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Texas Fires & Drought


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
Pictures of damage from Texas by Trinity Man:


When I looked through these pictures and in talking to some people who were in Texas as fire-fighting volunteers, but got sent home by DHS, I get madder by the minute that our resident azzhole OT would even bring up the fact that Perry asked for Federal assistance as being hypocritical. All the man (Perry)wanted was help..........................................

Especially when Perry asked back in April for equipment assistance in building fire lanes, etc and was turned down. Perry must have had psychic powers to see the upcoming disasters at hand.

I can only hope that OT gets his karma by losing every single thing that he owns one day in payback for pushing the agenda of bashing Republicans among those of us where it really does not matter in the long run.

I'd like to drop him off down in Texas to see if he would try and convince these Texans of his evil thoughts.

I'm really at a loss for words after looking at these pictures and for someone to discount these horrors in an attempt at "talking politics" is simply unacceptable.
Well you can bash me all you want- but if you can't see the hypocrisy in a Presidential candidate that preachs his state can stand on its own- even suggesting seceding from the union-- that has stood in lockstep with his Teaparty buddies in calling for Disaster payments/efforts (flooding and Hurricane Irene) to be cut/withheld until offsets to the budget can be found (but ironically hasn't used that argument for Texas aid :roll: )...
A candidate that preachs cutting or doing away with federal programs- but objects and screams when it is a back yard pork (Space Shuttle)...A NIMBY *********...

Texans should be mad- they should be hanging the Governor that cut $34 million from the Texas Forest Service (the folks fighting the fires) budget and reduced funding from some volunteer fire depts by 75%-- especially during a year of severe drought with little predictions of it to end soon.....

I thought this article was perfectly fitting- how the stand alone- pull ourselves up from the bootsteps- secede from the union TeaParty leader was now having to accept help from the gays and liberals of California.... :wink: :lol:

This is the entirely predictable outcome of a state without income taxes that’s ruled completely by Teapublicans. They wanted “small government” — they got it.

Texas Forest Service officials said they were requesting 300 to 400 additional firefighters from outside agencies. Officials said crews fighting the Bastrop blaze and other large fires were still short-staffed Tuesday, although help was arriving from elsewhere in the state and as far away as California.

It’s bad enough that the Secessionist had to ask Obama for help — but the high-tax, liberal, totally gay People’s Republic of California?

How humiliating

But I doubt he will learn that standing together- and working as a UNION in trying times/times of disaster is what made this country- not everyone running off on their own little agendas...
Oldtimer said:
Well you can bash me all you want- but if you can't see the hypocrisy in a Presidential candidate that preachs his state can stand on its own- even suggesting seceding from the union--


One question, if Texas seceeded from the Union would their tax dollars still go to the fed gov.

As long as their tax dollars go to the feds only a MORON would think that Texas shouldn't ask for some of it back to help in a disaster. Surely you aren't a MORON ot
The Texas Forest Service Budget WAS NOT CUT.

There was a one-time infusion of needed money for "Capital Purchases" i.e. EQUIPMENT.................................................

The normal budget for this year went back to it's normal amount.

Texas Forest Service Budgets:


I wonder how it feels to be wrong on everything like you? :roll:

This bunk about wildfires and "slashed" budgets reminds me a lot of the other bogus, misleading, and ignorant reporting about the Texas budget, usually by non-Texans, over the past several months.

Texas didn't "slash" anything. If anything, the state firefighting budget is as high as it has ever been, and the Texas Forest Service is as well-equipped and well-prepared as it has ever been, with more recently-trained volunteer firefighters than ever before. There was a one-time surge in Texas Forest Service spending for equipment, from 2009 stimulus dollars, into the 2010-2011 biennial budget. That temporary surge was never intended to be a new baseline. It was for one-time capital expenditures.

You wonder why there's a spending problem in Washington? This mentality of never, ever being able to return to the normal baseline of spending after a supposedly temporary injection of stimulus is a perfect example of why budgets are out of control in Washington and balanced in Texas.
oldtimer just does not get much!!!! he only looks for things that he agrees with or it is just not what he wants to believe in..
He got what he believed in obamm,
No he wants to slam Perry and or all repubs or Tea party individuals. slam is waht he does best, too bad it is like a broken record from him/
:D :D :D :D :D
Yep- true NIMBY *********-- took Billions of Stimulus $ (only California took more)-- while telling folks "we don't need your steenking money"-- used it to balance the budget rather than for stimulus jobs- and then can now come back and say he didn't cut any state fire funding because it was federal money he's been using :roll: ...

I wonder if he thanked Obama and the Dems for doing what he couldn't do- balance Texas's budget... :roll: :lol:

Perry ducked state law on disclosing some stimulus money


Updated: 6:39 p.m. Monday, May 10, 2010

Published: 9:39 p.m. Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gov. Rick Perry has always publicly stiff-armed federal stimulus dollars, even as he accepted billions to balance the state budget and tens of millions that he could award to constituents.

He even ignored state law and his own executive order that require all state agencies and institutions of higher education to be "accountable and transparent" by posting their stimulus spending reports on their Web sites.

Until Tuesday, that is.

After a reporter's inquiry, the Governor's Criminal Justice Division began posting reports, some of them months old, on its Web site. Perry's spokeswoman, Katherine Cesinger, would not elaborate on why the governor chose not to follow the law that he expected other state officials to follow.

State Rep. Jim Dunnam, D-Waco , who leads the House committee overseeing federal stimulus programs in Texas, said Tuesday that he isn't surprised by the governor's actions.

"Unfortunately, it's a pattern of the governor publicly distancing himself from the federal stimulus while accepting the majority of the money," Dunnam said. "They took $16 billion, and most Texans think they haven't taken any of it."

Last year, Perry accepted about $16 billion in federal stimulus money so lawmakers could avoid deep budget cuts or tax increases. But he refused to accept smaller amounts for unemployment benefits and education programs, saying that money came with "strings attached," an argument his critics rejected.

Stimulus-Hating Gov. Rick Perry Used Stimulus to Balance Texas Budget
Elspeth Reeve Jan 25, 2011

Gov. Rick Perry used federal stimulus money to pay 97 percent of Texas's budget shortfall in fiscal 2010--which is funny, because Perry spent a lot of time talking about just how terrible the stimulus was. In fact, Texas was the state that relied most heavily on stimulus funds, CNN's Tami Luhby reports.

"Even as Perry requested the Recovery Act money, he railed against it," Luhby writes. "On the very same day he asked for the funds, he set up a petition titled 'No Government Bailouts.'" It called on Americans to express their anger at irresponsible spending.

Thanks to the stimulus funds, Texas didn't have to dip into its $9.4 billion rainy day fund. Still, now that the stimulus is spent, Texas, like many other states, is facing severe cuts--$31 million must be carved from the budget.

Rick Perry Makes Texas #1 In Mooching Federal Stimulus Funds

by: Katherine Haenschen
Mon Jan 24, 2011 at 03:13 PM CST

Give Rick Perry credit -- he's made Texas #1 yet again, this time for being the top state to mooch national stimulus funds to plug budget shortfalls.
That's right -- Rick Perry not only took Federal stimulus money, but also used it to plug 97% of the 2010 budget shortfall.

But wait, didn't we all just spend 6 months of our lives listening to Rick Perry go all Yell Leader on the soundness of the fiscal state of Texas?

Thanks to a report released by the bipartisan National Conference of State Legislatures, we now know that Perry was the most dependent on his own personal Federal bailout to rescue our state. From CNN:

Turns out Texas was the state that depended the most on those very stimulus funds to plug nearly 97% of its shortfall for fiscal 2010, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Texas, which crafts a budget every two years, was facing a $6.6 billion shortfall for its 2010-2011 fiscal years. It plugged nearly all of that deficit with $6.4 billion in Recovery Act money, allowing it to leave its $9.1 billion rainy day fund untouched.

And this is now your Savior you have annointed and put on a pedestal to worship :???:
Typical Liberal. Change the subject.................................... :roll:

How about those Forestry Service cuts? :mad:
Oldtimer said:
Yep- true NIMBY *********-- :

It must really suck to lead the life you do. The only way you can feel good about yourself is to call names of the Tea Party people. Are you so insecure that that is the only way you can feel good about yourself. Go ahead and call the Tea Party people names because when you do the only thing you are saying is "ot is a Moron and can't do anything but call people childish names"

So are you a MORON?
Larrry said:
One question, if Texas seceeded from the Union would their tax dollars still go to the fed gov.

As long as their tax dollars go to the feds only a MORON would think that Texas shouldn't ask for some of it back to help in a disaster. Surely you aren't a MORON ot
Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
Yep- true NIMBY *********-- :

It must really suck to lead the life you do. The only way you can feel good about yourself is to call names of the Tea Party people. Are you so insecure that that is the only way you can feel good about yourself. Go ahead and call the Tea Party people names because when you do the only thing you are saying is "ot is a Moron and can't do anything but call people childish names"

So are you a MORON?

That is a perfect name for the folks using the Tea Party fad for their personal political convenience- but then do the opposite of what they say... :roll:

I wonder if old Perry had to turn his back when he took all the stimulus money that he used to balance the state budget he couldn't- while complaining about the federal stimulus and federal spending :???:

Or when he was begging to the White House a month ago for the Federal government to declare them a disaster area-- so the Feds could come in and save them and pick up the Billions $ more in firefighting bills-- while his Tea Party was ranting that the Federal government shouldn't spend anymore for the other disasters until they found matching cuts- or in some cases totally do away with FEMA :???:

I think its ironically comical that they are sending money from D.C.- and firefighters from California- the land of Liberals and Gays- to save those "independent" Texans rearends- and from them having to pay a state income tax ....

Old Perry should be kissing Obama for saving his arse rather than criticizing him......
Oldtimer said:
Well you can bash me all you want- but if you can't see the hypocrisy in a Presidential candidate that preachs his state can stand on its own- even suggesting seceding from the union--

For the PIG
Larrry said:
One question, if Texas seceeded from the Union would their tax dollars still go to the fed gov.

As long as their tax dollars go to the feds only a MORON would think that Texas shouldn't ask for some of it back to help in a disaster. Surely you aren't a MORON ot

Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
Well you can bash me all you want- but if you can't see the hypocrisy in a Presidential candidate that preachs his state can stand on its own- even suggesting seceding from the union--

For the PIG
Larrry said:
One question, if Texas seceeded from the Union would their tax dollars still go to the fed gov.

As long as their tax dollars go to the feds only a MORON would think that Texas shouldn't ask for some of it back to help in a disaster. Surely you aren't a MORON ot

I never said they probably shouldn't get aid-- but when you have to put your hand out for aid- do you think its right to bite the hand that feeds you? :???:

Especially one that has long said they/he doesn't need the federal government--even talking of secession from the union...

If you do not see the hypocrisy-- I can't help you...Like you told Tex- reading comprehension is not one of your strong points.... :(

And like I said before- standing together- and working as a UNION in trying times/times of disaster is what made this country- not everyone running off on their own little agendas...
Oldtimer said:
Larrry said:
Oldtimer said:
Well you can bash me all you want- but if you can't see the hypocrisy in a Presidential candidate that preachs his state can stand on its own- even suggesting seceding from the union--

For the PIG
Larrry said:
One question, if Texas seceeded from the Union would their tax dollars still go to the fed gov.

As long as their tax dollars go to the feds only a MORON would think that Texas shouldn't ask for some of it back to help in a disaster. Surely you aren't a MORON ot

I never said they probably shouldn't get aid-- but when you have to put your hand out for aid- do you think its right to bite the hand that feeds you? :???:

Especially one that has long said they/he doesn't need the federal government--even talking of secession from the union...

If you do not see the hypocrisy-- I can't help you...Like you told Tex- reading comprehension is not one of your strong points.... :(

And like I said before- standing together- and working as a UNION in trying times/times of disaster is what made this country- not everyone running off on their own little agendas...

Com,e on you aren't that stupid , the feds are getting money from Texas. Do you expect Texas to just forget all the money they gave to the feds. Until they would secede from the Union and quit contributing to the Union they are entitled to fed aid.
You're making an azz out of yourself OT. Talk of secessation is one thing, but wanting to get a piece of the pie you contributed to is another.

Plus, how is taking your own money biting the hand that feeds you?

You're a phoney that won't admit you're wrong. :roll:

Now, how about those Texas Forestry Service cuts you were speaking of? :lol:
the taxpayer money should have never left Texas for DC in the first place.

Nice to see some of it making its' way back, but obviously some has been siphoned off already by obama to pay off his political contributors, in the form of stimulus dollars.

Pretty bad, when a state has to beg the Feds. to get back what they contributed.
OT, have you ever wondered what % of the tax dollars that makes its' way to DC makes its' way back to the specific state that contributed those dollars?

Here's 2 as an example.

looks like Texas is helping pay for Montana's "pork".....


But Montana's Governor- while he may have disagreed with some of Washingtons actions--- wasn't standing out there cussing the Federal Governments plan to send out Stimulus money or calling for the end of using federal funding for disasters- and giving the President and the country the finger- while he took in the funding with his other hand behind his back... Nor have I heard him suggest that secession from the Union is the way to go....

That is the difference between a sound and sane leader and a radical hypocrit playing to the wingernut crowd....
Oldtimer said:
But Montana's Governor- while he may have disagreed with some of Washingtons actions--- wasn't standing out there cussing the Federal Governments plan to send out Stimulus money or calling for the end of using federal funding for disasters- and giving the President and the country the finger- while he took in the funding with his other hand behind his back... Nor have I heard him suggest that secession from the Union is the way to go....

That is the difference between a sound and sane leader and a radical hypocrit playing to the wingernut crowd....

Trust me ot Perry is playing up to you

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