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Soapweed and Saddletramp herding the Emoticows

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
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Looks like they are trying to get away.

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Looks like the neighbors bulls got in.
MLA, that would be something to see. I think that these guys need something to do. BMR, you want a 2 year old to break for me?
:arrow: The bad part is they are going to be arresting ol' Saddletramp and me for rustling somebody else's emoticows. My emoticows are only legally qualified to travel to the left. <- <- <- <- <- <- <-

When my sisters and I were kids, we had "ranch sets" for toys. These were complete with little log houses, and plastic cowboys, cattle and horses. It didn't take long to "brand" the livestock with a wood-burning set. Our mother tolerated us setting up our "ranches" on the living room floor, and on occasion even allowed us to leave them set up for two or three days on end. We had a good time. I finally had to quit playing with them, because I lost the little cowboy who was me. :cry:
We played back East with a plastic cowboy set, too. The only trouble was the cowboy had legs that fit around the plastic horse. Had a hard time walking him across the ground to play with him! I think we mostly propped him up like he'd had one too many!
Haven't thought about those toys for years. Thanks for the memories! :D
Had a set of those, too. Cousins and neighbour kids and I played with them for hours. Can't remember what we did with them, but it seemed there was no end of opportunities to "move cattle down to your farm" and do a bit of trading, buying and selling with them.

Somebody said that boys never really grow up, they just play with bigger toys. True, maybe?
I also played with farm sets.My cows all had hollow stomachs so I would stick marbles in them and they would be the pregnant ones.Had hard wood floors so would line them with pinto beans an inch apart so they would be my planted feilds. Must have had a patient mom to have beans scatterd all over the floor. :lol: :lol:
They had better call Temple Grandin .They are not at the right angle to move the "cows"They need a protractor. :D :D
Faster horses said:
I think the saying goes like this:

"The only difference between a man and a boy is the price of his toys."
:shock: :wink: :roll:

sooooo trueeeeee!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You guys should be ashamed of your selves :p Rancher and I finally found a game we can play with out arguing. :lol: We were playing quietly and sharing our Emoticows nicely. :cboy: :lol2: :cowboy:
Big Muddy rancher said:
You guys should be ashamed of your selves :p Rancher and I finally found a game we can play with out arguing. :lol: We were playing quietly and sharing our Emoticows nicely. :cboy: :lol2: :cowboy:

:D 8)
baling wire said:
I also played with farm sets.My cows all had hollow stomachs so I would stick marbles in them and they would be the pregnant ones.Had hard wood floors so would line them with pinto beans an inch apart so they would be my planted feilds. Must have had a patient mom to have beans scatterd all over the floor. :lol: :lol:

Years before becoming a nurse I'd spend hours "operating" on stuffed animals, inserting things and sewing them up again. "Lambie" had merthiolate staining his belly incision. But he healed magnificently! :wink:
Big Muddy rancher said:
You guys should be ashamed of your selves :p Rancher and I finally found a game we can play with out arguing. :lol: We were playing quietly and sharing our Emoticows nicely. :cboy: :lol2: :cowboy:

kind of reminds me of the t-shirt i got my hubby shortly after we met that read "does not play well with others" :wink: :wink: :wink:

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