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leanin' H

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Western Utah Desert
The old desert is warm and the sun has been broiling us all about medium rare. So we take shade where we can find it. I was hauling some hay this morning and snapped a picture of this young doe where she had bedded in a spot that offered some shade. She layed there until I got within 40 feet and then she got up and moved away. For those of you who aren't members or ranchers, and just read this, I have something I hope you will all remember-
Agriculture is a huge and necessary part of nature. Without our fields and open spaces and places animals can shelter and places animals can drink, animals would truly suffer. They cannot exist surrounded by concrete and steel. You best remember that the next time you or someone else vilifies a rancher or bitches about "carbon footprints". Ranchers and farmers do more for wildlife in ten minutes than a city person can do in a lifetime. That isn't bragging folks- THAT IS A FACT!

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