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Schweitzer urged to stop illegals from receiving benefits

Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
Urge Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer to Stop Illegal Aliens from Receiving Benefits Meant for Montana Residents
Illegal aliens in Montana continue to receive public assistance and other benefits at the expense of Montana tax payers. In fact, public benefits to illegal aliens costs Montana residents as much as $32,000,000 annually, and U.S. tax payers as a whole up to $85 billion a year!

Giving welfare benefits to illegal aliens only encourages these individuals to stay in Montana, and even encourages more people to come to Montana illegally. More must be done to ensure that Montana benefits only goes to citizens and the Montana legal residents who deserve them the most.

Please don't delay. Send this critical message to Governor Schweitzer today, urging him to do more to protect vulnerable Montana residents from illegal aliens. This is a completely free service. There is no cost to you.

Dear Gov. Schweitzer,
Far too much money is spent on providing illegal aliens with welfare benefits. The law is clear on this matter: illegal aliens are not entitled to federal, state, or local welfare benefits. With this in mind, I ask that you change policies to cut off this flow.

Americans typically need welfare benefits because they've hit a rough patch. Illegal aliens typically take welfare benefits simply because they're there. Does this seem fair to you? Furthermore, there is a finite amount of these benefits -- there's only so much to go around. The more benefits that are illegally taken by illegal aliens, the less benefits there are for Americans in need. I see a problem with this and I hope you do as well.

This issue greatly impacts our state, and is the fair and just thing to do. I hope you will make it happen.

(Your Name Will Appear Here)

from Numbers USA
the way the illegals get the benefits is through the citizen children..

but the law then still takes into consideration family size and income, so a family of four with one anchor baby would get benefits for the one child, based on a family of four..

once you get the child food-stamps and welfare , then the child gets energy assistance rental assistance and the whole score of other benefits.. often based on family size not the one child who is a citizen..

so states can't not give the benefits to the "citizen child" , unfortunately they often use family size/income to give more..
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, the welfare program for families living in poverty, is accessible by illegal aliens on behalf of their U.S.-born children,

On Sept. 8, the director in the Government Accountability Office that oversees TANF testified before Congress that the share of immigrant “child-only” families receiving TANF increased from 10.8 percent in 2000 to 19.1 percent in 2008. The number of “child-only” families was a whopping 50.5 percent of all TANF families in 2008, numbering 814,977.

if you give then a reason to come they will...

if it was that high in 2008,,, I would hate to see the number today... .
Steve said:
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, the welfare program for families living in poverty, is accessible by illegal aliens on behalf of their U.S.-born children,

On Sept. 8, the director in the Government Accountability Office that oversees TANF testified before Congress that the share of immigrant “child-only” families receiving TANF increased from 10.8 percent in 2000 to 19.1 percent in 2008. The number of “child-only” families was a whopping 50.5 percent of all TANF families in 2008, numbering 814,977.

if you give then a reason to come they will...

if it was that high in 2008,,, I would hate to see the number today... .

Laughing all the way to the bank, no doubt.
it needs to be addressed but because it would involve cutting off children from welfare benefits.. no one has the guts to speak out..

Newt recently criticized the welfare state and the poor's lack of a work ethic and is being raked over the coals for the comment..

I guess for a little while we need a tough new breed of politicians so they can deal with this..

Ron Paul might still get my vote.. :shock:

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