He is a narsissist that graded himself, he is not going anywhere voluntarilly. If the Dems want him out they are going to have to unleach the media and destroy him. That is something the elites will not do as that will prove to the voters they did not vet him the first time. They wanted to make history with the first black president and they made history but I doubt it was the history they were hoping for.
Record Debt due to record deficit SPENDING
Record Unemployment spite hundreds of billions being spent on job creation,
Race brought to the fore front on every issue, first ever BEER SUMMIT
untold legal battles over constitutionality of eligilibity and bills,
Contempt of Court on the President
Contempt of Congress charges on the Attorney General,
Known Tax Cheats as Department heads,
Radicals advising the Incompetent President,
A follow not lead foreign policy,
The Pentagon bypassing the Commander and Chief to get things done,
Peaceful Tea Party rallies voicing discontent in government.
Democrat supported Occupy Wall Street taking over and destroying public parks and endangering peoples lives. OH let us not forget them throwing condoms at Catholic School girls.
A President preaching religious tolerance days after demanding the Catholic Church provide ALL forms of Birth control in their healthcare programs.
A President preaching against heated political rhedoric after telling his supporters to bring a gun to a knife fight.
Record amount of golf games, baseball games Lavish parties and vacations all on the backs of struggling Tax payers.
And when the s*it hits the fan IT'S ALL BUSH"S FAULT :roll:
And list goes on and on. :x