today on tv I saw where corporate ceo salaries rose only 27%(I hope they can make ends meet) this yr while blue collar worker's wages have been stagnant for the last 10 yrs. BTW the ceo's wages that rose the most-health care ceo's. Don't you think that since American surgeons make 4-6 times their counterparts in other industrialized countries, its time they made a little sacrifice like the middle class?
TSR said:
ANGUS327 said:
Those do-gooder conservatives were using child-labour disguised as "volunteer's" to load those trucks! What are they teaching these children. :D

So, what do you conservatives say to Angus327'post?? Let's see some rebuttal. A327 don't you know the corporations have to make a profit?? Just today on tv I saw where corporate ceo salaries rose only 27%(I hope they can make ends meet) this yr while blue collar worker's wages have been stagnant for the last 10 yrs. BTW the ceo's wages that rose the most-health care ceo's. Don't you think that since American surgeons make 4-6 times their counterparts in other industrialized countries, its time they made a little sacrifice like the middle class?

Your post has nothing to do with these jerks getting in the way of helping the needy
TSR said:
ANGUS327 said:
Those do-gooder conservatives were using child-labour disguised as "volunteer's" to load those trucks! What are they teaching these children. :D

So, what do you conservatives say to Angus327'post?? Let's see some rebuttal. A327 don't you know the corporations have to make a profit?? Just today on tv I saw where corporate ceo salaries rose only 27%(I hope they can make ends meet) this yr while blue collar worker's wages have been stagnant for the last 10 yrs. BTW the ceo's wages that rose the most-health care ceo's. Don't you think that since American surgeons make 4-6 times their counterparts in other industrialized countries, its time they made a little sacrifice like the middle class?

Actually the top ones got 36.5% pay raises..

CEO pay jumps 36.5% By Chris Isidore @CNNMoney December 15, 2011: 1:49 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Who says American salaries are stagnating.

After two years of lower pay packages, chief executives at the nation's major companies enjoyed a 36.5% jump in pay last year, according to a leading survey of CEO compensation.

The average pay hike is for the top executive at each of the Standard & Poor 500 companies, according to GMI, the research group formerly known as the Corporate Library. A broader survey of CEO pay at 3,000 companies posted an average 27% increase.

Paul Hodgson, senior research associate at GMI, said the sharp rise in pay was out of line with the relatively modest improvement that companies typically achieved in profits or share price during 2010.


No wonder you have people on the streets protesting..

The Corporate world and Corporate Boards are not helping to stop this widening division between class's and earnings and the shrinking middle class---- where many blue collar and laborers are either out of jobs- or being forced to take pay freezes (some like government employees for several years)--- while the Fatcats that created much of the problem with their roulette wheel type greed that brought on the Bush Bust- kick more dirt in their faces.... :(
ANGUS327 said:
Those do-gooder conservatives were using child-labour disguised as "volunteer's" to load those trucks! What are they teaching these children. :D

you missed the bit on the kids "working overtime" because of the protestors..

TSR said:
So, what do you conservatives say to Angus327'post?? Let's see some rebuttal. A327 don't you know the corporations have to make a profit??

most conservatives can recognize humorous sarcasm.. so no I don't see a need for a rebuttal to his statement.. but as for yours..

let see donated trucks, donated food, kids working together to do a good thing by helping others.. the only profit is on judgement day..

that and knowing you did the right thing despite a bunch of selfish whiny protestors who only seem to care about themselves and their narrow-minded agenda..

I thank GOD for the blessing of these kids and their adult leaders who are willing to give time to help the less fortunate.. we need more who are willing to put in a bit of labor and try to actually help others..

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