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Spurs - Slant vrs Straight hangers


Jan 17, 2011
Reaction score
Southland, New Zealand
Hello Guys

I’ve had the same set of spurs for more than 20 years, they are a locally forged set of very plain slant hanger in a “cutter” style with 1 ¼ shanks.

Since reading the article on spurs in a recent Western Horseman I’ve realised my aids might be more effective if I had spurs more suited to my build and horses– I’ve long legs and ride smallish horses!

So I’ve cast around and seen a couple of styles I think might suit (something like the Cowpuncher’s 603 or a Tom Balding #8 shank).

What I can’t figure is whether I’d be best with slanted or straight hangers – what does each type do different to the other? Is a boot thing or strap thing or how they move on your boot (I wear low ropers, usually just cheap Dan Post’s). Any help or comments appreciated.
If you are a tall or big guy, why do you ride short horses? It would make more sense to me if you rode a proportionally sized horse to your size, for a variety of reasons. One of which would be the proximity of your heels to the horse's belly.

Astride an appropriately sized horse, the rider's knees should have a slight bend and his heels should be close to the lower belly of the horse. I prefer short shanked spurs because I tend to over use the longer ones. Mine are straight and one inch long. Spurs are just an aid and should only be used if leg pressure doesn't get the desired results.

I don't know the technical philosophy behind it but I don't see an advantage to slanted spurs. Straight ones keep my toes out and heels down like they should be. Oh well, maybe an expert should have answered this one.
I think that you are asking about the buttons on your spurs. Forgive my lack of technical terminalogy. I think that straight or slanted is preference. I have a fairly big foot so I prefer a slanted button, straight or solid buttons tend to rub my ankle raw, I generally walk over my heel so it is extremely un comfortable. If you were to have a set custom made I suppose you could have the band made long enough to remedy the problem. My favorite spurs were hand made with a short straight shank, 1" band, and slanted buttons, someone stole them when I was in college. Apparently they like them equally as well. Hope I read your question correctly.
Thanks FlyingS - that makes sense, the buttons on my current set do "grab" my ankle from time to time and they have a short band. I think I need a longer band with slanted hangers


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