A preview of coming attractions!!!!
Premises Registration available at all Wisconsin FSA offices
The Farm Service Agency (FSA), in partnership with the Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium (WLIC) and the Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), is making premises registration easy and convenient for livestock producers across the state. Computers, training manuals, literature, and trained FSA staff are now available at ALL county offices. A pilot project conducted with six counties was successful and now is implemented statewide.
Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium
July 6
A preview of coming attractions!!!!
Premises Registration available at all Wisconsin FSA offices
The Farm Service Agency (FSA), in partnership with the Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium (WLIC) and the Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), is making premises registration easy and convenient for livestock producers across the state. Computers, training manuals, literature, and trained FSA staff are now available at ALL county offices. A pilot project conducted with six counties was successful and now is implemented statewide.
Wisconsin Livestock Identification Consortium
July 6