rancher said:
I tried to find one and couldn't, they just list so much for advertising, promotion and etc., but nothing is broke down. Does anyone know where you can get this info?
rancher, have you tried the www.beefboard.org website? If you can't find it there, call or email Monte Reese.
[email protected]
or 303-220-9890. If he can't answer, leave a message and he will return your call. He will get back to you, one way or the other, if you don't make direct contact.
jigs, have any of you complaints or comments about the checkoff been answered to your satisfaction? I don't claim to know everything there is to know about it, but I do know where to go to find out, and am happy to do so if it helps even one more rancher better understand our Beef Checkoff.
I also believe ranchers have a responsibility to learn as much as they can about the checkoff, and to give their thoughts on it to the leadership. One way you can do that is simple as emailing Monte Reese, going right to the top. A phone call would be even better. Have you checked out that website? I don't do that as much as I should because my computer is so slow, but do know there is a wealth of information there.
A recent and very exciting project with some checkoff dollars leveraging LOTS of business dollars is the Boston Garden promotion. That has been a chicken featuring restaurant chain. Checkoff people convinced them to put in a line of sirloin roast and steak entrees. I've heard their ads on HGTV, and the music caught my attention, when most ads just roll on by as I'm usually reading while watching TV. Next time we are in Rapid City, we hope to try one of those sirloins!
I do not know the figures on this promo, but for the previous year, all such checkoff partnerships with businesses were at a rate of ONE checkoff dollar to SIXTY business dollars. Businesses respect the leaders and staff of the Beef Checkoff, and those leaders and staff are doing an excellent job of maximizing checkoff impact.