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Should Christians vote for a Mormon?


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2005
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Do Mormons really have Christian beliefs??? If you google mormonism versus christianity, there are a lot of articles that try to tell you they are the same...... but they are not. I realize some may not care what religion a person is, however, we have an Muslim president and it has made a difference in this country. Romney is not just a mormon, he is a High Priest and let us take a look at an article which quoted him four years ago: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/12/07/MNN2TOPEJ.DTL&type=printable

Romney said some have asked him to distance himself from his religion.

"That I will not do. I believe in my Mormon faith, and I endeavor to
live by it," he said. "My faith is the faith of my fathers," and should
questions about it sink his campaign, "so be it."

Romney didn't delve into Mormon doctrine. But "I believe that Jesus
Christ is the son of God and the savior of mankind," he said, adding
"each religion has its own doctrines and history."

"No candidate should become the spokesman for his faith, for if he
becomes president, he will need the prayers of the people of all
faiths," he said to applause.

"Any person who has knelt in prayer to the Almighty has a friend and
ally in me," he said, adding that he welcomes "our nation's symphony of faith."

The speech wasn't the only occasion in which Romney has talked about his faith, although it was certainly the most formal - and the most important to his campaign aspirations. Earlier this year, Romney was captured at a radio talk show in an unscripted and often combative talk that went into details on what he believes as a Mormon.

That conversation, reported earlier this year on Politico.com, can be
seen on YouTube at www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0rcAByKUFM.

"I do not distance myself from my faith in any way, shape or form,"
Romney told talk show host Jan Michelson at radio station WHO during a
discussion videotaped during commercials. "You don't understand my
faith like I do ... having been a leader in my church."

Romney, specifically addressing Mormon doctrine and discussing his
beliefs regarding the second coming of Jesus Christ, said, "Over the
1,000 years that follows the Millennium, he will reign in two places.
... One will be in Missouri, and one will be in Jerusalem."

While Mormons deny the "White Horse Prophecy" , they do teach it to their congregation.: http://www.utlm.org/onlineresources/whitehorseprophecy.htm

The Mormon god is NOT the God of the Holy Bible.

The Mormon Jesus is NOT the Jesus of the Holy Bible.

The Mormon 'Family' is NOT the same as a Christian family.

You will realize that Mormonism is Belial!

Let us now begin our study of Mormonism and its key differences with Biblical Christianity. You will discover that Mormonism is counterfeit Christianity. It shares much in common with genuine Christianity, but has cleverly redefined the key terms.

1) Jesus and Lucifer are brothers

""Both the scriptures and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and
Lucifer are indeed offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore,
spirit brothers ... But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was
Lucifer's older brother." (June 1986 edition of "Ensign", an official
magazine of the Mormon faith)

"Jesus is the literal spirit-brother of Lucifer, a creation ("Gospel
Through the Ages", p. 15).

2) Mormon doctrine denies the Virgin Birth of Christ

We see this doctrine taught by none other than Brigham Young, one of
the co-founders of Mormonism. Listen:

Check out the pronouncements of Brigham Young in Journal of Discourses,
Vol.8, p.67; Vol.4, p. 218; Vol.4, p.216; Vol.10, p.192; Vol.13, p.145;
Vol.9, p.291; Vol.3, p.365; Vol. 4, p.27—all more or less based on the
following statement by Young:

“When the Virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, the Father had
begotten him in his own likeness. He was not begotten by the Holy
Ghost. And who was the Father? He is the first of the human family…”
“…Jesus our elder brother was begotten in the flesh by the same
character that was in the garden of Eden, and who is our Father in
Heaven” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, pp.50 and 51, emphasis mine).

Literally, Mormons believe that the Mormon god of this Planet Earth
came to the Virgin Mary to have sex with her that conceived Jesus
Christ within her womb. Jesus is thus only a flesh-and-bone human.

Other Mormon authors agree:

"The birth of the Saviour was as natural as are the births of our
children; it was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and
blood - was begotten of his Father, as we were of our fathers,"
(Journal of Discourses, vol. 8, p. 115).

"Christ was begotten by an Immortal Father in the same way that mortal
men are begotten by mortal fathers" (Mormon Doctrine, by Bruce
McConkie, p. 547).

3) Who is the Mormon God?

“When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it
with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him…He
is our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.”
(The Kingdom of the Cults, Walter Martin, p.212, ISBN 0-87123-796-2,
emphasis mine).

Clearly, Brigham Young taught that Adam is their Father and their God!
And according to his doctrine a glorified man—not the Holy Spirit—begot
Jesus Christ in his own likeness!

Men are to attain the goal of being gods in the celestial kingdom.
Since they believe God the Father is the exalted man Adam, they too can
become a god just like him. In fact they are fond of quoting a
statement made by the Mormon Prophet Alonzo Snow, “As man is, God once
was: as God is, man may become.”

The Mormon prophet and founder Joseph Smith taught, "God himself was
once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder
heavens... We have supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will
refute that idea and take away the veil, so that you may see."
('Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith', page 345)

It doesn't take a master theologian to realize that the Mormon God
differs greatly from the God of the Bible. The Bible describes the true
God as existing from all eternity, "Before the mountains were brought
forth, or ever thou hast formed the earth and the world, even from
everlasting to everlasting thou art God." (Psalm 90:2).

"Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to
everlasting." (Psalm 41:13)

The Bible is very clear that God was not at one time a mortal man. So
what is our logical conclusion? The Mormon God is simply another god.
Now at this point I can just hear the outcry of individuals saying,
"Who do you think you are by saying that the Mormons are not
worshipping the true God!"

Hey, don't blame me! God has made Himself very clear. God has given us
His perfect complete Word (The Bible) in which He describes Himself.
When any religion or group teaches a concept of God which does not
agree with the Bible we know that it is referring to a false god an
"imagination of man".

Looking to the Bible we see another criteria which separates the only
true God from the false gods which inhabit the imaginations of men.

Beyond these differences, Mormonism believes that there are many Gods
in the universe.

"And they (the Gods) said: Let there be light: and there was light"
(Book of Abraham 4:3).

You see, Mormonism teaches that the "God" of this Planet Earth is
simply a flesh-and-blood human who lived such an exemplary life
somewhere in the universe that he attained to Godhood and was given his
own planet, which turned out to be this Earth. Logically, false
doctrine means that there are many Gods ruling over many planets.
Mormons teach that the god of each planet is having sexual intercourse
with his wives, producing spiritual offspring. These souls are then
incorporated into physical flesh and blood bodies of normal husbands
and wives.

The Bible teaches that God the Father is spirit and not flesh and bone
(John 4:24 and Luke 24:39). However, Mormonism could not disagree more!

"The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's,"
(Doctrine and Covenants 130:22; Compare with Alma 18:26-27; 22:9-10).

"Therefore we know that both the Father and the Son are in form and
stature perfect men; each of them possesses a tangible body . . . of
flesh and bones," (Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, p. 38).

We should not be surprised at this Mormon teaching because they
believe the god of Planet Earth is a flesh and bone man who achieved
godhood in another life and was given Planet Earth as his own planet.

4) The Mormon family is NOT a Christian family.

In Christianity, while the husband is given authority within the
family, on spiritual terms, the husband and the wife stand equal before
Jesus Christ. They will share equally in the rewards of Heaven.

This is NOT the case in Mormonism. The Mormon husband is busy trying to achieve godhood, while the wife is simply his vassal. Upon the death of both partners, the Mormon husband has the choice as to whether he will "pull his wife through the veil" on Resurrection Day where she will be with him for eternity. If the husband refuses to pull his wife through the veil, she will simply float in some kind of limbo for eternity.

Can you imagine the weight this belief has when a Mormon couple is
having a fight? He can threaten to refuse to pull her through the veil,
and she would take this threat seriously! It is no wonder that Mormon
women have such a high rate of suicide!

Therefore, when Mormons like Glenn Beck trumpet their platform of
returning to "God" and to "Family Values", neither their god nor their
family are anything close to being a Biblical Christian family. You
must understand this very clearly as the push gets stronger for a
Mormon Presidential candidate in 2012.

Mormon family: The Mormon husband is intent upon achieving godhood so he can rule over his own planet. The Mormon wife has no rights within Mormonism, except to obey her husband. When the Mormon god pulls the husband out of his grave and "through the veil" upon the First Resurrection, the husband then decides whether to pull his wife through the veil or whether to leave her in the ground for eternity!

The Christian husband is commanded to "love his wife even as Christ
loved the church and gave Himself for it" (Ephesians 5:25)

(Former Mormon / Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, covers these facts in his
DVD, "Mormonism's Temple of Doom: 2012 Election Alert", )

5) How does a person achieve Salvation in Mormonism?

The Bible teaches that salvation is a Free Gift of God and not of works
(Ephesians 2: 8; Romans 6:23 and Romans 11:6).

Masonry views salvation quite differently.

"Salvation has a double meaning in Mormonism: universal
resurrection ..."

"The first effect [of the atonement] is to secure to all mankind
alike, exemption from the penalty of the fall, thus providing a plan of
General Salvation. The second effect is to open a way for Individual
Salvation whereby mankind may secure remission of personal sins,"
("Articles of Faith", by James Talmage, p. 78-79).

"As these sins are the result of individual acts; it is just that
forgiveness for them should be conditioned on individual compliance
with prescribed requirements -- 'obedience to the laws and ordinances
of the Gospel,'" ("Articles of Faith", p. 79).

According to Mormonism, even Jesus had to lead the kind of exemplary life by obeying the laws and ordinances of the Gospel in order to progress into godhood!

The Bible states that sinful mankind is redeemed by the blood sacrifice
on the Cross, since sins could be forgiven only through the shedding of
blood. However, according to Mormonism, the sins of mankind are
redeemed when Jesus shed his blood in the Garden of Gethsemane!

Why is all this important?

"Mormonism is obviously not the biblical version of Christianity. It is
not Christian, and Mormons serve a different god than do the Christians
-- a god that does not exist. Paul talks about this in Gal. 4:8, 'when
you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are no
gods'. Only the God of the Bible exists. There are no others. Mormonism
puts its faith in a non-existent god." ("A Comparison Between Christian
Doctrine and Mormon Doctrine", Christian Apologetics & Research

6) Occult Physical Proof - By Pastor Ron Riffe

Afterwards, we walked around outside the Temple and the smaller
“Assembly Hall” (as “gentiles” we were not allowed to enter either of
them) and took note of many symbols that speak volumes to anyone
familiar with the occult. Over the front and rear entrances of the
Assembly Hall were stained glass windows with a large “Star of David”
symbol in each of them. Of course the official propaganda of Mormonism
says they represent the 12 tribes of Israel, but those who understand
occult symbolism know better! The two triangles form a “hexagram”—one
of the most evil symbols in the occult world and is used to conjure up
demons by those who dabble in the dark arts. Then I saw that over the
front and rear entrances of the Temple itself was engraved stonework
depicting the “all-seeing eye of God” (actually derived from the “eye
of Horus” in occult lore) and a “grip, or handshake” symbol—both of
which play prominent roles in the rituals of Freemasonry. Furthermore,
spaced along the left side of the building was 5 pointed “stars”
(pentagrams) with two points up and one point down—symbols for “black magick” (spelling intentional). And spaced along the right side of the building were corresponding pentagrams with one point up and two points
down—symbols for “white magick.” Both the black and white aspects are necessary to maintain the balanced duality concept of Gnosticism, the ancient philosophy upon which both Mormonism and Freemasonry are based.
Then interspersed among the other symbols was stonework depicting
phases of the moon and sunbursts—all of which reek of Freemasonry!

The Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, was built to honor Satan,
inside and outside. For the person who knows Satanic symbolism, the
very outside of the Temple proves that Mormonism serves Lord Satan. No
Christian symbols decorate the walls of the Mormon Temples. Bill
Schnoebelen, former Satanist, sets out to expose the Satanic roots of
Mormonism, made especially urgent because Mormonism pretends to be
Christian and has deceived many millions of precious souls.

The Mormon Temple is the spiritual focal point for devout Latter-Day
saints, but the vast majority of them have no idea that each temple is
specifically designed to be a "Magnet For Demons". In fact, while most
people have never heard of this term, Satanists consider it most
important when creating architecture. This video is most important if
you are to truly understand Mormonism and the deep, dark Satanism which
underpins the entire church. Only a former Satanist could ever tell
this story!

Both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were Freemasons. The Temple and the
rituals performed within it bear the unmistakable imprint of
Freemasonry. For instance, the “Temple garment” worn as underwear by every male in good standing with the LDS (Latter Day Saints, or Mormon)
Church has what appears to the uninitiated as “V” on one shoulder and
an “L” on the other. And here is what the on-line dictionary Wikipedia
has to say about it:

“According to generally-accepted Mormon doctrine, the marks in the
garments are sacred symbols (Buerger 2002, p. 58). One proposed element
of the symbolism, according to early Mormon leaders, was a link to the
"Square and Compasses", the symbols of freemasonry (Morgan 1827, pp.
22-23), to which Joseph Smith had been initiated about seven weeks
prior to his introduction of the Endowment ceremony. Thus, the V-shaped
symbol on the left breast was referred to as "The Compasses", while the
reverse-L-shaped symbol on the right breast was referred to by early
church leaders as "The Square" (Buerger 2002, p. 145)” (emphasis mine).

My friend, the devil is a master counterfeiter and Mormons are so nice and loving in their demeanor that they often make genuine Christians
look bad by comparison! But praise the Lord, only the degree of reward
we will receive, or lose, at the Judgment Seat of Christ is dependent
upon such things and not our salvation! God saves by grace alone and
His free gift is in no way based upon personal merit, relative
“goodness” or what we do for others.

7) How important is it for men to believe rightly about Jesus Christ?

There is a HUGE difference between the First Spiritual Covenant
established between God and Moses, and the Second Spiritual Covenant
established between God and God, I.e., between God the Father and God
the Son [Jesus Christ].

Everything changed when Jesus established the Second Spiritual
Covenant. Now, God the Father has vested Jesus Christ will ALL
authority, ALL power, and ALL judgment!! Listen to the Scriptures: All
authority, power, judgment -- a) "But every man in his own order:
Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his
coming. Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the
kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule
and all authority and power. [1 Corinthians 15:23-24] So, at the End,
Jesus Christ will have established all authority and power and then He
delivers this kingdom to the Father. b) "For as the Father hath life in
himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; And hath
given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of
man." (John 5:26-27) Did you understand this Scripture? God has given
Jesus Christ all authority in final judgment to Jesus Christ!! Tremble,
oh man, who would deny the key doctrines of Jesus Christ.

Oh, Freemasons and Mormons, read Matthew 7:22-27 over again and again
and again. I pray that you will see that, your refusal to give Jesus
Christ the preeminence in your religion called Freemasonry will land
your soul in Hell. Will you turn, that you might be saved?

8) Does God live on or near a planet called "Kolob"?

"Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the
residence of God." ("Pearl of Great Price", Abraham chapter 3, Joseph

"The book of Abraham states that God's physical dominion (throne) is
located near a star called Kolob (Abraham 3:2-3) ... Wherever Kolob is
located, its purpose is to "govern" all planets that are of the same
"order" as the Earth (Abraham 3:9). Since Abraham says no more than
that, it is not clear whether he is speaking physically,
metaphorically, or allegorically. Thus, "to govern" might mean a
physical bonding as with gravity, while "order" could conceivably mean
planets similar to the Earth in size, or planets in the same region of
this galaxy or even in the entire Milky Way galaxy. Kolob was also said
by the Egyptians to provide the light for all stars, including that for
our sun (Abr. Facsimile 2). Even so, Latter-day Saints have made no
definitive comment on the meaning of these passages. Encyclopedia of
Mormonism; Daniel H. Ludlow (editor), 1992.

Listen to a Mormon poem about this planet.

"If you could hie to Kolob in the twinkling of an eye,

And then continue onward with that same speed to fly,

Do you think that you could ever, through all eternity,

Find out the generations where Gods began to be? "

This creation of a Planet Kolob is one of the most fantastic inventions
created by the Mormon Church! It takes far more sheer belief to believe
this story than it does to believe any Biblical doctrine.

9) Let us examine the reality that Freemasonry actually created

Christian author, Gary Kah, stumbled across this secret when he was
given a cache of old, secret Freemason books. He wrote about it in his
book, "Enroute To A Global Occupation ". Kah reveals that Masonry
either created or furthered the rise of false religions designed to
weaken and dilute the genuine Christian faith -- Christian Science,
Unitarianism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the Mormon Church.

Remember, Illuminized Freemasonry separates Lucifer from Satan,
claiming they are not the same being. Satan is supposed to be the
negation of God; he is the brother of Jesus Christ! Does this sound
like Mormonism? It should, because Joseph Smith was a 33rd Degree
Mason, as was Brigham Young.

Christian author, Gary Kah, writing in his book, "En Route to Global
Occupation", writes more about Luciferian worship, on page 114, "On 14
July, 1889, Albert Pike issued his instructions to the twenty-three
Supreme Councils of the world, recorded by A.C. De La Rive, in La Femme
et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universalle (page 588). The
following is an excerpt from his speech.

'That which we must say to the crowd is -- We worship God, but it
is the God that one adores without superstition. To you, sovereign
Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the
Brethren of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees -- The Masonic religion
should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in
the purity of the Luciferic doctrine.' " [Kah here is quoting from "
Occult Theosophy", by Edith Starr Miller, Hawthorne, CA, first
published in 1933, p. 220.]

Freemasonry is also proven to be the creative force behind other
counterfeit Christian cults, as Masonry attempted to dilute the
membership of the genuine Christian Church. On Page 94, of "En Route to
Global Occupation", Kah reproduces a chart which he discovered, that
depicts the historic linkage between the recent New Age Movement
through Freemasonry through The Illuminati, the Rosicrucians, the
Knights Templars, Gnosticism, Kabbalism, and to the headwaters of them
all, the Ancient Mystery Religions of Egypt and Babylon, which existed
3,500 years ago. Off to the side of this main body of linkage, were
several spin-off groups created by Freemasonry/Illuminati. "Marxism" is
shown in a box, with an arrow back to Freemasonry/Illuminati! There is
no doubt. Freemasonry/Illuminati created Communism as the direct
opposite to the Thesis, so Hegel's theory could proceed. (Hear full
details in Seminar #2, entitled, "America Determines The Flow of

Dr. Stanley Monteith also proves this linkage in his book, "Brotherhood
of Death".

Thus, this Luciferian book on Magic ties this deeply Satanic Knights
Templar to Modern Freemasonry! Christian author, Gary Kah, in his book,
"Enroute To A Global Occupation", discovered from Freemasonry
literature that Modern Freemasonry links itself to the Knights Templar.
When we peruse some of the literature which Freemasons are encouraged
to study, you will see repeated references to Knights Templar. Indeed,
the 13th Degree of the York Rite is titled, "Knights Templar". ["En
Route to Global Occupation", page 92, Kah]

On page 102, Kah states that"The Templars represented the first
wide-scale attempt to organize and mobilize the forces of occultism for
the purpose of gaining control of the world." This, in a nutshell, is
the New World Order.

Kah continues, "Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in
touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order degenerated,
and some of its members ... were said to practice Phallicism or
sex-worship, and Satanism, and to venerate 'The Baphomet', the idol of
the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation."

Please remember this horrible revelation that Templars practiced
Phallic worship, for you will see this type of material on this
recommended reading list!! Freemasonry is clearly Luciferian worship,
despite their very clever, and successful, attempts to hide this fact.

Knights Templar was one of the most deeply Satanic secret society in
history. "The original Order of Knights Templar was founded in the
twelfth century ... Trade ... made the Templars rich ... In October,
1307, [French King] Philip ordered the arrest of all Templars on French
soil and the seizure of their property. There was reason to believe,
said the king, that the [Templar] order was profoundly heretical; that
its military monks, in fact, were black magicians ... At these trials,
many of the accused Templars admitted ... to witnessing or
participating in ... sodomy, trampling upon the crucifix, and
worshipping some sort of mummified and fiercely bearded three-headed
creature. The creature, swore some of the accused, was named Baphomet
... Some may well have been practicing homosexuals ... Templars were
the custodians of secret esoteric teachings, later associated with
Rosicrucianism and esoteric masonry." ["Mind & Magic', by Francis
X.King, Crescent, ISBN 0-517-06036-1, p. 84-85] [Note: This is a
Luciferian book]

9) The testimony of Former Satanist, Bill Schnoebelen, as to the
advanced Witchcraft practiced within Mormonism.

Mormonism is also Freemasonry to the core. Founders Joseph Smith and
Brigham Young were 33rd Degree Masons and they established Mormonism as
an adjunct to Freemasonry. In this book, "Mormonism's Temple of Doom",
Bill Schnoebelen, demonstrates the many parallels between Masonry and

Bill also proves that the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, is
blatantly covered over on the outside with bold Satanic symbols! (See
Bill's DVD, "Except The Lord Build The House: How Mormon Temples Are
Built To Be Demon Magnets" for full details)

When Bill was in the coven, he became enthusiastic about the powers and
possibilities offered through Witchcraft, so he went to his leader and
asked him to work with him specially to take him as deep into
Witchcraft as possible. Some years later, this coven leader told Bill
that he had taken him as deeply as he could, and that if he wanted to
go to the highest levels of Witchcraft possible, he needed to go to the
Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, for in secret rooms within that
Temple, the highest level of Witchcraft in the world was practiced!

Since Mormonism is Freemasonry at its core, we should also not be
surprised to learn that it shares Mason's reluctance to even utter the
name of Jesus; rather, Masons love to use the name, God, a lot, but shy
away from saying 'Jesus'. With this thought in mind, let us examine the
fact that, during the "Restoring Honor" rally in
Washington, D.C., Beck repeatedly uttered the name, 'God', but never
mentioned 'Jesus'.

NEWS BRIEF: "Have We Anointed An Unworthy Shepherd?" By Jan Markell,
Olive Tree Views, August 31, 2010

"The theme of the Friday gathering of spiritual leaders and the
Saturday rally was an encouragement to turn back to God. The
not-so-subtle theme was "many faiths, but one God.""

Discerning Christians will understand instantly that Beck was simply
uttering the Masonic mantra, "many faiths, one God". This is the theme
of the global Ecumenical Movement, spearheaded by the Pope and by
Freemasonry. In no way, shape or form is this concept Biblical!

Now, let us review the truth that Beck never mentioned the precious
name of 'Jesus'.

"He stated -- and has affirmed this on his radio and television
programs -- that God is the only answer ... There were several prayers
offered at the Friday event and none were made in the name of Jesus."


When you study Mormonism, you peel back the layers much like you would
peel an onion. But, each deeper layer reveals more horror than you
would have ever thought possible! In fact, as you go deeper into your
study of Mormonism, you quickly reach the point where you assume the
worst case scenario. Mormonism does present the earnest seeker with the
"worst case scenario".

In the guise of being Christian, Mormonism is really Luciferianism! The
facts are irrefutable.

Thus, no Christian pastor or any kind of layman should cooperate with a
Mormon on anything, especially politics. As the Apostle Paul warned:

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion
hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?" (2 Corinthians

This kind of spiritual deception is unprecedented, but Jesus foretold
of it in Matthew 24:24. Mormonism is part of the religious "false
prophets" who will arise and deceive many. The rise of Mormonism itself
is a sign that the End of the Age is here.



Is it not truly ironic that in these last days genuine believers are
being “out Christianed” by a group that teaches Jesus Christ and the
devil are brothers!

But no genuine Christian who is even remotely familiar with the Bible
would ever fall for such blasphemy:

“For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even]
gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in
(trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to
destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life” John 3:16
(Amplified Bible, ).

And if you have any doubt as to whether or not they actually teach this
ridiculous concept, here is a quote from the June 1986 edition of
Ensign, an official magazine of the Mormon faith: "Both the scriptures
and the prophets affirm that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are indeed
offspring of our Heavenly Father and, therefore, spirit brothers ...
But as the Firstborn of the Father, Jesus was Lucifer's older brother."

Then to add insult to injury, Mormon doctrine denies the Virgin Birth
of Christ—as per the pronouncements of Brigham Young in Journal of
Discourses, Vol.8, p.67; Vol.4, p. 218; Vol.4, p.216; Vol.10, p.192;
Vol.13, p.145; Vol.9, p.291; Vol.3, p.365; Vol. 4, p.27—all more or
less based on the following statement by Young:

“When the Virgin Mary conceived the child Jesus, the Father had
begotten him in his own likeness. He was not begotten by the Holy
Ghost. And who was the Father? He is the first of the human family…”
“…Jesus our elder brother was begotten in the flesh by the same
character that was in the garden of Eden, and who is our Father in
Heaven” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, pp.50 and 51, emphasis mine).

Again, lest there be any doubt about the one to whom he referred as
being “the first of the human family” and the “same character that was
in the garden of Eden and who is our Father in Heaven,” we find him
identified beyond dispute in another pronouncement made by Young:

“When our father Adam came into the garden of Eden, he came into it
with a celestial body, and brought Eve, one of his wives, with him…He
is our Father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do.”
(The Kingdom of the Cults, Walter Martin, p.212, ISBN 0-87123-796-2, ).

Clearly, Brigham Young taught that Adam is their Father and their God!
And according to his doctrine a glorified man—not the Holy Spirit—begot
Jesus Christ in his own likeness!

To summarize the teachings that identify Mormonism as being
non-Christian, I offer this quote from the late Walter Martin:

“The Mormon Church today finds itself, no doubt, in a very difficult
position where this heinous teaching concerning our Lord’s conception
is concerned. Some Mormons with whom the author has spoken repudiate
violently Brigham Young’s doctrine of the virgin birth, maintaining
that he never really taught such a thing; but upon being faced with
statements from Young’s Journal of Discourses and quotations from
Mormon periodicals and magazines between the years 1854 and 1878,
particularly, they are forced to admit that such was the teaching of
their church under Brigham Young. Then, not wanting to appear before a
Mormon “court” for failure to uphold the prophetic office of Young,
they lapse into silence or reluctantly affirm it” (Ibid, p.214, ).


In closing, I know its much more info than most want, but you might want to think about it...... ANY born again Christian preacher who endorses a mormon is not a born again Christian. Somewhat off topic we must have a bunch of Knights Templars in Congress because the Senate has recently approved sodomy and beastiality in the military...... and the silence of the news media is deafening........
I'd vote for a mormon against a muslim hating American, who wants to "fundamentally transform" America any day, it he/she was the candidate.
Oh, I love posts like this................such a riot!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
jingo2 said:
Oh, I love posts like this................such a riot!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And in their goal to come into all our personal lives and make us all live their view of the "perfect family" life -- the Repub tent gets smaller- and more divided ! :lol: :(

Yep Jingo2--Its so sad its comical-- but the real sad thing is many hardline R cult followers can't see/will deny its happening.....
Faster: They certainly don't pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Bible tells us they pray to the "created" and not the "creator". All false religions pray to the "created".

Hypo: Do you really think a council of foreign relations man is going to stop this march into global government, economy? Have you paid any attention to how the United Nations is placing their people in state government? Supernations #7 and #8 are being formed now in the nonfunctioning gap over in Africa so they can be kickstarted into global government. Perhaps you could look at these 2 articles as well.

Here's one I found today and read the 2nd paragraph as I think that
pretty well sums it up:

and for those that doubt, google Agenda 21 (its a real proposal by the
United Nations)

I don't want to see Obama in a 2nd term either........ but Romney is just as bad as Gingrich.

Jingo/Kola: I knew you'd have a remark to make...... 2 Cor 4:3
John 8:47
Isaiah 32:6
Isaiah 32:7
Hosea 14:9
Have a nice day Kola!
Notice oldtimer and kolo=j9ingo=lulu=allie suck up to each othern niether of them read it, they just opened mouths for each other :roll:
for those christians who believe in armaggeddon, including LDS, why do they really even care who wins.

for them, the end of the world is coming. shouldn't they be busy with other things?
hypocritexposer said:
I'd vote for a mormon against a muslim hating American, who wants to "fundamentally transform" America any day, it he/she was the candidate.

In the end, there's only going to be two choices - unless you go with an independant and waste your vote.

A Muslim does not have to be truthful with us American infidels.
MoGal said:
Faster: They certainly don't pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Bible tells us they pray to the "created" and not the "creator". All false religions pray to the "created".

Hypo: Do you really think a council of foreign relations man is going to stop this march into global government, economy? Have you paid any attention to how the United Nations is placing their people in state government? Supernations #7 and #8 are being formed now in the nonfunctioning gap over in Africa so they can be kickstarted into global government. Perhaps you could look at these 2 articles as well.

Here's one I found today and read the 2nd paragraph as I think that
pretty well sums it up:

and for those that doubt, google Agenda 21 (its a real proposal by the
United Nations)

I don't want to see Obama in a 2nd term either........ but Romney is just as bad as Gingrich.

Jingo/Kola: I knew you'd have a remark to make...... 2 Cor 4:3
John 8:47
Isaiah 32:6
Isaiah 32:7
Hosea 14:9
Have a nice day Kola!

You're a psychic too boot???? Damn what a combo you are!!!!!
Another thing that is comical is that last night I did some searching on the Internet trying to find out who Santorum was-- and the biggest fear of him on the blogs and comment sites is his extreme religious beliefs (he claims to be Roman Catholic) and the worry of many that he would try and shove his beliefs down everyones throats... (reminded me of when Kennedy ran)

Even many who claimed to be Repubs were commenting about their fears of his religious beliefs- but even most Repubs wrote him off as unelectable in a general election because his strong conservative beliefs on the social issues would turn away a lot of moderate Repubs and most Independents... And bring out a stronger Dem turnout...

As several commented- there isn't much difference between the Repubs and Dems on the economic/jobs issues as they are both controlled by Wall Street and the Corporate world anymore - so they didn't figure it mattered who got in there - but they thought the extreme conservative platform on the social issues no longer represented the majority makeup of the country as a whole...
but even most Repubs wrote him off as unelectable in a general election because his strong conservative beliefs on the social issues would turn away a lot of moderate Repubs and most Independents..

at after 1pm there is still not clear result... but it doesn't look like Santorum was counted out tonight...

he won in PA.. in a heavily democratic district..

In 1990, at age 32, Santorum was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives to represent Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district, located in the eastern suburbs of Pittsburgh. He scored a significant upset, defeating a seven-term Democratic incumbent Doug Walgren by a 51%-49% margin.[17] Although the 18th District was heavily Democratic,

The 18th District was redrawn for the 1992 elections, and the new district had a 3:1 ratio of registered Democrats to Republicans; Santorum still won re-election with 61% of the vote

Santorum, in contrast, successfully balanced his national recognition on social issues with local concerns in route to a surprisingly large victory.
Oldtimer said:
Another thing that is comical is that last night I did some searching on the Internet trying to find out who Santorum was-- and the biggest fear of him on the blogs and comment sites is his extreme religious beliefs (he claims to be Roman Catholic) and the worry of many that he would try and shove his beliefs down everyones throats... (reminded me of when Kennedy ran)

Even many who claimed to be Repubs were commenting about their fears of his religious beliefs- but even most Repubs wrote him off as unelectable in a general election because his strong conservative beliefs on the social issues would turn away a lot of moderate Repubs and most Independents... And bring out a stronger Dem turnout...

As several commented- there isn't much difference between the Repubs and Dems on the economic/jobs issues as they are both controlled by Wall Street and the Corporate world anymore - so they didn't figure it mattered who got in there - but they thought the extreme conservative platform on the social issues no longer represented the majority makeup of the country as a whole...

You also forgot stereo-type for someone from Penn who typically does not understand my culture and does not want to. Probably way more influence on the vote than you would ever understand yourself.
backhoeboogie said:
Oldtimer said:
Another thing that is comical is that last night I did some searching on the Internet trying to find out who Santorum was-- and the biggest fear of him on the blogs and comment sites is his extreme religious beliefs (he claims to be Roman Catholic) and the worry of many that he would try and shove his beliefs down everyones throats... (reminded me of when Kennedy ran)

Even many who claimed to be Repubs were commenting about their fears of his religious beliefs- but even most Repubs wrote him off as unelectable in a general election because his strong conservative beliefs on the social issues would turn away a lot of moderate Repubs and most Independents... And bring out a stronger Dem turnout...

As several commented- there isn't much difference between the Repubs and Dems on the economic/jobs issues as they are both controlled by Wall Street and the Corporate world anymore - so they didn't figure it mattered who got in there - but they thought the extreme conservative platform on the social issues no longer represented the majority makeup of the country as a whole...

You also forgot stereo-type for someone from Penn who typically does not understand my culture and does not want to. Probably way more influence on the vote than you would ever understand yourself.

BTW, that can be overcome by getting out and talking to folks and showing some consideration.
Oldtimer said:
Another thing that is comical is that last night I did some searching on the Internet trying to find out who Santorum was-- and the biggest fear of him on the blogs and comment sites is his extreme religious beliefs (he claims to be Roman Catholic) and the worry of many that he would try and shove his beliefs down everyones throats... (reminded me of when Kennedy ran)

Even many who claimed to be Repubs were commenting about their fears of his religious beliefs- but even most Repubs wrote him off as unelectable in a general election because his strong conservative beliefs on the social issues would turn away a lot of moderate Repubs and most Independents... And bring out a stronger Dem turnout...

As several commented- there isn't much difference between the Repubs and Dems on the economic/jobs issues as they are both controlled by Wall Street and the Corporate world anymore - so they didn't figure it mattered who got in there - but they thought the extreme conservative platform on the social issues no longer represented the majority makeup of the country as a whole...

This post of yours is the comical one. So you found a handful giving their opinion. A real piece of investigation on your part. The post translated below
Oldtimer said:
I was surfing the net looking for dirt on Santorum. I didn't find any dirt, so I had to settle for where I found some athiest complaining about him
well if oldtimer can't find anything negative about some one he always can make something up, or only paste what he wants so it reads hiw he wants to, and then does not include links.
backhoeboogie said:
Oldtimer said:
Another thing that is comical is that last night I did some searching on the Internet trying to find out who Santorum was-- and the biggest fear of him on the blogs and comment sites is his extreme religious beliefs (he claims to be Roman Catholic) and the worry of many that he would try and shove his beliefs down everyones throats... (reminded me of when Kennedy ran)

Even many who claimed to be Repubs were commenting about their fears of his religious beliefs- but even most Repubs wrote him off as unelectable in a general election because his strong conservative beliefs on the social issues would turn away a lot of moderate Repubs and most Independents... And bring out a stronger Dem turnout...

As several commented- there isn't much difference between the Repubs and Dems on the economic/jobs issues as they are both controlled by Wall Street and the Corporate world anymore - so they didn't figure it mattered who got in there - but they thought the extreme conservative platform on the social issues no longer represented the majority makeup of the country as a whole...

You also forgot stereo-type for someone from Penn who typically does not understand my culture and does not want to. Probably way more influence on the vote than you would ever understand yourself.

given some of the choices, conservative from PA, a moderate from MA, and a far left liberal from Hawaii/Indonesia/Chicago..

the conservative from PA has alot more in common with a Texan...

most people would be surprised to see how conservative, mountainous, (rural) most of Pennsylvania really is... like many states the rural areas are over whelmed by the larger cities..

, the people for the most part have been around and understand hard work and good ethics.. and are for the most part good solid Christians..

but with large cities, their voice is often drowned out..

Santorum has some background and the media will be attacking him viciously now..

care to bet how long it is before they attack his children, wife and special needs child?
Steve said:
Santorum has some background and the media will be attacking him viciously now..

care to bet how long it is before they attack his children, wife and special needs child?

Is the media going to be as relentless as they were with Palin? It was costing Alaska millions to answer all the questions the media had. It was tying up personnel such that no one could do their jobs. So bad, she had no choice but to resign - which essentially gives in to them. It was the best thing for Alaska tho and that was all she cared about at the time. Ruined her career but she put herself second.

The media is vicious. They have interviewed me for 20 minutes and then only aired a 10 second snippet of my stammering. The same network has requested interviews a few times since then and I tell those networks to pound sand and graciously remind them of what they did.

On the other, for the most part, people from that neck of the woods tend to think we are stupid backwoods idiots who don't need to live the lifestyles we choose. Until proven different. They are not familiar with our culture, don't understand it, would never value a man's word or deal on a hand shake either. If they feel like we are idiots, they have no value or our comments or input. That sucking sound of revenue leaving this state has gotten pretty darn old.

I still recall the stories of New York City going broke back in the 70's and they were paying their sanitation workers more than most doctors earned elsewhere in the USA. The only "help" they wanted was dollars. Things aint changed much since the 70's in that regard.

If he values the opinions of the rest of the USA, he needs to get out and communicate that, sincere communication. Too many of the so called "conservatives" are still sitting on the liberal side of the room from my perspective.
The bashing of Santorum has already started. look at some of oldtimers posts, he has posted some things already, no links though, the liberals do not need proof, just like oldtimer does not need proof any one harassed and stalked anyone all he has to do is accuse.

Care to offer proof oldtimer, or are you just going to act innocent to the fact you lied about that??? What about all the laughing that was done by others against those of is here on RANCHERS, as you claim!! Just another on of your lies :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: What about all the other lies??

Ok now we wait for bullhumper to drop to his knees and slither in to oldtimers de fence LOL
Or kolo=jingo=lulu=allie to offer words of her great wisdom
:roll: :roll: :roll:

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