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Take this quiz, find out your Presidential pick


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
real world

20 questions on the issues and then they will give you an answer to who most supports your answers
This thing is all screwed up.

Go through and mark no opinion on all the questions and mark that you don't care if they lied and see what you get.

I figured I was marking for an idependant
i went back and hit none or the last thing listed!!! Obama got 60% go figure :roll:
No big surprize the bottom three I would support are all Dems with even Gaffe master Biden beating incompetent Obama in the ranking. :lol: :lol:

And I agree with you Faster Horses any site that believes Obama is mostly true is so bias they can't be taken seriously. :wink:
Select the set of candidates, then answer the 20 questions,
and you'll get compared to those candidates.


Sarah Palin was top on my list, followed by Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich

on the other-side even Nader beat out Obama.. :shock:

maybe voters should have to take a simple on the issues quiz before voting.. it might actually show some voters who they agree with.. and who is way down on their list..

when taking the quiz and trying to think like a liberal,, (what an oxymoron liberal and thinking,, ) Ralph Nader, Hillery, Biden and Ron Paul scored higher the Obama.. :shock:
Steve said:
when taking the quiz and trying to think like a liberal,, (what an oxymoron liberal and thinking,, ) Ralph Nader, Hillery, Biden and Ron Paul scored higher the Obama.. :shock:

ewwwww! I hope you took a shower immediately afterwards :wink: :lol:
Maybe there should be a Test on the Country with some Constitution questions, if you fail you don't vote.

Maybe if you recieve more from the government than you pay in taxes then you don't vote. That would get rid of those evil Corps who only live off of society :wink:
Larrry said:
Maybe there should be a Test on the Country with some Constitution questions, if you fail you don't vote.

Maybe if you recieve more from the government than you pay in taxes then you don't vote. That would get rid of those evil Corps who only live off of society :wink:

I'm just guess but I don't think the Dems would support your qualifications to vote. They would never see power again as all their supporters would be ban. :wink:
Tam said:
Larrry said:
Maybe there should be a Test on the Country with some Constitution questions, if you fail you don't vote.

Maybe if you recieve more from the government than you pay in taxes then you don't vote. That would get rid of those evil Corps who only live off of society :wink:

I'm just guess but I don't think the Dems would support your qualifications to vote. They would never see power again as all their supporters would be ban. :wink:

heck, the dems don't even support a valid ID let alone any real qualification..

Republican ideal qualifications to vote:
A US citizen
18 years old
able to read and understand English
understanding of the candidates position on issues.
basic understanding of the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
a desire to better our country with the vote

Democrat qualifications
can check democratic column with assistant of local acorn volunteer or let acorn rep vote for you if you are unable to comprehend what a vote is.
dead is ok
non citizen is ok
multiple voting is ok
bought votes are fine
fraudulent votes are fine

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