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So what's obamas strategy


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2007
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The good ole USA
For his election campaign.

The way I see it he will have to tout that he needs more time for hope and change. After all we are still going downwards. Then to silence his opposition and rally his base support he will use the RACE card to fire his cultists up. After all he has nothing else to use.
I think he has already wore out the race card but he will continue to play it trying to squelch eligibility, holder, etc. etc. etc. but in the end he has done too many things against the will of the people and the economy and he will step aside and not run and site race issues or some other mumbo jumbo as his reasoning. he just has waytoo much garbage and baggage and an actual record, although he does try to lie and distort it. I think Hillary will end up being the Democrat nominee. I think the eligibilty issue is his final waterloo. that and being gay and hiding things from the American people. :shock:
He is a narsissist that graded himself, he is not going anywhere voluntarilly. If the Dems want him out they are going to have to unleach the media and destroy him. That is something the elites will not do as that will prove to the voters they did not vet him the first time. They wanted to make history with the first black president and they made history but I doubt it was the history they were hoping for.

Record Debt due to record deficit SPENDING
Record Unemployment spite hundreds of billions being spent on job creation,
Race brought to the fore front on every issue, first ever BEER SUMMIT
untold legal battles over constitutionality of eligilibity and bills,
Contempt of Court on the President
Contempt of Congress charges on the Attorney General,
Known Tax Cheats as Department heads,
Radicals advising the Incompetent President,
A follow not lead foreign policy,
The Pentagon bypassing the Commander and Chief to get things done,
Peaceful Tea Party rallies voicing discontent in government.
Democrat supported Occupy Wall Street taking over and destroying public parks and endangering peoples lives. OH let us not forget them throwing condoms at Catholic School girls.
A President preaching religious tolerance days after demanding the Catholic Church provide ALL forms of Birth control in their healthcare programs.
A President preaching against heated political rhedoric after telling his supporters to bring a gun to a knife fight.
Record amount of golf games, baseball games Lavish parties and vacations all on the backs of struggling Tax payers.

And when the s*it hits the fan IT'S ALL BUSH"S FAULT :roll:

And list goes on and on. :x
There is no way that he can defend his record so the only thing left is to attack the opposition, and attack he will with a vengance
Larrry said:
There is no way that he can defend his record so the only thing left is to attack the opposition, and attack he will with a vengance

I just hope the voters will be smart enough to see though him, as he will be making up so much crap that his opponent is going to be buried in it. Facts have never been a strong suit to him and this election cycle is going to show a VERY DIFFERENT Obama. Last time he had no record to run on this time he will be distracting the issue from his public record. DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY you can bet on it. :shock: :roll: :mad:
Tam said:
Larrry said:
There is no way that he can defend his record so the only thing left is to attack the opposition, and attack he will with a vengance

I just hope the voters will be smart enough to see though him, as he will be making up so much crap that his opponent is going to be buried in it. Facts have never been a strong suit to him and this election cycle is going to show a VERY DIFFERENT Obama. Last time he had no record to run on this time he will be distracting the issue from his public record. DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY you can bet on it. :shock: :roll: :mad:

The reps need to keep up on the points you posted above and make him run on his record. If they can keep him on his record they can send him packing along with his leftwingernut cultists
Larrry said:
Tam said:
Larrry said:
There is no way that he can defend his record so the only thing left is to attack the opposition, and attack he will with a vengance

I just hope the voters will be smart enough to see though him, as he will be making up so much crap that his opponent is going to be buried in it. Facts have never been a strong suit to him and this election cycle is going to show a VERY DIFFERENT Obama. Last time he had no record to run on this time he will be distracting the issue from his public record. DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY you can bet on it. :shock: :roll: :mad:

The reps need to keep up on the points you posted above and make him run on his record. If they can keep him on his record they can send him packing along with his leftwingernut cultists

What they need to do is make an ad with Obama saying " The Good News is WE ARE MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION" then print in under his face

4th year of over trillion with a T deficits
Predicted 1.1 GDP growth for 2013
Predicted 9.1 Unemployment for 2013

Who is lieing.
Obama has already shown his strategy...

he can't run on hope.. he didn't change anything...

so he will resort to

Class warfare,

blame Bush,

blame Congress.

take credit for everything Bush/Congress forced through..

and run against Bush/Congress..
Steve said:
Obama has already shown his strategy...

he can't run on hope.. he didn't change anything...

so he will resort to

Class warfare,

blame Bush,

blame Congress.

take credit for everything Bush/Congress forced through..

and run against Bush/Congress..

So you are saying Obama hired Oldtimer to advise him on strategy. :wink:
Tam said:
Steve said:
Obama has already shown his strategy...

he can't run on hope.. he didn't change anything...

so he will resort to

Class warfare,

blame Bush,

blame Congress.

take credit for everything Bush/Congress forced through..

and run against Bush/Congress..

So you are saying Obama hired Oldtimer to advise him on strategy. :wink:

the cult thinks of one mind,.. it gets instep and stays in lockstep.. until the Koolaid is gone and the cliff is in the rear-view mirror..

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