SD Trapper: "LB just so you know you do have to purchase a license from G,F,&P to hunt coyotes or prairie dogs, unless your the landowner or lease/tenant. Coyote calling contestants would need a license, and so would P-dog shooters unless there in legal control of the land.
To hunt coyotes or P-Dogs you need some type of license big game, small game, waterfowl, predator/varmint license, or furbearer license. Or any other valid SD hunting license. Just wanted people to know so they don't get in trouble. While coyotes and P-dogs can be taken year round you still need a license of some type. So yes they are still buying from G,F,&P."
Yes, I do know that anyone shooting anything that isn't on their own land needs a license to do it. I also know that there is no season on coyotes, fox, skunks, rattlesnakes or prairie dogs and you can shoot them any time of the year, which makes it pretty hard for GF&P to justify coming on to private land to do compliance checks just because they see someone out in my pasture or hear gunfire.
SH: "I understand fully LB, you allow certain hunting but would like to create the perception that you allow no hunting.
You dang right we allow folks we know and trust to do predator hunting and prairie dog hunting on our place. We do NOT allow anyone, friend or family, to hunt any game that they have to buy a license for that has a season. I guess I should have clarified that a little more for the slower ones on the board.
SH: "Like I said, "symbolism over substance"."