Mike said:
It's hard for me to understand your and Dis's hatred for the man. A politicians decisions are hardly ever perfect to all, but at least he doesn't make every decision based on a poll like some have in the past. :wink:
I don't hate George W. Bush. Actually, I almost feel sorry for him these last few weeks. Cheney and Rove seem to have deserted him. I do hate what he's done to my country.
The decision to invade Iraq has changed the world more than you and I know.
What an arrogant statement.
Take the Libyan stance of late, and no doubt the North Koreans will hesitate before making some foolish mistake.
And more arrogance. Why would you think North Korea will hesitate to do whatever they want to do? Surely not our defeat of the terrorist and insurgents in Iraq. :roll: The US has been pulling troops out of South Korea to send into Iraq. What would our situation be if North Korea decided to pay Seoul a visit?
Furthurmore, do you think that Iran has been paying attention to the watered down European peace negotiations? They are laughing themselves to sleep at night.
Yes, Iran is laughing at us. As soon as the US invaded Iraq, Iran sent their agents into the southern region of Iraq to start imposing strict Islamic laws. In some parts of the British zone, the towns are full of Iran agents, just waiting for us to leave (and we will) so they can take over. Condi Rice went to Russia today to try to get their support for our UN stand against Iran and failed again.
Since George W. Bush invaded a small, soverign country that posed no threat to this country, since the prison abuses in Iraq Gitmo, the United States of America has no high moral ground to make demands from. That's what George W. Bush has done to my country.
Face it, the USA is a safer place with the show of force in good intentions. Your grandchildren may be the ones who appreciate it and may their heads be left intact.
You face it. The US is no safer today than we were before 9-11. In fact, many people agree that we're less safe since Bush's call for a Crusade in the Middle East. The Syrian President had the gall to suggest that the US should do a better job policing our border with Mexico before we start making demands on them to keep insurgents from crossing their border with Iraq. And he's right. Our southern border is wide open to virtually anyone who wants to come across. The terrible disaster in New Orleans has made it clear to the world that George W. Bush is an incomptent president. There's no doubt in my mind that it's given our enemies a lot of encouragement.