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rick perry environmental record bought and paid for $$$


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Sep 3, 2005
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Rick Perry: EPA Regulations To Blame For Loss Of 500 Jobs

First Posted: 9/12/11 07:08 PM ET Updated: 9/12/11 08:27 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), the frontrunner in the GOP presidential primary, said that the Environmental Protection Agency's air pollution regulations are to blame for the loss of 500 energy-related jobs in Texas, calling the rules emblematic of President Obama's regulatory "red tape."

“The Obama Administration continues to put up road blocks for our nation’s job creators by imposing burdensome regulations based on assumptions, not facts, that will result in job losses and increased energy costs with no definite environmental benefit," said Perry in a statement Monday. "Yet again, this administration is ignoring Texas’ proven track record of cleaning our air while creating jobs, opting instead for more stifling red tape. As expected, the only results of this rule will be putting Texans out of work and creating hardships for them and their families, while putting the reliability of Texas’ grid in jeopardy.”

Perry is referring to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), which is designed to help curb the air pollution that has come to mark the eastern United States. The new regulations scheduled to go into effect in 2012 will cut millions of tons of soot and smog emissions from power plants in 27 states at a cost of less than $1 billion per year to utility companies.

Perry's announcement comes hours after Luminant, the largest power generator in Texas, announced it would be closing two of its coal-fired power units and laying off 500 workers to comply with the EPA's new regulations -- a move projected to cut the Dallas-based company's generating capacity by 1,200 megawatts. Luminant has also announced a lawsuit targeting the new regulation, which would force it to curb emissions of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide at power plant smokestacks. The company aims to push back the deadline for compliance.

“We have spent the last two months identifying all possible options to meet the requirements of this new rule, and we are launching a significant investment program to reduce emissions across our facilities,” Luminant CEO David Campbell said in a statement on Monday. "However, meeting this unrealistic deadline also forces us to take steps that will idle facilities and result in the loss of jobs.”

The new regulations will improve air quality for an estimated 240 million Americans, preventing a projected 30,000 premature deaths and up to 15,000 nonfatal heart attacks, as well as hundreds of thousands of cases of asthma and other respiratory ailments.

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re-Rick Perry: EPA Regulation­s To Blame For Loss Of 500 Jobs

bbbut just think of all the jobs perry is creating in the medical field, and pharmaceut­icals due to the health effects of the pollution he lets these corporatio­ns spew out into our air, the air we breath... :cry:

Environmental issues

Houston has had a troubled past with pollution of many types. This is due to the fact that Houston has been the home for the oil and gas industry since its inception in the early 1900s when there was little environmental regulation. Harris County, where the bulk of the City has been historically located, is home to 15 Environmental Protection Agency Superfund sites, more than any other area in Texas. The list contains numerous companies, streets and waterways that have been considered hazardous to humans in various ways.[35]

[edit] Air pollution

Houston is well known for its oil and petrochemical industries, which are leading contributors to the city's economy. The industries located along the ship channel,[36] coupled with a growing population, has caused a considerable increase in air pollution for the city each year. Houston has excessive ozone levels and is ranked among the most ozone-polluted cities in the United States.[37] Ground-level ozone, or smog, is Houston’s predominant air pollution problem. In 2011, Houston was ranked as the 17th most polluted city in the US according to the American Lung Association.[38] A 2007 assessment found the following twelve air pollutants to be definite risks to health in Houston:[39] ozone - respiratory and cardiovascular effects particulates less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5) - respiratory and cardiopulmonary effects diesel particulate matter (DPM) - cancer 1,3-butadiene - cancer and reproductive effects hexavalent chromium - cancer benzene - cancer ethylene dibromide - cancer acrylonitrile - cancer formaldehyde - cancer and respiratory effects acrolein - respiratory effects chlorine - respiratory effects hexamethylene diisocyanate - pulmonary and respiratory effects

The State of Texas concluded that, since 2000, the Manchester neighborhood, in eastern Houston had the highest annual averages of 1,3-Butadiene of any area in Texas.[40]

Houston has introduced many programs since the 2000 federal order to reduce air pollution in the city.[citation needed] The most notable project was the METRORail light rail system constructed in 2004. The light rail system was designed to encourage Houstonians to utilize public transportation instead of their automobiles. To date it has had limited success and been a source of controversy and cost overruns.


Study critical of quality of life in Houston

Thursday, January 21, 2010


A Closer Look at Air Pollution in Houston: Identifyin­g Priority Health Risks

A summary of the Report of the Mayor’s Task Force on the Health Effects of Air Pollution

ABSTRACT Air pollution levels in the City of Houston are considered to be unacceptable by knowledgeable experts and the general public and are likely to cause air-pollution related health effects for Houston residents. Pollutant levels are driven by many sources including: tailpipe emissions from cars, trucks and buses; toxic pollutants emitted into the air by more than 400 chemical manufacturing facilities, including 2 of the 4 largest refineries in the U.S.; the petrochemical complex along the Houston Ship Channel and the Port of Houston; and many small operations spread geographically across Greater Houston, such as surface coating processes, dry cleaners, gas stations, printing processes, restaurants, charcoal barbecues, and gasoline-fueled lawn maintenance equipment.

Mayor Bill White’s Task Force on the Health Effects of Air Pollution was formed to identify priority pollutants for the City of Houston. The Task Force considered information on health effects (California EPA & OEHHA, 2002; California OEHHA, 2005; U.S. EPA, 2005, 2006d, 2006e, ATSDR) and both modeled (U.S. EPA, 2006a) and measured ambient pollutant concentrations (U.S. EPA, 2006b, 2006c) to assign 179 air pollutants (hazardous air pollutants [HAPs] and criteria pollutants) to 1 of 5 risk categories: definite, probable, possible, unlikely and uncertain. A dozen of these substances were judged to pose a definite risk to human health. Finally, the distribution of these risks was found to be far from equal. The substances identified as definite risks were found in greater numbers in several East Houston neighborhoods adjacent to the Houston Ship Channel. Full results of the Task Force work can be found in their Report to the Mayor (Sexton, et al., 2006).


Reports and Research

Interference at the EPA

Science and Politics at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008


(see more photo's of railcars loaded with MOUND COLD WAR NUCLEAR AFTER-BIRTH headed to Texas)


Friday, December 24, 2010


(see more photo's of train car after train car of nuclear afterbirth, headed to Texas, thanks to rick perry, and this was just one state, now multiply that by 38 states.)


December 20, 2010

Don’t Trash Texas— Unless You Pay Perry $1.1 Million A billionaire gives the governor $500,000 more to make Texas the nation’s nuclear waste dump.



just say no to tax cuts for the rich $$$



rick perry is bad for Texas, and bad for the USA. ...
The very issue my employer, Luminant, is paying us to work thru.

Keep drinking that cool aid. You're gonna need a lot more ice if they don't back down.

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