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Racists march


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
eastern Montana
nope nnot KKK, aryan nations, or any of the groups oltimers squeeks about- what do you think of this racist group oldtimer?

For the past three weeks, protestors of various stripes have made their way to New York City’s Financial District as part of the movement known as “Occupy Wall Street,” a self-described “people-powered movement for democracy inspired by the Egyptian Tahrir Square uprisings.” Democratic Party bigwigs such as Al Sharpton, former Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and countless other elected officials have lent their support to the cause, which has also merited the participation of numerous labor unions, and a host of socialist, communist, and other radical leftist political parties and groups, including the International ANSWER Coalition (which has demonstrably provided much support and strategic input to the Islamist and communist forces protesting in Cairo).

In addition, however, the Occupy Wall Street movement has also included a fair deal of anti-semitic protesters, who rely on classically leftist and communist anti-semitic arguments associating Jews with capitalism, and who are informed by the anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian rhetoric espoused by those leftist coalitions fueling the Occupy Wall Street movement.

As the protests enter their fourth week, centered around Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park, several videos of protesters spewing anti-semitic rhetoric have surfaced, sparking new concerns about the groups and ideological positions represented at the protests. In addition, there are inexorable ties between the Occupy Wall Street movement and the “Arab Spring” protests threatening geopolitical stability in the Middle East. According to an undercover investigation conducted by National Review columnist Charles C.W. Cooke, protesters, including Danny Cline, who has emerged as a social media figurehead of sorts for the movement on YouTube and other forums, have routinely spewed anti-Israel and anti-Semitic messages. Cline has produced obscenity-laden diatribes against the perceived injustices of capitalism, and in one video, he is seen berating an elderly Jewish counter-protestor, calling him a “bum,” mocking the man by asking him if he speaks English, and telling him to “go back to Israel.” Cooke says that Cline also shouted the “n-word” at the gentleman, and has been a fixture of the protests from their inception.

Another investigation discovered that on October 3, a protester described as homeless and out of work screamed to a sizable crowd that “the Jews control Wall Street,” and told counter-protesters to “go back to Israel,” and called them “greedy pigs,” saying that “this is not Israel.” The same protester also alleged that Jews control the media and blamed “Jewish bankers” for the nation’s economic woes.

Anti-Capitalism and Anti-Semitism

While a casual observer might believe that these incidents are mere isolated examples of hate-filled extremists attempting to co-opt an otherwise innocuous movement, an analysis of history and political thought demonstrates that anti-Semitism has always been a core element of anti-capitalist, socialist, and communist ideology. Anti-free market theoreticians have long spewed vitriol against the Jews. Historic examples are such figures such as Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, whose ideas on political authority and economics constitute the basis of the radical agenda which the protesters seek to impose even further on the American people.

Such statist ideologues find themselves at odds with Judaism because unlike statism, Judaism, as a cohesive religious system, focuses on objective truth, earthly tyranny giving way to Divine omnipotence (as evident in the Exodus narrative), individual responsibility, the rule of law, the primacy of the individual and the individual’s dignity (the human person is seen as being created in the image and likeness of God, with religious and moral obligations incumbent upon each individual), charity that encourages ultimate self-sufficiency for its recipients (enshrined in Maimonides‘ Hilkhot Matanot Aniyim 10:1), and encourages hard work and the entrepreneurial spirit. The antinomian, atheistic, and anarchistic tendencies found within classical socialist and communist thought obviously run counter to Judaism’s moral framework and teachings against a progressive/graduated income tax, excessive taxation, public entitlements, state-forced altruism, and income equality. Indeed, historian Jerry Muller has pointed out, in his analysis Capitalism and the Jews, that free-market policies have greatly benefited the Jews, while Benjamin Ginsburg, in his study The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State, points out that it is authoritarian regimes of any variety (which are inherently anti-free market) which have proven disastrous for Jewish survival.

The protesters identified as espousing classically anti-semitic tomes are merely perpetuating the socialist belief that Jews are to blame for “social injustice,” an idea that began with Proudhon. Proudhon is best known for being the first self-identified anarchist, and in 1840, he published What is Property? Or, An Inquiry Into the Principle of Right and Government, which inspired Karl Marx, who maintained a years-long correspondence with Proudhon. In it, he asserted that property is theft, and argued for mutualism, where each person is equally doled out some of society’s “means of production,” with trade representing equivalent amounts of labor, and where religious and ethnic identities are eradicated in favor of global revolutionary fervor and “brotherhood.” Proudhon scholar Stewart Edwards notes that Proudhon’s diaries (carnets) reveal his paranoid feelings of hatred against the Jewish people, and in 1847, considered publishing an article which called for the expulsion of the Jews from France, labeled them “the enemy of the human race,” and said that “this race must be sent back to Asia or exterminated.” Later that year, Proudhon’s disciple, Alphonse Toussenel, in his diatribe “Les Juifs, Rois de l’Epoque,” (“The Jews, Kings of the Era”), expanded upon Proudhon’s anti-Semitism, from a broader economic basis.

Karl Marx’s anti-Semitism is ubiquitous and is clearly laid out in his 1844 work Zur Judenfrage (“On the Jewish Question,” alternatively entitled “A World Without Jews.”) In it, Marx (whose parents were Jewish converts to Lutheranism) blames the Jews for income inequality (which communism sees as a grave evil), and sinisterly condemns Judaism as a societal opiate which is a mere reflection of “bourgeoisie” socioeconomic circumstances. Marx accuses Jews of being “capitalist hucksters,” viciously perpetuating a nearly 2000-year long canard of Jewish financial largesse, and articulates a position that was later used as anti-Semitic propaganda by the Nazi regime. Marx’s anti-Semitism falsely sees the modern commercialized world as a Jewish undertaking, and accuses Jews of worshiping the dollar, as the embodiment of capitalism and the representation of all of its purported evils. Scholar Bernard Lewis sees Zur Judenfrage as classically anti-semitic propaganda, which would later be used by Hitler’s propagandist Joseph Goebbels as further anti-capitalistic vitriol against the Jews.

In addition, John Maynard Keynes, whose collectivist advocacy of bailouts, central banking, and massive governmental intervention to “stabilize” output over the business cycle has directed American economic policy in every presidential administration since FDR, was also known for strong biases against the Jews. Keynes, the left’s intellectual hero, infamously stated that “It is not agreeable to see civilization so under the ugly thumbs of its impure Jews who have all the money and the power and brains,” essentially equivalent to what many Occupy Wall Street protesters are spewing. Keynes also advocated segregation, in the same manner as Proudhon and the Nazis.

When understood that the collectivist left’s towering ideologues saw hatred of the Jews as essential to their ideology of global anti-capitalist revolution, it becomes clear that the anti-Semitism observed in the Occupy Wall Street movement has a blatant historical basis in the thought of Proudhon, Marx, and Keynes, the fathers of the anarchism, socialism, and economic collectivism driving these protests.
Seem to fit right in with some of the radical right (Neo Nazi's, Aryan Nation, KKK) groups that have taken up the Tea Party to expand their beliefs ...

And they seem to be about as unorganized as the Tea Party with no leadership and no real platform/issues they stick to...

In fact from the signs some are packing- it seems some are anti-Fed (either wanting the Fed to be done away with or audited), anti bailouts, anti Tarp, anti foreign wars, and some of the other same things that the Tea Party folks are proclaiming against...
Oldtimer said:
Seem to fit right in with some of the radical right (Neo Nazi's, Aryan Nation, KKK) groups that have taken up the Tea Party to expand their beliefs ...

And they seem to be about as unorganized as the Tea Party with no leadership and no real platform/issues they stick to...

In fact from the signs some are packing- it seems some are anti-Fed (either wanting the Fed to be done away with or audited), anti bailouts, anti Tarp, anti foreign wars, and some of the other same things that the Tea Party folks are proclaiming against...

what makes you think neonazi's aryan nation and KKK are "radical right"?

better yet- what proof do you have?
wasn't byrd (a radical left democrat) a grand pooba of the KKK?
so how do you label it "radical right"- the KKK was started by democrats.
oldtimer you have to be the biggest racist on the site,,, you cannot make a post that you don't point fingers at someone!!! why the hell can't yopu admith that you have NO class at all..as long as you can blame someone else you think your crap does not stink,,, well I have an update for you, you stink this place up

Lets see some of the proof that what you say is true!! Proof that anyone here was harrassed, POOF that people on another site were laughing at us here in Ranchers!!!
Proof oldtimer not LIES and then more lies to cover up the first lie

99%.8 of the people in here have NO respect for you at all, yet you keep telling the same lie over and over trying to believe it yourself, what a joke
Lonecowboy said:
Oldtimer said:
Seem to fit right in with some of the radical right (Neo Nazi's, Aryan Nation, KKK) groups that have taken up the Tea Party to expand their beliefs ...

And they seem to be about as unorganized as the Tea Party with no leadership and no real platform/issues they stick to...

In fact from the signs some are packing- it seems some are anti-Fed (either wanting the Fed to be done away with or audited), anti bailouts, anti Tarp, anti foreign wars, and some of the other same things that the Tea Party folks are proclaiming against...

what makes you think neonazi's aryan nation and KKK are "radical right"?

better yet- what proof do you have?
wasn't byrd (a radical left democrat) a grand pooba of the KKK?
so how do you label it "radical right"- the KKK was started by democrats.

Aryan Nations, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, was formed in the early 1940s. Regarded as the most prominent Christian Identity group in America by the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Southern Poverty Law Center, the early Aryan Nations members adhered to British Israel ideology: they were locked in a Manichean struggle with Jews, who embodied conscious evil. Members believed that America would be God's final battleground, and, that after a Racial Holy War (RAHOWA), they would prevail to found the New Jerusalem on Earth.

After the death of the founder in 1970, pastor Richard Butler became the group's leader, and in 1974 he moved the congregation to Hayden Lake, Idaho. Butler has claimed 400 US and 6000 worldwide members, but observers estimate the figure is between 150 and 200.

Butler networked with organizations, including members of the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan and the Worldwide Church of the Creator. He founded the Worldwide Aryan Congress in 1982, which is held each July. Butler has recruited his cadre from survivalist and militia groups (SWC's Morris Dees has alleged that Aryan Nations has infiltrated the milita/patriot community and embedded their aims into milita/patriot worldviews), Christian Constitutionalists, tax evaders, secessionists, anti-abortion activists and home-schoolers.

survivalist and militia groups, Christian Constitutionalists, tax evaders, secessionists, anti-abortion activists and home-schoolers.

Sounds pretty much like what the radical right promotes...
Oldtimer said:
Lonecowboy said:
Oldtimer said:
Seem to fit right in with some of the radical right (Neo Nazi's, Aryan Nation, KKK) groups that have taken up the Tea Party to expand their beliefs ...

And they seem to be about as unorganized as the Tea Party with no leadership and no real platform/issues they stick to...

In fact from the signs some are packing- it seems some are anti-Fed (either wanting the Fed to be done away with or audited), anti bailouts, anti Tarp, anti foreign wars, and some of the other same things that the Tea Party folks are proclaiming against...

what makes you think neonazi's aryan nation and KKK are "radical right"?

better yet- what proof do you have?
wasn't byrd (a radical left democrat) a grand pooba of the KKK?
so how do you label it "radical right"- the KKK was started by democrats.

Aryan Nations, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, was formed in the early 1940s. Regarded as the most prominent Christian Identity group in America by the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Southern Poverty Law Center, the early Aryan Nations members adhered to British Israel ideology: they were locked in a Manichean struggle with Jews, who embodied conscious evil. Members believed that America would be God's final battleground, and, that after a Racial Holy War (RAHOWA), they would prevail to found the New Jerusalem on Earth.

After the death of the founder in 1970, pastor Richard Butler became the group's leader, and in 1974 he moved the congregation to Hayden Lake, Idaho. Butler has claimed 400 US and 6000 worldwide members, but observers estimate the figure is between 150 and 200.

Butler networked with organizations, including members of the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan and the Worldwide Church of the Creator. He founded the Worldwide Aryan Congress in 1982, which is held each July. Butler has recruited his cadre from survivalist and militia groups (SWC's Morris Dees has alleged that Aryan Nations has infiltrated the milita/patriot community and embedded their aims into milita/patriot worldviews), Christian Constitutionalists, tax evaders, secessionists, anti-abortion activists and home-schoolers.

survivalist and militia groups, Christian Constitutionalists, tax evaders, secessionists, anti-abortion activists and home-schoolers.

Sounds pretty much like what the radical right promotes...

so you don't have a clue what "radical right" even is do yopu! :roll:
no wonder you are so confused! :D
Did they have Ron Paul or Sarah Palin bumper stickers on their SUV's?? :lol: :lol:

is that all you have to offer is an OPINION piece--- alleged :oops: :roll: :roll:

home schoolers = radical right :lol: :lol: what a crackup! :lol:

Christian Constitutionalist-- which one don't you like? Christian or Constitutionalist? or both? :lol: :lol: radical I say, totally radical! :lol:

come on man offer up some real proof! would opinion get a man convicted in your court? Would you convict someone on what you offered? hypothetical questions- please do not answer!
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ” ...

But you're so biased you wouldn't believe it if you were told so by the Pope... :roll:

Domestic right-wing terrorist groups often adhere to the principles of racial supremacy and embrace antigovernment, antiregulatory beliefs. Generally, extremist right-wing groups engage in activity that is protected by constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. Law enforcement becomes involved when the volatile talk of these groups transgresses into unlawful action.

On the national level, formal right-wing hate groups, such as the National Alliance, the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) and the Aryan Nations, represent a continuing terrorist threat. Although efforts have been made by some extremist groups to reduce openly racist rhetoric in order to appeal to a broader segment of the population and to focus increased attention on antigovernment sentiment, racism-based hatred remains an integral component of these groups' core orientations.

Right-wing groups continue to represent a serious terrorist threat. Two of the seven planned acts of terrorism prevented in 1999 were potentially large-scale, high-casualty attacks being planned by organized right-wing extremist groups.

Dale L. Watson
Executive Assistant Director, Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation


The FBI (even GW's FBI) have considered these groups as right wing extremists for years....
Homeland Security and I'm pretty sure the FBI gets some of their info from Morris Dees & Co at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

It's a big mistake to put any stock in their assumptions. BIG MISTAKE!
Are the Freemasons considered right wing extremists?
American Legion?
Knights of Columbus?
Rainbow Girls?
Job's Daughters?
just for oldtimer??? slip and slide lie and cheat, clueless describes him to a ""T""

Ever get around to proving that there was any harassment, or like most things you used that LIE to make yourself look good???
Just one ;little something other than your word and we all will shut up about it!!!!
One little smidgen of proof that there is any other site that laughs at us!!!and we will shut up.

IN fact old blow hard prove either and or both and I will shut up forever, slipping off into the world that you live in DARK AND FORBIDDEN!
If not then you OWE us all an apology >>> care to comment??????
I'm still laughing at the wording,

oldtimer wrote:
survivalist and militia groups, Christian Constitutionalists, tax evaders, secessionists, anti-abortion activists and home-schoolers.

I can maybe see putting a follower of Christ who believes also in the rule of law and not men, so adheres to the Constitution and a home schooler. heck even throw in the anti- abortionist to the group
--- but tax evader?? what is turbo Tim Geither and obama's whole cabinet doing in here? and you would also link them to secessionist?
and how did being prepared (survivalist) get thrown in with either group?

Picture the home school Mom, quiet little home in the suburbs, she quit the rat race to stay home and raise her own children. here she is pulling a loaf of fresh bread out of the oven, homemade soup on the stovetop. In the background, her children's bright scrubbed faces, pouring dilligently over their schoolbooks at the dining room table. But she is a "radical rightwing extremist"! why? because she chose the Saxon math program!
How dare she! Why government knows way better on how to raise her children than she does. :shock: pretty radical there- and right? what are the left too stupid to teach their own kids?
hopalong said:
oldtimer you have to be the biggest racist on the site,,, you cannot make a post that you don't point fingers at someone!!! why the hell can't yopu admith that you have NO class at all..as long as you can blame someone else you think your crap does not stink,,, well I have an update for you, you stink this place up

Lets see some of the proof that what you say is true!! Proof that anyone here was harrassed, POOF that people on another site were laughing at us here in Ranchers!!!
Proof oldtimer not LIES and then more lies to cover up the first lie

99%.8 of the people in here have NO respect for you at all, yet you keep telling the same lie over and over trying to believe it yourself, what a joke

say there old hopadirabbit, you and old mikey (your real good buddy or your computer clone) ought to go look in the mirror before you start calling people racist...now hypocrite is another thing, i could agree with that :lol: :lol: :lol2: :nod:
Lonecowboy said:
I'm still laughing at the wording,

oldtimer wrote:
survivalist and militia groups, Christian Constitutionalists, tax evaders, secessionists, anti-abortion activists and home-schoolers.

I can maybe see putting a follower of Christ who believes also in the rule of law and not men, so adheres to the Constitution and a home schooler. heck even throw in the anti- abortionist to the group
--- but tax evader?? what is turbo Tim Geither and obama's whole cabinet doing in here? and you would also link them to secessionist?
and how did being prepared (survivalist) get thrown in with either group?

Picture the home school Mom, quiet little home in the suburbs, she quit the rat race to stay home and raise her own children. here she is pulling a loaf of fresh bread out of the oven, homemade soup on the stovetop. In the background, her children's bright scrubbed faces, pouring dilligently over their schoolbooks at the dining room table. But she is a "radical rightwing extremist"! why? because she chose the Saxon math program!
How dare she! Why government knows way better on how to raise her children than she does. :shock: pretty radical there- and right? what are the left too stupid to teach their own kids?

Sounds pretty evil :evil: How do we stop these radical home schoolers? How do we stop these crazy Christians that believe in following the law?
okfarmer said:
Lonecowboy said:
I'm still laughing at the wording,

oldtimer wrote:
survivalist and militia groups, Christian Constitutionalists, tax evaders, secessionists, anti-abortion activists and home-schoolers.

I can maybe see putting a follower of Christ who believes also in the rule of law and not men, so adheres to the Constitution and a home schooler. heck even throw in the anti- abortionist to the group
--- but tax evader?? what is turbo Tim Geither and obama's whole cabinet doing in here? and you would also link them to secessionist?
and how did being prepared (survivalist) get thrown in with either group?

Picture the home school Mom, quiet little home in the suburbs, she quit the rat race to stay home and raise her own children. here she is pulling a loaf of fresh bread out of the oven, homemade soup on the stovetop. In the background, her children's bright scrubbed faces, pouring dilligently over their schoolbooks at the dining room table. But she is a "radical rightwing extremist"! why? because she chose the Saxon math program!
How dare she! Why government knows way better on how to raise her children than she does. :shock: pretty radical there- and right? what are the left too stupid to teach their own kids?

Sounds pretty evil :evil: How do we stop these radical home schoolers? How do we stop these crazy Christians that believe in following the law?

could always try calling them names and see if that puts an end to their "extremist radical" views and beliefs. :wink: :lol:
Oldtimer said:
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. ” ...

But you're so biased you wouldn't believe it if you were told so by the Pope... :roll:

Domestic right-wing terrorist groups often adhere to the principles of racial supremacy and embrace antigovernment, antiregulatory beliefs. Generally, extremist right-wing groups engage in activity that is protected by constitutional guarantees of free speech and assembly. Law enforcement becomes involved when the volatile talk of these groups transgresses into unlawful action.

On the national level, formal right-wing hate groups, such as the National Alliance, the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) and the Aryan Nations, represent a continuing terrorist threat. Although efforts have been made by some extremist groups to reduce openly racist rhetoric in order to appeal to a broader segment of the population and to focus increased attention on antigovernment sentiment, racism-based hatred remains an integral component of these groups' core orientations.

Right-wing groups continue to represent a serious terrorist threat. Two of the seven planned acts of terrorism prevented in 1999 were potentially large-scale, high-casualty attacks being planned by organized right-wing extremist groups.

Dale L. Watson
Executive Assistant Director, Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation


The FBI (even GW's FBI) have considered these groups as right wing extremists for years....

question still stands- why do you label these people "Radical Right they are NOT far right, mostly they are center on a political spectrum. if a homeschool Mom is "radical right" then what is an anrchist? more radical than radical? extremely radical? come on oldtimer you are labeling these people, do it correctly! which is further right a home school Mom or an anarchist? or a secessionist? come on ot just because someone calls it a duck doesn't necessarily make it a duck.
prove up, why are they "Radical right"
flounder said:
hopalong said:
oldtimer you have to be the biggest racist on the site,,, you cannot make a post that you don't point fingers at someone!!! why the hell can't yopu admith that you have NO class at all..as long as you can blame someone else you think your crap does not stink,,, well I have an update for you, you stink this place up

Lets see some of the proof that what you say is true!! Proof that anyone here was harrassed, POOF that people on another site were laughing at us here in Ranchers!!!
Proof oldtimer not LIES and then more lies to cover up the first lie

99%.8 of the people in here have NO respect for you at all, yet you keep telling the same lie over and over trying to believe it yourself, what a joke

say there old hopadirabbit, you and old mikey (your real good buddy or your computer clone) ought to go look in the mirror before you start calling people racist...now hypocrite is another thing, i could agree with that :lol: :lol: :lol2: :nod:

At least DR terry we have a grasp on reality all you have is a dream world you live in, being a self proclaimed expert!!!Yes hypocrite is a good word for oldtimer and I am pleased you agree he is :D :D :D :D :D :D
Bingo! this is what I've been trying to point out to him:

His idea of center is skewed

and I believe "radical" means extreme, to the full extent, so to label someone "radical right" means as far right as you can get.

you know- like a home school Mom! :D

or a Christian Constitutionalist! :shock:

or Tim Geither and his band of tax evaders (also known as obama's cabinet) he never did answer if they were indeed "radical right" :D
LC do not expect him to get it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his one still living brain cell is tilted

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